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[原版] 《舞台中央:调高音量/Center Stage: Turn It Up》(2008) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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自学成才的舞蹈家凯特·帕克一直想做的就是与美国芭蕾舞学院一起表演。她告别了底特律的朋友和姐姐,因为她要离开家去参加美国最伟大的舞蹈学校——纽约市美国芭蕾舞学院的试镜。凯特没能成功,由于学校校长乔纳森(彼得·盖勒饰)和其中一位老师库珀·尼尔森(库珀·尼尔森饰)之间的争执,苏珊·冯·斯特罗(莎拉·杰恩·詹森饰)取代了她。年轻的舞者汤米·安德森(肯尼·沃莫尔德饰)对凯特大吃一惊,确信她通过了并进入了芭蕾舞学院,但很快他发现她被拒绝后与苏珊娜配对。凯特在纽约无家可归,去了一家名为 The Foundry 的俱乐部,在那里她找到了汤米,并用她的舞蹈动作给他和俱乐部老板萨尔(汤米最好的朋友萨尔)留下了深刻的印象和活力。她在俱乐部找到了一份工作,睡在楼上的办公室。因为她需要找一套公寓,所以她同意如果汤米付钱给她,就帮他跳舞。很快他们开始上课,她找到了一套公寓,汤米成为了一名优秀的学生,并有机会与苏珊娜为著名编舞莫妮卡跳舞。斯特劳斯。与此同时,汤米和凯特开始对彼此产生感情并成为情侣。嫉妒的凯特看到汤米与苏珊娜一起跳舞,并在舞会结束时苏珊娜亲吻了他,他们分手了。第二天,汤米发现凯特的妹妹贝拉(妮可·穆尼奥斯饰)正在 ABA 等她,于是带她去俱乐部见凯特。凯特随后向姐姐坦白,她没有被学校录取,并决定离开纽约,与贝拉一起返回底特律。第二天早上,在等公共汽车时,贝拉向凯特展示了汤米给她的一张传单,上面刊登了试镜的广告。 《玻璃鞋》,百老汇芭蕾舞版灰姑娘,莫尼克施特劳斯正在选角。凯特决定给她的舞蹈梦想最后一搏。贝拉和凯特去试镜剧院,大约七个街区外就是队伍的尽头。当凯特与另外两个女孩和三个男孩(包括汤米)一起参加最后的试镜时,他们试图找到灰姑娘和两个继姐妹的演员阵容。莫妮卡·斯特劳斯邀请汤米与苏珊娜跳舞,但汤米拒绝了她,并邀请凯特跳舞。汤米扮演王子,凯特扮演灰姑娘,她职业舞蹈的梦想终于实现了。

All self-taught dancer Kate Parker has ever wanted to do was perform with the American Academy of Ballet. She says goodbye to her friends in Detroit and her sister because she is leaving home to go to an audition for the greatest dance school in America, the American Ballet Academy in New York City. Kate doesn't make it, and instead of her, a certain Suzanne Von Stroh (Sarah Jayne Jensen) is chosen, because of an argument between the director of the school, Jonathan (Peter Gallagher) and one of the teachers, Cooper Nielson (Ethan Stiefel), who has returned to ABA after his ballet company lost its funding.A young dancer, Tommy Anderson (Kenny Wormald), is stunned by Kate and is sure that she passed and got into the academy, but soon he discovers that she was rejected and pairs up with Suzanne.Kate, homeless in New York City, goes to a club called The Foundry where she finds Tommy and impresses both him and the owner of the club, Sal, who is Tommy's best friend, with her dance moves and energy. She is given a job at the club and sleeps in the upstairs office. Because she needs to find an apartment, she agrees to help Tommy with his dance if he pays her.Soon they start classes, she finds an apartment, Tommy becomes a great student and is given the opportunity to dance with Suzanne for the famous choreographer Monica Straus.Meanwhile, Tommy and Kate begin to have feelings for each other and become a couple. They break-up after a jealous Kate sees Tommy dance with Suzanne, for a gala, and at the end of the dance Suzanne kisses him. The next day, Tommy finds Kate's sister, Bella (Nicole Muñoz), waiting for her at ABA and takes her to Kate at the club. Kate then confesses to her sister that she was not accepted into the school and decides to leave New York and go with Bella back to Detroit.The next morning while waiting for the bus, Bella shows Kate a leaflet Tommy gave her, advertising an audition for "The Glass Slipper", a Broadway ballet version of Cinderella that Monica Strauss is casting. Kate decides to give her dancing dream one last shot. Bella and Kate go to the audition theater, and about seven blocks away was the end of the line. When Kate gets into a final audition with two other girls and three boys, including Tommy, they try finding the cast of Cinderella and the two stepsisters. Monica Straus asks Tommy to dance with Suzanne but he rejects her and offers the dance to Kate. Tommy gets the part of the prince and Kate gets the part of Cinderella, her dreams of dancing professionaly having come true at last.

《舞台中央:调高音量/Center Stage: Turn It Up》(2008) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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