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[原版] 《鞭子与身体/The Whip and the Body》(1963) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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在 19 世纪的一个无名波罗的海国家,库尔特·门利夫(克里斯托弗·李饰)在游历欧洲多年后来到了他的海滨城堡。但他并没有受到热烈的欢迎,因为每个人都知道他是一个虐待狂,通过鞭打情人来获得性满足。他的前情人是内文卡·门利夫(达莉亚·拉维饰),现在嫁给了库尔特毫无骨气的弟弟克里斯蒂安(卢西亚诺·斯特拉饰)。库尔特和克里斯蒂安的父亲,一位残疾的伯爵(古斯塔沃·德纳尔多饰)从一开始就没有原谅库尔特的离开。女仆乔吉亚(哈里特·怀特·梅丁饰)急于报复他,因为多年前科特抛弃女儿后,她的女儿刺伤了自己的喉咙,导致女儿自杀。尽管如此,科特还是被允许留下来,因为他是家人。 第二天早上,科特遇到了他的另一个表弟卡蒂亚(艾达·加利饰),他知道她暗恋着克里斯蒂安。他得意地向她保证,他能感受到她的痛苦,因为他对内文卡很感兴趣。卡蒂亚逃离这个不受欢迎的揭露。科特接下来进入宽敞、宽敞的客厅,他的父亲大部分时间都在那里度过。库尔特解释说,现在他已经回家了,他觉得自己应该成为下一个继承家族财产的人。但伯爵向他保证这种情况不可能发生。 “你要继承的一切,你都永远丧失了”,他告诉科特。 “你自己干的,还带着你的骂名!”科特被激怒了,冲出了客厅。科特对自己的失败感到痛苦,他来到海滩,看到内文卡坐在水边若有所思。他走近她,提醒她他们过去的关系。他们接吻,然后内文卡后退,用她的马鞭打科特的脸。然后他冷静地从她手中夺走它,并将她推倒在地。他敲打着她背上的马鞭,冷笑道:“我明白了,你没有改变。你一直都喜欢暴力”。然后他开始一次又一次地殴打她。内文卡被殴打的反应非常su她的表情表明了性兴奋。科特又打了她几次后,把马鞭扔到一边,开始强奸她。在与内文卡结束后,科特回到城堡,在那里他遇到了卡蒂亚和克里斯蒂安,他们问他内文卡在哪里,科特回答说他不知道。当他们看到库尔特拿着内文卡的马鞭时,他们立即知道他在撒谎。天快黑了,卡蒂亚和克里斯蒂安出去寻找内文卡,而库尔特则回到了自己的卧室。不久之后,一个看不见的人用匕首刺伤了他的喉咙,他被杀了。 与此同时,克里斯蒂安在海滩上发现了内文卡,她的背上布满了伤痕。让内文卡上床睡觉后,克里斯蒂安派人去找科特。家庭管家洛萨特(卢西亚诺·皮戈齐饰)去接库尔特,却发现他的尸体躺在地板上,匕首就放在他身边。洛萨特的尖叫声把其他人带进了房间,乔吉亚看到他死了,高兴得歇斯底里。d,被她女儿自杀时使用的同一把匕首杀死。科特的葬礼结束后,克里斯蒂安胆怯地问他的父亲是否对这起杀戮负责。伯爵对这些指控感到愤怒,并让儿子离开客厅。不久之后,整个家庭开始瓦解。克里斯蒂安和内文卡之间的婚姻变得更加紧张。内文卡开始看到科特的幻象。有一次,他的鬼魂在半夜拜访了她,比以往任何时候都更加凶猛地鞭打她。 不久之后,伯爵被发现在客厅里被谋杀,与科特一样,用的是同样的武器。克里斯蒂安发誓要找到凶手,卡蒂亚指责乔吉亚,指出她完全有杀死科特的动机。乔治亚承认她想杀死库尔特,但向所有人保证,她对伯爵的爱使她不可能杀死他。在其他地方,内文卡的思想变得更加精神错乱,科特的每一个噩梦般的景象都让她更加不安。后向克里斯蒂安解释了一切,甚至他也开始相信库尔特可能是谋杀他们父亲的幕后黑手,而他的鬼魂正在做所有的杀戮。克里斯蒂安和洛斯特从家庭墓穴中挖出了库尔特腐烂的尸体,并焚烧了遗体以尝试让库尔特安息。当他们看着科特的遗体被烧毁时,死者发出阴险的笑声。克里斯蒂安和洛斯特跟着一个打扮成库尔特的斗篷人物来到城堡,克里斯蒂安摘下兜帽,露出的不是别人,正是内文卡。最终,可怕的真相浮出水面:内文卡是在潜入城堡并通过隐藏通道溜出后谋杀了科特的人。但她对罪行感到悔恨,再加上意识到自己确实爱科特,迫使她表现得好像他还活着一样,穿上他的衣服来补充这种幻觉。那些夜晚,内文卡甚至鞭打自己,并谋杀了她的父亲,以报复他的流放。内文卡逃离了她的丈夫,在此过程中刺伤了他的手臂,然后回到了地下室。现在,内文卡真正相信库尔特还活着,决定再次杀死他来结束这一切。科特最后一次出现在她面前,在他们最后的“拥抱”中,她刺伤了他,但用匕首刺进了自己的胸口,她倒地身亡。

In a nameless Baltic country in the 19th Century, Kurt Menliff (Christopher Lee) arrives at his seaside castle after many years of wondering through Europe. But he is not warmly received for everyone knows that he is a sadist who gets sexual gratification from whipping his lovers. His former lover is Nevenka Menliff (Daliah Lavi), who is now married to Kurt's spineless younger brother Christian (Luciano Stella). Kurt and Christian's father, an invalid Count (Gustavo De Nardo) has never forgiven Kurt for leaving in the first place. The maid, Giorgia (Harriet White Medin) is anxious to get back at him for causing the suicide of her daughter who stabbed herself in the throat after Kurt walked out on her years ago. Nevertheless, Kurt is allowed to stay because he is family.The following morning, Kurt confronts his other cousin Katia (Ida Galli) whom he knows to be secretly in love with Christian. He smugly assures her that he feels her pain, as he is interested in Nevenka. Katia flees from this unwanted revelation. Kurt next enters the large, cavernous living room where his father spends most of the time. Kurt explains that now he has returned home, he feels that he deserves to be next in line to inherit the family estate. But the Count assures him that there is no chance of that happening. "Everything you were to inherit, you forfeited forever", he tells Kurt. "You did it yourself, with your infamy!" Angered, Kurt storms out of the living room.Embittered by this personal defeat, Kurt goes to the beach where he sees Nevenka sitting pensively by the water. He approaches her, and reminds her their past liaisons. They kiss, and then Nevenka recoils, striking Kurt across the face wit her riding crop. He then calmly takes it out of her hand and pushes her to the ground. Cracking the riding crop across her back, he sneers: "You haven't changed, I see. You've always loved violence". He then proceeds to strike her again and again. Nevenka's reactions to being beaten are very subdued and the expression her face suggests sexual excitement. After striking her several more times, Kurt tosses the riding crop aside and proceeds to rape her.After finishing with Nevenka, Kurt returns to the castle where he is confronted by Katia and Christian who ask him where Nevenka is, to which Kurt replies that he has no idea. They immediately know that Kurt is lying when they see him holding Nevenka's riding crop. As it is getting dark, Katia and Christian head out to look for Nevenka, as Kurt retires to his bedroom. Soon after, he is killed when an unseen person stabs him in the throat with a dagger.Meanwhile, Christian discovers Nevenka on the beach, her back covered with welts. After putting Nevenka to bed, Christian sends out for Kurt. The family butler, Losat (Luciano Pigozzi), goes to fetch Kurt, only to discover his dead body on the floor, with the dagger lying beside him. Losat's screams bring the others into the room, where Giorgia is hysterical with joy to see him dead, killed by the same dagger her daughter used to commit suicide.After Kurt's funeral, Christian timidly asks his father if he was responsible for the killing. The Count is enraged by these accusations, and tells his son to leave the living room. Soon after, the entire family unit begins to unravel. The marriage between Christian and Nevenka becomes more strained. Nevenka starts to see visions of Kurt. At one point, his ghost visits her in the middle of the night, whipping her more ferocious than ever.Soon afterwards, the Count is found murdered in the living room in the same fashion as Kurt, with the same weapon. Christian vows to find the killer, and Katia accuses Giorgia, pointing out that she had every motive to kill Kurt. Giorgia admits that she wanted to kill Kurt, but assures everybody that her love for the Count would have made it impossible for her to kill him. Elsewhere, Nevenka's mind becomes more unhinged and each nightmarish vision of Kurt unsettles her ever further. After explaining everything to Christian, even he comes to believe that Kurt may have been behind the murder of their father, and that his ghost is doing all the killing.Christian and Loast unearth Kurt's decaying dead body from the family crypt and burn the remains to try to put Kurt to rest. As they watch Kurt's remains burn, the dead man's sinister laughter rings out. Following a cloaked figured dressed as Kurt, Christian and Loast follow it to the castle where Christian pulls off the hood to reveals none other than Nevenka. At last the terrible truth comes out: Nevenka was the one who murdered Kurt after sneaking back into the castle and sneaking out through hidden passageways. But at her remorse over the crime, coupled by the realization that she really did love Kurt, compelled her to act out as if he is still alive, by dressing in his clothes to complement the illusion. Nevenka even went as far as to whip her self during those nights, and murdered her father as revenge for his ostracizing her love.Nevenka escapes from her husband, stabbing him in the arm in the process, and makes her way back to the crypt. Now really believing that Kurt is alive, Nevenka decides to put a stop to it all by killing him again. Kurt appears to her for a final time where in their final 'embrace' she stabs him, but instead stabs herself in the chest with the dagger, and she falls dead.

《鞭子与身体/The Whip and the Body》(1963) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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