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[原版] 《巨型希拉毒蜥/The Giant Gila Monster》(1959) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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我们以旁白和河流冲刷的全景开场。一对夫妇帕特·惠勒(格雷迪·沃恩饰)和他的女朋友莉兹·汉弗莱斯(约兰达·萨拉斯饰)正坐在他的车里,突然有什么东西把车推下峡谷,冲进了水里。一只巨大的爪子占据了屏幕,片尾字幕不断滚动。一群青少年正在一家汽水店跳舞。戈迪(唐·弗洛诺伊饰)和他的女朋友珍妮(简·麦克伦敦饰)开着戈迪的跑车停在外面。蔡斯·温斯特德(唐·沙利文饰)和他的女朋友丽莎(丽莎·西蒙妮饰)乘坐蔡斯的跑车抵达。蔡斯询问帕特和莉兹的情况,当得知他们的车可能坏了时,蔡斯立即质疑说:“不是他的事,我自己修的。”丽莎为惠勒家族工作。她是来自法国的交换生,惠勒先生是她的担保人。她告诉大家帕特没有回家吃晚饭,他的父亲非常沮丧。老哈里斯(舒格·费舍尔饰)开着他的 1932 款福特汽车抵达。蔡斯想买他的车,但哈里斯不感兴趣销售。这群孩子开车出去。警长(弗雷德·格雷厄姆饰)把车停在惠勒的大房子前。他与惠勒先生(鲍勃·汤普森饰)会面,讨论他失踪的儿子帕特的事。惠勒告诉警长,他的儿子和帕特的女朋友昨晚都没有回家。治安官推断他们可能私奔了。惠勒指责蔡斯;他认为蔡斯对他的儿子和镇上其他孩子的影响太大了。警长提醒惠勒,蔡斯是个好孩子,在他的父亲“死在你的一台钻机上”后,他一直努力工作。警长在康普顿车库停下来与蔡斯交谈。他认为蔡斯可能知道帕特和莉兹去了哪里。蔡斯告诉他他不知道,但驳斥了私奔理论。警长的最后一站是汉弗莱斯农场。他与艾德·汉弗莱斯(霍华德·威尔饰)和他的妻子阿加莎(斯托米·梅多斯饰)会面,讨论他们失踪的女儿莉兹的情况。他们不知道她在哪里,但比 W 先生更亲切、更理解警长的挑战赫勒。在出去的路上,他撞见了哈里斯。他知道哈里斯是个酒鬼,并要求闻他的呼吸声。心满意足,送他上路。警长一走开,哈里斯就拿出一个瓶子喝了一大口。他开车走了。康普顿(塞西尔·亨特饰)是蔡斯工作的车库的老板,他带着四夸脱的硝化甘油回来了。惠勒下令这样做,以防发生井喷和油火。康普顿告诉蔡斯,他从安全箱中取出了硝基。蔡斯吓坏了,立即把它们放在安全箱里的棚子里。他的父亲教他如何处理这种危险的液体。当电话响起时,康普顿提醒蔡斯这不是给他们的,“这不是我们的戒指。”但蔡斯认出了这是治安官的环码并进行了窃听——如果这是一次意外,蔡斯估计会从中得到一份工作。他的预感得到了回报,蔡斯开着他的跑车前往现场,康普顿不久后开着拖车跟了上去。事故现场,蔡斯已经到了。他们检查了失事的车辆,发现发动机仍然很热。蔡斯让治安官注意路上的刹车痕迹。它们与行进方向成直角。他们还注意到内饰上有血迹。在等待拖车时,蔡斯告诉治安官他的妹妹需要腿部支架。康普顿开着拖车沿着公路行驶时,在高速公路上遇到了一名提着手提箱的男子。潜伏在灌木丛中的是巨型毒蜥,以下简称 GGM。这名男子(德斯蒙德·杜德斯蒙德·杜饰)拿出一包香烟,点了一根。他听到了一些声音,但看不到声音的来源。 GGM 接近了,那人又掉进了灌木丛中。他的手提箱原封不动地坐着。当康普顿在蔡斯的协助下找到残骸时,治安官告诉他们汽车被盗了。在回家的路上,蔡斯注意到路边有一个手提箱,于是停了下来。警长几乎立刻就停了下来。赫斯普推测它可能属于偷窃并毁坏汽车的人。他们环顾四周,看到一根松散的香烟和半包香烟。他们把箱子放进警长的车里,然后就离开了。蔡斯在惠勒家停下来看望丽莎。她很沮丧。惠勒先生要求她停止与蔡斯见面。他将帕特的失踪归咎于蔡斯。蔡斯正在驾驶拖车,一辆全新的凯迪拉克以极快的速度从他身边驶过。司机注意到前方道路上的 GGM,于是转向以避免它撞上栅栏并导致他的车瘫痪。蔡斯停下来提供帮助,发现司机没有受伤,但喝得酩酊大醉。驾驶者是“压路机”霍雷肖·阿尔杰·史密斯(肯·诺克斯饰)。他穿着燕尾服,自我介绍,并解释说有一个巨大的粉红色和黑色的东西挡住了道路。蔡斯挂上他的车并将其拖回车库。第二天早上,蔡斯一边敲打史密斯汽车的挡泥板一边唱歌。它吵醒了正在宿醉的史密斯,但他喜欢他所听到的。他给蔡斯他的名片并告诉他“来找我”。他给蔡斯 40 美元小费,然后离开。治安官把车停在车库前,注意到蔡斯正在修理那辆失事的汽车。蔡斯似乎帮自己从废墟中为他的跑车换了几个新轮胎。蔡斯告诉警长他将帮助寻找帕特和莉兹。治安官注意到轮胎的变化,但没有反对。戈迪、蔡斯和他们的女朋友在洗衣间搜寻。 GGM 看着他们。蔡斯和丽莎沿着峡谷走下去,沿着河边走。蔡斯注意到一些痕迹,看起来像是有什么大东西被拖过。蔡斯尝到了小溪里的一些水,但把它吐了出来,并指出它的味道很苦,而且矿物质味很浓。戈迪按响了汽车喇叭,蔡斯和丽莎跑了回来。戈迪告诉蔡斯,他在旧水库两三英里外的洼地底部发现了帕特的车。戈迪和蔡斯用拖车把它拖了出来。他们把失事的汽车带回车库。警长到达并询问在哪里他们找到了那辆车。他注意到与其他车辆遭受的损坏相同。当治安官询问车库老板康普顿时,蔡斯告诉他,他运送了燃油。路上,康普顿驾驶着一辆燃油卡车。 GGM 将其撞离道路,残骸爆炸起火。蔡斯关闭车库回家。他的母亲(盖伊·麦克伦登饰)在门廊上遇见了他。她挡住了他进屋的路,所以他接了她。当他进屋时,她让他闭上眼睛——她给他准备了一个惊喜。他的妹妹米西(贾妮斯·斯通饰)戴着腿部支架。米西惊呼道:“看看丽莎给我带来了什么。”她试图穿过房间,但摔倒了,又站起来,又走了几步。然后蔡斯给她唱了一首歌。蔡斯感谢丽莎的牙套。他打算第二天就买,但丽莎抢先了他。电话响了。警长正在询问康普顿的情况,因为据报道发生了一起涉及一辆加油车的事故。蔡斯在车库遇见了他。哈里斯报告了这起事故。蔡斯、哈里斯和治安官乘坐蔡斯的车离开,因为治安官的车轮胎漏气了。他们到达事故现场时,卡车仍在燃烧,但没有康普顿的踪迹。警长告诉蔡斯,据报告牲畜失踪。 在车库,戈迪和他的朋友听到广播报道压路机史密斯同意在即将举行的谷仓舞会上担任 DJ。他们正在等待蔡斯,他的敞篷跑车涂了新漆,哈里斯开车沿着路行驶,一边唱歌一边喝酒。他看到一列火车并决定与它赛跑到十字路口。火车错过了。再往下走,当 GGM 在其下方滑动时,栈桥被损坏。火车出轨,许多乘客被杀和吃掉。目睹出轨事件后,他转身开车返回警长站报案。警长采访哈里斯。他对这个故事不满意,并怀疑他酒后驾车,因此将他锁了起来。蔡斯的妈妈开着蔡斯的跑车回家。米西和蔡斯在里面;她带着一个手提箱,并告诉蔡斯她要在布莱克威尔家过夜。电话响了;又是警长。他要一本关于爬行动物的书。在治安官办公室,他和蔡斯讨论了某些动物患上巨人症的可能性。哈里斯声称看到了 GGM,火车失事的一些幸存者也看到了。蔡斯讲述了压路机史密斯与他所描述的一种巨大的粉红色和黑色生物的遭遇的故事。人们正在谷仓跳舞。里面有音乐和舞蹈。蔡斯推出了压路机史密斯。史密斯播放一张唱片。惠勒先生和警长在车库见面。惠勒很生气,因为他儿子帕特的车在没有经过适当调查的情况下就被移动了。他指责他保护蔡斯。惠勒断定他的儿子已经死了;他还注意到轮胎被盗,并要求警长逮捕蔡斯。他们开车前往舞会进行逮捕。史密斯播放一张唱片并要求观众识别歌手。丽莎猜测是蔡斯。蔡斯拿起班卓琴唱歌。警长和惠勒分别乘坐不同的车辆到达,GGM 同时前往谷仓。 GGM 撞穿了墙壁。恐慌随之而来。警长从车里取出猎枪,开枪射击,但收效甚微,但还是设法将其赶走。警长代理惠勒并命令他把所有人都留在那里。蔡斯和丽莎开车离开。蔡斯有一个计划。蔡斯跑回车库去取硝酸甘油,一共四夸脱。他沿着路跑,注意到栅栏破裂了,布莱克威尔住宅也被毁坏了,他的妹妹正在那里拜访。他们开车穿过一片田野,发现布莱克威尔一家和米西正在逃跑。米西摔倒并被丽莎扶住,而蔡斯则冲向 GGM。在跑车撞到那个生物之前,他跳出了跑车。它在撞击时爆炸,杀死了 GGM。警长过来问道:“你用什么打他?”蔡斯回应道:“我的全新,100% 完成的热棒。”惠勒告诉治安官,康普顿走了,蔡斯失业了。他告诉治安官,他为蔡斯找到了一份工作。

We open with a narration and a sweeping view of a river wash. A couple, Pat Wheeler (Grady Vaughn) and his girlfriend, Liz Humphries (Yolanda Salas) are sitting in his car when something pushes the car over and down a ravine and into the wash. A giant claw fills the screen and credits roll.A group of teens are dancing at a soda shop. Gordy (Don Flournoy) and his girlfriend, Jennie (Jan McLendon) pull up outside in Gordy's roadster. Chase Winstead (Don Sullivan) and his girlfriend Lisa (Lisa Simone) arrive in Chase's roadster. Chase inquires about Pat and Liz, and when told their car may have broken down, Chase immediately challenges that by saying, "not in his heap, I worked on it myself." Lisa works for the Wheeler family. She is an exchange student from France and Mr. Wheeler is her sponsor. She tells everyone Pat didn't come home for dinner and his father was very upset. Old Man Harris (Shug Fisher) arrives in his 1932 Ford. Chase wants to buy his car but Harris is not interested in selling. The gang of kids leaves for the drive in.The Sheriff (Fred Graham) pulls up to the large Wheeler home. He meets with Mr. Wheeler (Bob Thompson) regarding his missing son, Pat. Wheeler tells the sheriff that both his son and Pat's girlfriend didn't come home last night. The sheriff infers they may have eloped. Wheeler blames Chase; he thinks Chase has too much influence over his son and the rest of the kids in town. The Sheriff reminds Wheeler that Chase is a good kid and works hard after his Dad died "on one of your drill rigs." The Sheriff stops at Compton's Garage to talk to Chase. He thinks Chase may know where Pat and Liz have gone. Chase tells him he doesn't know, but dismisses the elopement theory. The final stop by the Sheriff is the Humphries' farm. He meets with Ed Humphries (Howard Ware) and his wife Agatha (Stormy Meadows) about their missing daughter, Liz. They have no idea where she is, but are more gracious and understanding of the Sheriff's challenge than Mr. Wheeler. On his way out he bumps into Harris. He knows Harris is a drinker and asks to smell his breath. Satisfied, he sends him on his way. No sooner has the Sheriff walked away than Harris pulls out a bottle and takes a swig. He drives off.Mr. Compton (Cecil Hunt), the owner of the garage where Chase works, returns with a load of four quarts of nitroglycerin. Wheeler ordered it in case there was a blowout and oil fire. Compton tells Chase he took the nitro out of the safety cases. Chase is horrified and immediately puts them in the shed in safety cases. His Dad taught him how to handle this dangerous liquid. When the phone rings, Compton reminds Chase that it is not for them, "It's not our ring." But Chase recognizes it as the Sheriff's ring code and eavesdrops--if it is an accident, Chase figures to get a tow job out of it. His hunch pays off, and Chase heads off in his roadster to the scene, with Compton following a short time later with the tow truck.When the Sheriff arrives at the accident scene, Chase is already there. They examine the wrecked vehicle and notice the engine is still warm. Chase directs the Sheriff's attention to the skid marks on the road. They go at a direct right angle to the direction of travel. They also notice blood on the upholstery. While waiting for the tow truck, Chase tells the Sheriff about his little sister's need for leg braces.While Compton is driving down the road in the tow truck he passes a man on the highway with a suitcase. Lurking in the underbrush is the Giant Gila Monster, hereinafter GGM. The man (Desmond Doogh) pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one. He hears something, but can't see source of the noise. The GGM approaches and the man falls back into the brush. His suitcase sits untouched. As Compton hooks up the wreck with Chase assisting, the Sheriff tells them the car was reported stolen. On his way home Chase notices the suitcase on the side of the road and stops. The Sheriff pulls up almost immediately. He speculates that it might belong to the person who stole and wrecked the car. They look around and see a loose cigarette and half a pack. They put the case in the Sheriff's car and both depart. Chase stops at the Wheeler home to see Lisa. She is upset. Mr. Wheeler has demanded she stop seeing Chase. He blames Chase for Pat's disappearance.Chase is driving the tow truck when a brand new Cadillac passes him at great speed. The driver notices the GGM on the road ahead and veers to avoid it crashing into a fence and disabling his car. Chase stops to render assistance and notices the driver is unhurt but very drunk. At the wheel is Horatio Alger "Steamroller" Smith (Ken Knox). He is dressed in a tux and introduces himself and explains that a large pink and black thing blocked the road. Chase hooks up his car and tows it back to the garage. The next morning Chase is hammering out the fender of Smith's car and singing. It wakes Smith, who is sporting a hangover, but he likes what hes hearing. He gives Chase his card and tells him to "look me up." He tips Chase $40 then departs.The Sheriff pulls up to the garage and notices Chase working on the wrecked car. It seems Chase has helped himself to a couple of new tires off the wreck for his roadster. Chase tells the Sheriff he will help with the search for Pat and Liz. The Sheriff notices the switch of tires, but doesn't object.Gordy and Chase and their girlfriends search the wash. The GGM watches them. Chase and Lisa walk down the ravine and along the wash. Chase notices marks that look like something large was dragged. Chase tastes some water in the stream, but spits it out and remarks that it tastes bitter, and strongly of minerals. Gordy honks his car horn, and Chase and Lisa run back. Gordy tells Chase he found Pat's car at the bottom of the wash about two or three miles back by the old reservoir. Gordy and Chase pull it out with the tow truck. They bring the wrecked car back to the garage. The Sheriff arrives and asks where they found the car. He notices the same kind of damage as other vehicles sustained. When the Sheriff asks about Compton, the garage owner, Chase tells him he made a fuel oil delivery. On the road, Compton is driving a fuel oil truck. The GGM knocks it off the road and the wreck explodes into flames. Chase closes up the garage and heads home. His mother, (Gay McLendon) meets him on the porch. She blocks his path into the house, so he picks her up. She makes him close his eyes as he enters the house--she has a surprise for him. His little sister, Missy (Janice Stone) is wearing leg braces. Missy exclaims, "Look what Lisa got me." She makes an attempt to cross the room, but falls, gets up and walks a few more steps. Chase then sings her a song. Chase thanks Lisa for the braces. He intended to buy them the next day, but Lisa beat him to it. The phone rings. The Sheriff is inquiring about Compton as there was an accident involving a fuel truck reported. Chase meets him at the garage. Harris reported the accident. Chase, Harris and the Sheriff leave in Chase's car, as the Sheriff's car has a flat tire. They arrive at the accident scene and the truck is still burning, but no trace of Compton. The Sheriff tells Chase that livestock have been reported missing.At the garage, Gordy and his friend hear a radio report about Steamroller Smith agreeing to DJ at their upcoming barn dance. They are waiting for Chase, who drives up with a new paint job on his roadster.Harris is driving down the road, singing and drinking. He sees a train and decides to race it to the crossing. The train misses. Further down the line a trestle is damaged as the GGM slides under it. The train derails and many of the passengers are killed and eaten. After witnessing the derailment, he turns around and drives back to the Sheriff station and makes a report. The Sheriff interviews Harris. Dissatisfied with the story and suspecting drunk driving, he locks him up.Chase's mom arrives home in Chase's roadster. Missy is inside with Chase; shes carrying a suitcase and informs Chase shes spending the night at the Blackwells. The phone rings; its the Sheriff again. He asks for a book on reptiles. At the Sheriff's office he and Chase discuss the possibility of some animal developing gigantism. Harris claims to have seen the GGM, as have some of the survivors of the train wreck. Chase recounts his story of Steamroller Smith's encounter with what he described as a large pink and black creature.At the barn dance people are arriving. Inside there is music and dancing. Chase introduces Steamroller Smith. Smith plays a record. Mr. Wheeler and the Sheriff meet at the garage. Wheeler is mad because his son Pat's car was moved without a proper investigation. He accuses him of protecting Chase. Wheeler concludes his son is dead; he also notices the stolen tires and demands the Sheriff arrest Chase. They drive over to the dance to make the arrest. Smith plays a record and asks the audience to identify the singer. Lisa guesses that it is Chase. Chase picks up a banjo and sings. The Sheriff and Wheeler arrive in separate vehicles, and the GGM simultaneously makes its way to the barn. The GGM crashes through the wall. Panic ensues. The Sheriff retrieves his shotgun from the car and fires with little effect, but does manage to chase it off. The Sheriff deputizes Wheeler and orders him to keep everyone there. Chase and Lisa drive off. Chase has a plan. Chase races back to the garage to retrieve the nitroglycerin, all four quarts. He races along the road and notices a break in the fence and the damaged Blackwell residence, where his little sister was visiting. They drive across a field and spot the Blackwell family and Missy fleeing. Missy falls and is covered by Lisa while Chase races towards the GGM. He jumps clear of his roadster just before it hits the creature. It explodes on impact killing the GGM. The Sheriff arrives and asks, "What did you hit him with?" Chase responds, "my brand new, 100% completed hot rod." Wheeler tells the Sheriff with Compton gone, Chase is unemployed. He tells the Sheriff he has a job for Chase.

《巨型希拉毒蜥/The Giant Gila Monster》(1959) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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