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[原版] 《这黑猫/The Black Cat》(1981) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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英国一个小村庄里发生了奇怪的事情,一名男子开车时突然在后座遇到一只奇怪的黑猫,猫通过迷人的凝视,导致男子将车撞到灯柱上,导致男子死亡。黑猫回到了它的家,那是一栋杂乱的老房子,住着罗伯特·迈尔斯(帕特里克·马吉饰),他是一位病态、充满敌意的前超自然现象大学教授,被认为是灵媒。迈尔斯教授独自生活,除了他同样充满敌意的黑猫外,他把时间花在最近死者的坟墓上录制录音带上。与此同时,一位名叫吉尔·特拉弗斯(敏西·法默饰)的美国游客冒险进入一个开放的地下室,为她的剪贴簿拍照,却发现地板上有一个小麦克风。冒险出去时,她遇到了当地警官威尔逊(阿尔·克莱弗饰),威尔逊警官告诉她不要冒险进入墓穴,因为死者喜欢独处。 “他们不是版本威尔逊说:“你们热情好客。”在另一处,当地性格外向的青少年莫琳·格雷森(丹妮拉·多利亚饰)和她的男友斯坦在附近运河上的一艘划艇上划船前往船库,并将自己锁在一个密闭的房间里,这样他们就可以在附近的运河上划船。发生性关系。莫琳变得紧张,斯坦发现锁着的门的钥匙不见了。房间里的空气开始耗尽,他们被困住了。第二天,莉莲·盖森(达格玛·拉山德饰)向警方报了女儿失踪的消息,警长向警方报了案。威尔逊给苏格兰场的警官戈利(大卫·沃巴克饰)打电话,戈利骑着摩托车进城,一到警察局就立即收到威尔逊警官开出的超速罚单。与此同时,吉尔正在寻找迷你麦克风的主人。她告诉迈尔斯,迈尔斯与她讨论了感知障碍以及如何摆脱这些障碍。他试图催眠吉尔,但被黑猫阻止,黑猫突然跳起来并抓伤了他。吉尔离开了我那天晚上,一个名叫弗格森(布鲁诺·科拉扎里饰)的当地人离开当地的酒吧,步行回家。猫出现并把他吓到了一个废弃的谷仓。当猫科动物突然出现在他面前时,弗格森试图沿着高高离地的横梁逃跑。猫抓着头顶上的横梁以保持平衡,抓伤了手,然后他摔倒在地上的几根长矛上而死。 戈利督察到达现场并要求吉尔帮忙拍摄死者的照片。当她这样做时,她看到手上有猫抓痕,这让她想起前一天迈尔斯遭受的痛苦。格雷森夫人来到迈尔斯家,恳求他帮助她找到失踪的女儿。据透露,迈尔斯多年前就与格雷森夫人有过恋爱关系,他不情愿地同意提供帮助。迈尔斯拿着莫琳拥有的手镯,进入恍惚状态,描述了船库以及丢失钥匙的位置。警察和格雷森夫人赶到了正如迈尔斯所说,现场并找到一切。他们推开从里面锁上的门,发现了莫琳和斯坦已经严重腐烂的尸体。钥匙在外面的防水布上,这对于凶手来说是不可能的壮举,因为离开房间的唯一其他出路是一个被堵塞的空调通风口,对于人类来说太小了。那天晚上,猫的下一个受害者是格雷森夫人本人。她被那只恶毒的猫在她的房子里引发的火灾烧死了。第二天,吉尔去了迈尔斯家,给他看了她拍的死者手上划痕的照片。吉尔现在相信迈尔斯对猫施加了邪恶的超自然影响,但迈尔斯说是猫支配了他。那天晚上,迈尔斯给猫下了药,把它带到户外,掐着它的脖子挂在树枝上。猫的死释放了超自然力量,吉尔在乡村旅馆的床上睡觉时也受到了打击。猫出现在迈尔斯面前再次,现在是对受惊的迈尔斯的幽灵诅咒。戈利警督深夜造访吉尔的房间,与她讨论一小时前发生的神秘闪光和事件。当他离开时,戈尔利看到了邪恶的生物本人,并受到它的攻击和催眠。第二天,吉尔仍然认为迈尔斯是真正的凶手,当他外出时,吉尔偷偷溜进他的家,在他的办公室周围窥探,发现了他的录音。他与死者的对话。当迈尔斯突然回来时,她跑到地窖躲起来,遇到了黑猫,黑猫在她眼前神奇地出现又消失。她惊恐地逃跑,被迈尔斯逼到了墙角。他告诉她,这只猫已经接受了他对村民压抑的仇恨,并在他不知情或无法控制的情况下表现出来。吉尔逃跑了,但遭到了袭击,首先是地窖里的蝙蝠,然后又是迈尔斯,他知道吉尔用一根棍子打倒了她。吉尔醒来时发现迈尔斯将她活活围困在地窖墙壁的一个空间里,她的嘴被绑住了。他还拿走了她的钥匙并清空了她的酒店房间,让她看起来似乎已经离开了村庄。然而,在车祸中幸存下来的戈利警督与威尔逊警官和他的上司弗林警官一起前往迈尔斯的家,并坚持在其中寻找猫和吉尔的踪迹。他们什么也没找到,正要离开,却听到地窖里传来猫微弱的叫声。他们找到了新砌的墙,把它砸倒后,他们发现吉尔还活着,而迈尔斯不知道的情况下,猫被关在那里。当吉尔被拉出来时,迈尔斯向戈利咕哝说,猫赢了,而他却成了自己邪恶行为的受害者。

Strange things are happening in a small English village starting when a man driving a car suddenly encounters a strange black cat in the back seat and through the mesmerizing stare, the cat causes the man to crash his car into a lamp post, killing him. The black cat travels back to its home, a rambling old house occupied by Robert Miles (Patrick Magee), a morbid and hostile former college professor of the supernatural who is reputed to be a medium. Professor Miles lives alone except for his equally hostile black cat, and spends his time making audio tape recordings at the tombs of the recently deceased. Meanwhile, an American tourist named Jill Travers (Mimsy Farmer), ventures into an open crypt to take photographs for her scrapbook when she discovers a small microphone on the floor of the place. Venturing out, she meets the local police constable Sergeant Wilson (Al Cliver) who tells her not to venture down the crypt against saying that the dead like to be left alone. "They're not very hospitable," says Wilson.Elsewhere, Maureen Grayson (Daniela Doria), a local outgoing teenager and her boyfriend, Stan, are in a rowboat on a nearby canal when they row to a boathouse and lock themselves in an airtight room so they can have sex. Maureen becomes nervous and Stan discovers that the key for the locked door has disappeared. They are trapped as the room's air begins to run out.The following day, Lillian Gayson (Dagmar Lassander) calls the police to her daughter's disappearance and Sergeant Wilson calls a man from Scotland Yard, Inspector Gorley (David Warback) who rides into town on his motorcycle and immediately gets a speeding ticket from Sergeant Wilson upon arrival at the police station. Meanwhile, Jill's search for the owner of the mini-microphone leads her to Miles, who discuses with her the barriers of perception and how to escape them. He tries to hypnotize Jill, but is prevented from doing so by the black cat, which suddenly leaps and scratches him. Jill leaves in a hurry.That night, a local man named Ferguson (Bruno Corazzari) leaves the local pub and walks home. The cat appears and scares him into a disused barn. When the feline appears suddenly before him, Ferguson tries to make his escape along a beam high off the ground. The cat scratches his hands as he holds onto a beam above his head to keep his balance, and he falls off to his death landing on some pikes on the ground.Inspector Gorley arrives at the scene and asks Jill to help photographing the dead man. As she does so, she sees cat scratches on the hands, which remind her of those suffered by Miles the previous day. At Miles' house, Mrs. Grayson arrives and begs him to help her find her missing daughter. Miles, who is revealed to have been romantically involved with Mrs. Grayson many years ago, reluctantly agrees to help. Holding a bracelet owned by Maureen, Miles enters a trance and describes the boathouse, and the location of the missing key. The police and Mrs. Grayson rush to the scene and find all as Miles had said. Batterering down the locked door, which had been locked from the inside, they discover the horribly decomposing bodies of Maureen and Stan. The key was on the tarpaulin outside, an impossible feat for a murderer since the only other way out of the room was a blocked air conditioning vent far too small for a human.That night, the cat's next victim is Mrs. Grayson herself when she gets burned to death by a fire in her house started by the malevolent feline. Jill goes to Miles house the following day and shows him the photographs she took of the scratches on the dead man's hands. Jill now believes that Miles exerts an evil supernatural influence over the cat, but Miles says that its the cat who dominates him.That night, Miles drugs the cat and takes it outdoors, hanging it by the neck from a tree branch. Supernatural forces are unleashed by the cat's death, which also hits Jill as she sleeps in her bed at the village inn. The cat appears before Miles again, now a ghostly curse on the frightened Miles. Inspector Gorley pays a late-night visit to Jill's room to discuss with her the mysterious flashes of light and occurrences that happened just an hour earlier. As he leaves, Gorley sees the evil creature himself, and gets attacked and hypnotized by it. He staggers on the road in front of a moving car and gets run over.The next day Jill, who still thinks that Miles is the real killer, sneaks into his house when he goes out and snoops around his office, uncovering the audio recordings of his conversaions with the dead. When Miles suddenly returns, she runs to hide in the cellar and encounters the black cat, which magically appears and disappears before her eyes. Running away in terror, she is cornered by Miles. He tells her that the cat has picked up on his suppressed hatred for the village folk and acting them out without his knowledge or control. Jill runs, but is attacked, first by bats in the cellar, and then again by Miles who knocks her out with a stick.Jill wakes up bound and gagged to find Miles walling her up alive in a space in the cellar wall. He has also taken her keys and emptied her hotel room, making it seem that she has left the village. However, Inspector Gorley, who has survived the car accident, goes with Sergeant Wilson, and his superior, Inspector Flynn, over to Miles' house and insists on searching it for signs of the cat, and Jill. They find nothing and are about to leave when they all hear a faint cry from the cat coming from the cellar. They find the newly bricked up wall and upon battering it down, they find Jill bearly alive, and the cat which was incarcerated there without Miles knowing it. As Jill is pulled out, Miles mumbles to Gorley that the cat has won and that he has fallen victim to his own evil misdeeds.

《这黑猫/The Black Cat》(1981) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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