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[原版] 《继续医生/Carry on Doctor》(1967) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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弗朗西斯·比格(弗兰基·霍沃德饰)是一位江湖骗子的信仰治疗师,他坚信“心灵胜于物质”比药物治疗更有效。在一次演讲中,他在台下绊倒并被送往当地医院。在医院里,他不断地抱怨自己受到了“虐待”,要求比其他古怪的病人得到更好的治疗。肯·比德尔(伯纳德·布莱斯劳饰)经常去女病房与他的爱人梅维斯·温克尔(迪丽丝·莱伊饰)调情;巴伦先生(查尔斯·霍特里饰)在妻子等待孩子出生时似乎正在遭受同情之痛。 在接受治疗时,比格遇到了两位截然不同的医生。笨拙而迷人的基尔莫医生(吉姆·戴尔饰)深受病人欢迎,美丽的护士克拉克(安妮塔·哈里斯饰)也深爱着他,而医院登记员丁克尔医生(肯尼思·威廉姆斯饰)则受到普遍的厌恶,他的战斧 M 也是如此。比格到达后,新手护士桑德拉·梅(芭芭拉·温莎饰)来到医院,打算向廷克尔表达她(可疑的)爱,并进入他的房间,违反了规定。医院规定女性工作人员不得进入男性宿舍。护士长和基尔莫突然闯入,向她示爱,但遭到丁克尔残酷的拒绝。护士长把梅护士赶了出去,她离开时泪流满面地宣布,她宁愿死也不愿在没有叮当的情况下生存。事件发生后,丁克尔医生担心自己的处境,并与护士长一起设法除掉基尔莫和桑德拉·梅,以免他们泄露真相。不久之后,桑德拉·梅爬上护士之家的屋顶,穿着比基尼上衣享受日光浴。基尔莫医生和克拉克护士认为,在丁克尔的拒绝后,她会绝望地从屋顶上跳下去。基尔莫冲过去救她,并爬上了屋顶。他意识到她正在晒日光浴并准备离开,但是桑德拉惊恐地以为他正在斜视着她,吓得尖叫起来。她的尖叫声引起了人们的注意,很快整个医院的工作人员和镇上的居民都涌过来观看。克拉克护士试图在基尔莫摔倒之前帮助他,但他不小心撕掉了她的裙子,让她穿着内衣和长筒袜。基尔莫尔冲破窗户逃到了安全地带,但却掉进了浴缸里……里面有一名护士,护士认为他正在攻击她。除了他的病人之外,他在所有人中的良好声誉都被毁了。 基尔莫尔医生接受了医院院长的听证会,但护士长和廷克尔否认他揭露了桑德拉·梅与廷克尔的争斗。由于桑德拉·梅已经出院,基尔莫没有证据支持他,被迫辞职。克拉克护士向病人报告了丁克尔和护士长的背叛行为,他们决定一起对这两人的所作所为进行报复。男病人照顾 Tinkle,女病人照顾 Matron。女士们设法让 Matron 去两人用毯子浴折磨她,让丁克尔认罪,而这些人则威胁要对丁克尔进行手术,因为他们之前尝试给他洗冷水澡失败了。第二天,基尔莫医生被任命为新的医院登记员,而丁克尔则被任命为新的医院登记员。沦为一个简单的医生。巴伦先生现已完全康复,他的妻子终于有了孩子,比格和他的新婚妻子克洛伊(西姆斯饰)在离开医院时发生了争吵。然而,在出去的路上,为了避免与妻子再发生麻烦,比格故意摔倒在台阶上,背部再次受伤,并被带回医院。

Francis Bigger (Frankie Howerd) is a charlatan faith healer, convinced that "mind over matter" is more effective than medical treatment. During a lecture, he stumbles offstage and is admitted to the local hospital. In hospital, he incessantly groans and whines about being "maltreated", demanding better treatment than the other, eccentric patients.These include bedridden layabout Charlie Roper (Sid James) who shams illnesses to stay in hospital; Ken Biddle (Bernard Bresslaw) who makes frequent trips to the ladies' ward to flirt with his love interest, Mavis Winkle (Dilys Laye); and Mr Barron (Charles Hawtrey) who seems to be suffering sympathy pains while his wife awaits the birth of their baby.While being treated, Bigger meets two very different doctors. Clumsy yet charming Dr Kilmore (Jim Dale) is popular with the patients and loved from afar by the beautiful Nurse Clark (Anita Harris) while hospital registrar Dr Tinkle (Kenneth Williams) is universally detested, as is his battle-ax Matron (Hattie Jacques), who harbors an unrequited love for him.After Bigger's arrival, novice nurse Sandra May (Barbara Windsor), arrives at the hospital with her intention to declare her (questionable) love for Tinkle, and enters his room, violating hospital rules that female staff are not permitted in the male quarters. Matron and Kilmore burst in on her declarations of love, which are cruelly rebuffed by Tinkle. Matron throws Nurse May out, and she leaves while tearfully announcing she'd rather die than live without Tinkle. Dr Tinkle fears for his position after this incident and contrives with Matron to get rid of Kilmore and Sandra May, lest they reveal the truth.Shortly after, Sandra May climbs on to the roof of the nurses' home to sunbathe in her bikini top. Dr Kilmore and Nurse Clark assume she is going to throw herself off the roof in despair after Tinkle's rejection. Kilmore rushes to save her and climbs on to the roof. He realizes she is sunbathing and prepares to leave, but Sandra assumes to her horror he is leering over her, and shrieks in fear. Her screams attract attention and soon the entire hospital staff and townspeople flock to watch. Nurse Clark attempts to help Kilmore before he falls off, but he accidentally tears her skirt off, leaving her in her underwear and stockings. Kilmore crashes through a window to safety, but lands in a bath ... with a nurse in it, who assumes he is attacking her. His good reputation is destroyed among everyone except his patients.Dr Kilmore is given a hearing with the hospital governor, but Matron and Tinkle deny his revelation of Sandra May's fight with Tinkle. As Sandra May has left the hospital, Kilmore has no proof to support him and is forced to resign. Nurse Clark reports the treachery of Tinkle and Matron to the patients and together they decide to exact revenge upon the pair for what they have done. The male patients take care of Tinkle while the females take care of Matron.The ladies manage to get Matron to confess by torturing her with a blanket bath while the men get Tinkle to confess by threatening to perform an operation on him since their previous attempt to give him an icy cold bath failed.The next day, Dr Kilmore is appointed the new hospital registrar while Tinkle is reduced to a simple doctor. Mr Barron, now fully recovered and cured, and his wife finally have their baby and Bigger and his newly wedded wife Chloe (Sims) bicker as they leave the hospital. However, on their way out, Bigger deliberately falls on the steps and injures his back again to avoid any more difficulties with his wife and is brought back to the hospital.

《继续医生/Carry on Doctor》(1967) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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