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[原版] 《包裹/The Pack》(1977) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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电影以一匹马在森林中央的一小片空地上吃草开始。他被一个未知的、看不见的存在跟踪他而发出警报,这使他飞奔去保护树木。他身后跟着一些未知的敌人,他们正在追赶他,然后他们包围了他并准备攻击。 与此同时,一个男孩和他的父母,最后一批夏季游客,把他们的狗留在了后面,认为这比带他去狗磅。当天晚些时候,他被一群野狗发现,其中大多数是夏季游客遗弃的宠物。他们的首领是一只巨大的金毛杂种狗,他立即将这只狗收进了自己的包里。 杰瑞(乔·唐·贝克饰)和他的新婚妻子米莉(霍普·亚历山大-威利斯饰)以及两个儿子搬到了海豹岛。他们还带来了他们家的狗,一只名叫莱利的德国牧羊犬。杰瑞的狗在岛上的垃圾场扔垃圾时,追赶一只兔子到树上,却遭到了不明物体的攻击生物并受伤。当杰瑞回去查看是什么袭击了莱利时,他发现那是一只野狗,它显然还偷走了他的狗正在追赶的兔子。他立即传话给岛上的其他居民,包括老隐士麦克明尼米先生(小德洛斯·V·史密斯饰),让他们留意这只狗,如果再看到它就杀掉它。沙扎和他的德国牧羊犬沙扎独自住在一间小屋里,很快得知了野狗的消息,并返回了家。一天晚上,一场暴风雨袭击了小岛,沙扎引发骚乱并试图逃跑。老人拿着步枪,打开了他的小屋的门,试图找出是谁闯入了他的财产。沙扎冲进前院,却突然遭到那只金毛杂种狗和其他几只野狗的袭击。麦克明尼米来不及从狼群中救出他的狗,尽管他成功射杀了狼群中的一只牧羊犬。当他试图确保第二天早上,米莉在杰瑞为她建造的新房子里休息时,发现有什么东西吓坏了他们的家禽。她走到外面,发现杰里前几天看到的那只杂种狗潜伏在家禽场附近。她试图把它赶走,但狗对她咆哮并攻击,迫使米莉在她的大众汽车中寻求庇护。当其他狼群围住汽车并试图闯入时,杰瑞赶到并赶走了狗,并用猎枪杀死了一只拉布拉多猎犬。他带米莉到镇上,把她放在一所废弃的房子里,并警告他的邻居哈迪曼(理查德·B·舒尔饰)有狼群。当哈迪曼离开去警告其他岛民注意这些狗时,杰瑞接起了他的儿子们,并将他们带回了房子。 与此同时,岛民之一吉姆·道奇(理查德·奥布莱恩饰)带着儿子汤米(保罗·保罗饰)搬到了岛上。威尔森),a c奥克·路易斯(Sherry E. DeBoer 饰)和他的妻子玛姬(Bibi Besch 饰)。他们到达的第二天,道奇催促他的儿子汤米去散步,路易斯也跟着一起去。当他们穿过森林时,汤米听到附近有一群狗在嚎叫,并开始逃命。路易斯追赶汤米,但很快就跟丢了他,被迫到狗睡觉的废弃谷仓寻求庇护。汤米跑过森林,狼群紧追不舍,但很快就被困在高耸于海洋的悬崖边缘。当野狗逼近时,他从悬崖上跳下身亡。正当风暴袭击岛屿时,路易斯在废弃的谷仓里寻求庇护。她躺在其中一个狗栏里睡着了,但当她醒来时,发现狗已经回来了。这些狗在攻击露易丝并杀死她之前会发出威胁性的咆哮。在其他地方,杰瑞和哈迪曼设法警告沃克、道奇和玛吉关于岛上漫游的狗,并将它们带回了房子。但是w当杰瑞到达麦克明尼米的小屋警告他时,当老人没有回应时,他认为出了什么问题。然后他发现了沙扎和牧羊犬的尸体。他搜查了小屋的一侧,发现里面老人的尸体已经毫无生气,已经被狼群攻击和撕咬。随后,杰瑞离开了麦克明尼米的小屋,只是设法避开了跟踪他的狼群。他回到屋里,告诉其他人发生了什么事。他甚至表示,大多数狗曾经是游客的宠物,但几周前被遗弃在岛上生存。道奇对儿子汤米仍然迷失在岛上感到担忧和愤怒,说服杰瑞去找他。杰瑞在道奇和哈迪曼的陪同下前往废弃的谷仓,发现狗们逃跑了。当狼群逃跑时,道奇手持步枪射杀了一只达尔马提亚狗。在谷仓里,人们发现路易斯的尸体躺在角落里,但没有找到汤米。相信儿子死后,道奇偷了杰瑞的吉普车,开车去追那些狗,杰瑞和哈迪曼开着哈迪曼的卡车跟着他。道奇很快在一栋废弃房屋附近遇到了狼群,但在他向它们开枪之前,狗群袭击了他,并将他撕成碎片。杰瑞和哈迪曼很快找到了道奇,并用卡车赶走了狗,但道奇因伤势过重,于第二天去世。在未能通过无线电向海岸警卫队发送信号后,杰瑞命令米莉、沃克和哈迪曼寻找任何可以用来对付狼群的武器,但他们能找到的唯一武器是杰瑞的猎枪和一把子弹,几根棍子、一把雨伞和几把刀。当天晚些时候,杰里、他的家人和剩下的少数居民发现自己被狼群围困了。当天下午晚些时候,这只杂种狗和另外四只狗对房子发起了攻击,试图从窗户闯入。杰瑞、米莉他们儿子们,哈迪曼努力阻止他们。其中两只狗,一只杜宾犬和一只爱尔兰塞特犬,设法闯入房子,但杰瑞用猎枪杀死了塞特犬,沃克和杰瑞的狗莱利将杜宾犬赶出了房子。其余的狗在冲破窗户失败后纷纷逃走。杰瑞意识到这些狗会再次袭击,他告诉他的家人玛吉、哈迪曼和沃克用木板封住房子的门窗。那天晚上晚些时候,这群人把道奇的尸体抬到码头,把他放在船上,然后把船推到海里,以防止狼群试图抓住它。知道狗会回来,他们很快回到屋里,把自己锁在里面。第二天早上,沃克醒来,听到码头附近有摩托艇的声音。他抓起杰瑞的猎枪,跑到码头,发现几码外海上的一艘摩托艇上有一小群人。他向空中开了一枪,试图发出信号他们要在码头登陆,但人们认为他在胡闹,他们笑着开走了。沃克转身,却发现狗挡住了他的路。他用枪击退了他们,但杂种狗和另外两只狗很快就制服了他,并将他从甲板上撞到了水里。 与此同时,杰瑞听到猎枪开火的声音,意识到沃克已经朝下面的方向走去。到了码头,他开着吉普车开到那里,却发现他被狼群包围了。当杰瑞把他的车开到码头时,狗们将注意力转向杰瑞并冲向他。行驶中的吉普车碾压了狼群,杀死了一只灰梗杂种狗,并迫使其余的狗撤退到森林中。杰瑞将沃克从水中拉出来并开车送他回屋。杰瑞厌倦了等待帮助,于是命令米莉带玛吉、莱利、沃克和他们的儿子到码头,而他和哈迪曼则尽力完成任务盒。当哈迪曼在杰尔静静等待时杰瑞在瑞的吉普车上引诱杂种狗和他的狼群中的其他人进入屋内。狗一进屋,哈迪曼就关上了门,将几桶汽油倒在墙上,然后用火把点燃了房子。然后杰瑞爬上梯子到阁楼,试图将梯子升起以防止狗跟着他,但杂种狗跳到梯子顶部并设法到达顶部。杰瑞把他挡住了一会儿,但当火焰到达阁楼的地板时,他把狗推了回去,然后跳出了窗户,从屋顶上滑了下来,落在了下面的草地上。杂种狗从同一扇窗户跳出来,向杰瑞扑去,但他没有瞄准,被嵌入一根破损管道的尖锐末端。米莉和其他人回到房子,看着燃烧的建筑物爆炸并倒塌,杀死了所有人里面的狗。他们很快发现其中一只狗,就是开场场景中被遗弃的那只狗,加入了几天前,他显然没有加入他的战友的命运,因为绑他的绳子被一根沉重的树枝缠住了。杰瑞意识到这只狗显然很害怕,而且不像其他狗那样野蛮和具有攻击性,因此决定尝试驯服它。他用一些饼干将它们一一喂给狗。影片结束时,狗开始舔杰瑞的手,显然赢得了杰瑞的信任并再次成为宠物。

The movie opens with a horse grazing in a small clearing in the middle of the forest. He is alerted by an unknown and unseen presence stalking him, which causes him to gallop for the protection of the trees. He is followed by some unknown enemies who are chasing him, before they surround him and prepare to attack.Meanwhile, a boy and his parents, the last of the summer tourists, leave their dog behind, believing that to be better than taking him to the dog pound. Later that day, he is found by a pack of feral dogs, most of whom were abandoned pets belonging to summer tourists. Their leader, a massive golden-haired mongrel, immediately accepts the dog into his pack.Jerry (Joe Don Baker) has moved to Seal Island with his new wife, Millie (Hope Alexander-Willis), and their two sons. They also brought along their family dog, a German Shepherd named Riley. While dropping off some garbage at the island junkyard, Jerry's dog chases after a rabbit into the trees, but is attacked by an unknown creature and is injured. When Jerry goes back to see what it was that attacked Riley, he discovered that it was a feral dog, who had apparently also stole the rabbit that his dog was chasing. He immediately sent word to the other residents on the island, including the old hermit Mr. McMinnimee (Delos V. Smith Jr.), to keep a watchful eye out for the dog and kill it if they ever see it again.McMinnimee, who lives in a cabin alone with his German Shepherd Shazah, soon learns of the wild dog and returns to his home. When a storm hit the island one evening, Shazah starts up a riot and tries to break out. Armed with his rifle, the old man opens the door to his cabin and tries to find out who is intruding onto his property. Shazah bolts out into the front yard, but is suddenly attacked by the golden-haired mongrel and several other feral dogs. McMinnimee is too late to save his dog from the pack, though he manages to shoot and kill a collie, one of the pack members. As he tries to secure the door and windows to his house, the dogs break through one of the windows and attack the old man, killing him.The following morning, while relaxing in her new house that Jerry had built for her, Millie notices that something is scaring their poultry. She goes outside and discovers the same mongrel that Jerry saw the other day lurking near the poultry yard. She tries to drive it off, but the dog growls at her and attacks, forcing Millie to seek refuge in her Volkswagen car. As the rest of the pack surround the car and try to break in, Jerry arrives and drives the dogs off, killing a Labrador retriever with his shotgun. He takes Millie to town, drops her off at one of the abandoned houses, and warns his neighbor Hardiman (Richard B. Shull) of the pack. While Hardiman leaves to warn the other islanders of the dogs, Jerry picks up his sons and takes them back to the house.Meanwhile, one of the islanders, Jim Dodge (Richard O'Brien) moves to the island with his son Tommy (Paul Willson), a cook Lois (Sherry E. DeBoer), and his wife Marge (Bibi Besch). The day after their arrival, Dodge urges his son Tommy to go for a walk, and Lois goes along with him. During their walk through the forest, Tommy hears the pack of dogs howling nearby and starts running for his life. Lois chases after Tommy, but quickly loses him and is forced to seek refuge in an abandoned barn where the dogs sleep. Tommy runs through the forest, the pack in close pursuit, but soon trapped at the edge of a cliff towering above the ocean. With the savage dogs closing in, he jumps off the cliff and falls to his death.Lois seeks refuge in the abandoned barn just as a storm hits the island. She lays down in one of the stalls and falls asleep, but when she wakes up, she discovers that the dogs have returned. The dogs growl menacingly before they attack Lois and kill her.Elsewhere, Jerry and Hardiman manage to warn Walker, Dodge, and Marge about the dogs roaming the island and bring them back to the house. But when Jerry arrives at McMinnimee's cabin to warn him, he believes something is wrong when the old man does not respond. He then discovers the dead bodies of Shazah and the collie. After searching the side of the cabin, he finds the old man's lifeless body inside having already been attacked and mauled by the pack. Jerry then leaves McMinnimee's cabin just managing to avoid the pack who had been stalking him. He returns to the house and tells the others of what had happened. He even states that most of the dogs were once tourists' pets, but were abandoned to survive on the island a few weeks earlier. Concerned and outraged that his son Tommy is still out lost on the island, Dodge persuades Jerry to find him. Jerry, accompanied by Dodge and Hardiman, head out to the abandoned barn and find the dogs running away. Dodge, armed with a rifle, shoots and kills a dalmatian as the pack runs off. Inside the barn, the men find Lois' mangled body lying in a corner, but do not find Tommy.Believing that his son is dead, Dodge steals Jerry's jeep and drives off in pursuit of the dogs, with Jerry and Hardiman following him in Hardiman's truck. Dodge soon encounters the pack near one of the abandoned houses, but before he can even shoot at them, the dogs attack him and tear him to shreds. Jerry and Hardiman soon find Dodge and drive off the dogs with their truck, but Dodge succumbs to his injuries and dies the next day. After failing to send a signal out to the Coast Guard on the radio, Jerry orders Millie, Walker and Hardiman to find whatever weapons they can use against the pack, but the only weapons they can find are Jerry's shotgun and a handful of cartridges, a couple of sticks, an umbrella, and a few knives.Later that same day, Jerry, his family, and the few remaining inhabitants find themselves under siege by the pack. Later that afternoon, the mongrel and four other dogs from the pack launch an attack on the house, trying to break in through the windows. Jerry, Millie, their sons, and Hardiman struggle to hold them off. Two of the dogs, a Doberman Pinscher and an Irish setter, manage to break inside the house, but Jerry kills the setter with his shotgun and Walker and Jerry's dog Riley drive the Doberman out of the house. The rest of the dogs flee after failing to break through the windows.Realizing that the dogs will return for another assault, Jerry tells his family, Marge, Hardiman and Walker to board up the windows and doors of the house. Later that night, the group carries Dodge's body down to the docks and place him in a boat, pushing it out to sea to prevent the pack from trying to get at it. Knowing that the dogs will be back, they then quickly return to the house and lock themselves inside.The following morning, Walker wakes up and hears the sound of a motorboat near the docks. He grabs Jerry's shotgun and runs down to the docks to find a small group of people in a motorboat several yards out at sea. He fires a shot in the air, trying to signal them to land at the docks, but the people believe he is messing around and they laugh and drive away. Walker turns around, only to find the dogs standing in his way. He fights them off with the gun, but the mongrel and two other dogs quickly overpower him and knock him off the deck into the water.Meanwhile, Jerry, having heard the sound of the shotgun being fired and realizing that Walker has headed down to the docks, takes his jeep and drives down there, only to find him surrounded by the pack. As Jerry drives his vehicle onto the dock, the dogs turn their attention towards Jerry and charge him. The moving jeep runs over the pack, killing a gray terrier mongrel and forcing the rest of the dogs to retreat into the forest. Jerry pulls Walker out of the water and drives him back to the house.Tired of waiting for help, Jerry orders Millie to take Marge, Riley, Walker, and their sons out to the docks, while he and Hardiman would try to finish off the pack. While Hardiman waits quietly in Jerry's jeep, Jerry lures the mongrel and the remainder of his pack into the house. As soon as the dogs are all inside, Hardiman closes the door behind them, pours several bucket-loads of gasoline on the walls, and sets the house on fire with a torch. Jerry then climbs up the ladder to the attic and tries to raise it to prevent the dogs from following him, but the mongrel leaps on top of the ladder and manages to reach the top. Jerry holds him off for a short while, but as the flames reach the floor of the attic, he pushes the dog back and jumps through a window, sliding off the roof and lands on the grass below. The mongrel leaps out of the same window and springs at Jerry, but he misses his aim and is embedded on the sharpened end of a broken pipe.Millie and the others return to the house and watch as the burning building explodes and collapses, killing all the dogs inside. They soon discover that one of the dogs, the same dog from the opening scene that was abandoned and had joined the pack a few days earlier, had apparently did not join the fate of his comrades because the rope he was tied to had been caught and tangled in a heavy branch. Jerry, realizing that the dog was apparently afraid and not as savage and aggressive as the other dogs, decides to try to tame it. Using some crackers, he feeds them one by one to the dog. The film ends as the dog starts licking Jerry's hand, apparently winning the trust of the man and becoming a pet again.

《包裹/The Pack》(1977) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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