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[原版] 《我爱的第一个女孩/First Girl I Loved》(2016) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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年鉴编辑安妮在观看高中女子垒球比赛时爱上了球队明星萨莎。她向最好的朋友克利夫顿坦白了自己的认识,克利夫顿因自己对安妮的感情而反应很糟糕。他吻了安妮,在她最初把他推开后,他强奸了她,在她哭泣的过程中他没有停止。她最终推开了他,泪流满面地表示,她目前迷恋的人不是克利夫顿所认为的男孩,而是女孩。克利夫顿称她为堤坝,并指责她引导他。 在年鉴采访的幌子下,安妮拜访了萨莎,两人开始建立友谊。在接下来的几周里,他们的关系通过短信不断发展,最终安妮在萨莎导致她的球队输掉了重大比赛后安慰了她。克利夫顿继续出于嫉妒而猛烈抨击安妮。当安妮发现他打破了她的自行车锁并导致其被盗时,她在年鉴课上对他进行了身体攻击,导致她受到纪律处分学校的行动(正如他计划挑衅她在众人面前攻击他,以使她陷入麻烦)。克利夫顿仍然致力于破坏安妮的计划,最终亲自约见萨莎。然而,在与辅导员会面时,他开始后悔自己的行为,他慢慢意识到自己强奸了安妮。 在因打架而受到学校谴责并与母亲争吵后,安妮与萨莎一起出去玩并说服她让她去萨莎家过夜。当天晚上,两人偷偷溜到一家酒吧,与一些男人调情,但最终互相跳舞并接吻。萨莎在他们的相遇后感到困惑,但让安妮回家,两人共用她的床。第二天,萨莎拒绝与安妮说话并尝试与克利夫顿约会,但他接受了安妮与她约会,并误认为萨莎的提议是为了他胡子。安妮试图恢复与萨莎的关系,但没有成功,甚至承认安妮在公共场合公开暗恋她,但萨莎仍然保持疏远。安妮越来越受伤,她在学校年鉴中偷偷地添加了一张她和萨莎接吻的照片。交换的照片被印在每本年鉴上,克利夫顿、安妮和萨莎的家人被学校召集起来。在那里,萨莎声称照片中的相遇是非自愿的,并描绘了安妮在她喝醉时利用她的情况。克利夫顿正在努力应对自己违反安妮同意的行为,他承担了将照片放入年鉴的责任,并表示学生中有多少人知道两人正在约会。萨莎最终承认,她“不知道”自己是否同意。然后安妮和她的母亲离开了会议。 那天晚些时候,安妮拜访了她和萨莎常去的酒吧和零售店的老板贾斯敏,现在她要测试自己是否感染了艾滋病毒。两人分享了一段对她的历史的反思,其中安妮评论了另一次强迫性经历。安妮讨论 h呃对萨莎感到心痛并接受她是同性恋。离开时,她给自己买了一辆新自行车。

While watching a high school girls softball game, yearbook editor Anne falls for the team star Sasha. She confesses her realization to her best friend Clifton, who reacts badly due to his own feelings for Anne. He kisses Anne, and, after she initially pushes him away, he rapes her, not stopping as she cries through the encounter. She eventually pushes him away and tearfully expresses that her current crush is not a boy, as Clifton had assumed, but a girl. Clifton calls her a dyke and accuses her of leading him on.Under the guise of yearbook interviews, Anne visits Sasha and the two begin to strike up a friendship. Their relationship grows over the upcoming weeks through their texting, culminating in Anne comforting Sasha after the latter causes her team to lose their big game.Clifton continues to lash out at Anne in jealousy. When Anne discovers he broke her bike lock and caused it to be stolen, she physically attacks him during their yearbook class, causing her to receive disciplinary action from the school (just as he planned to provoke her into attacking him in front of witnesses in order to get her into trouble). Clifton remains engaged in his plan to sabotage Anne, ultimately asking out Sasha himself. However, he begins to regret his actions during a meeting with his guidance counselor, in which he slowly comes to realize that he raped Anne.After being reprimanded by the school for fighting, and arguing with her mother, Anne goes on a hangout with Sasha and convinces her to let her sleep over at Sasha's house. That same night, the two sneak out to a bar and flirt with some men, but end up dancing with each other and kissing. Sasha is confused following their encounter, but lets Anne return home and the two share her bed.The following day, Sasha refuses to speak to Anne and attempts dating Clifton, but he's accepted Anne dating her and mistakes Sasha's offer to be for him to be a beard. Anne tries unsuccessfully to resume her relationship with Sasha, even admitting her crush in public, but Sasha continues to remain distant.Growing hurt, Anne secretly includes a picture in the school yearbook of her and Sasha kissing. The swapped photo is printed in every yearbook, and the families of Clifton, Anne, and Sasha are called by the school to convene. There, Sasha asserts that the encounter in the photograph was non-consensual and depicted Anne taking advantage of her while she was drunk. Clifton, grappling with his own breach of Anne's consent, takes the blame for placing the photo in the yearbook and expresses how much of the student body knew the two were dating. Sasha ultimately concedes that she "doesn't know" if she hadn't or had consented. Anne and her mother then leave the meeting.Later that day, Anne visits Jasmine, the owner of the bar and retail store where she and Sasha hung out, now to test herself for HIV. The two share a period of reflection over her history, in which Anne comments on another coercive sexual experience. Anne discuss her heartache over Sasha and accepts that she is gay. As she leaves, she buys herself a new bike.

《我爱的第一个女孩/First Girl I Loved》(2016) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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