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[原版] 《任务/The Task》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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六个惊恐的人,舒(阿什利·穆赫隆饰)、兰德尔(马克·皮克林饰)、托尼(阿玛拉·卡兰饰)、迪克森(德克萨斯巴特尔饰)以及兄妹斯坦顿(汤姆·佩恩饰)和安吉尔(安东尼娅·坎贝尔-休斯饰)被绑架参加活动在一个新的真人秀节目中,他们将在一个废弃的监狱里度过一个晚上,以赢得 20,000 美元。节目主持人泰勒(亚当·雷纳饰)将参赛者戴上手铐,拿走他们的物品,然后将他们送进监狱。参赛者找到了典狱长办公室,在那里他们打开了锁。不久之后,电视监视器打开,出现了一个邪恶的小丑,他警告参赛者曾在监狱工作的典狱长(瓦伦丁·加内夫饰),后来因谋杀囚犯而被判处死刑。兰德尔接到一项任务,前往监狱的教堂。兰德尔带着麦克风与其他人交流,冒险前往教堂并倒读祈祷文以召唤典狱长的灵魂。完成任务后,兰德尔回到了其他人身边。奥特西之后,该剧的团队,包括康妮(亚历山德拉·斯塔登饰)、斯克莱兹(萨姆·斯托克曼饰)、老爹(维克多·麦奎尔饰)和斯诺(肖恩·麦科纳吉饰)开始与监狱内的一些摄像机失去联系。斯克莱齐被派去修理它们,然而,他被典狱长刺伤了眼睛。迪克森接到了一项任务,那就是躺在地上的一个洞里。当他进入洞内时,典狱长赶到并把他锁在了里面。康妮、大爸爸和斯诺看到了这一点,但相信电视网已经扭曲了节目,让他们也成为参赛者。他们让比赛继续进行。舒和兰德尔接受了一项挑战,要吃一种被认为是人肉的肉,他们完成了这项挑战。托尼和斯坦顿被送往毒气室执行任务。斯坦顿将托妮锁在毒气室的椅子上,并给她戴上防毒面具。当密室充满毒气时,斯坦顿奉命在监狱某处找到停止毒气的开关。当他离开时,典狱长出现在房间里并摘下了托尼的面具。而兰德尔和舒马在返回基地的路上,他们遇到了典狱长,典狱长将他们刺死。当斯坦顿关掉煤气灯时,监狱长把他打昏了。康妮开始担心起来,派大爸爸和泰勒进监狱检查参赛者。他们很快就遭到袭击,康妮试图警告安吉尔离开监狱。安吉尔认为这是游戏的一部分,因为她刚刚接到了释放托尼和迪克森的任务。她进入一间牢房并找到一把刀,然后典狱长带着钥匙出现。她用她认为是假刀的东西刺伤了他,并取回了钥匙。然后她发现斯坦顿被吊在牢房里,但在她能帮助他之前,典狱长刺伤了他的脖子,受虐待的囚犯把他吃掉了。安吉尔逃跑了,遇到了进入监狱的康妮。典狱长回来了,当安吉尔逃跑时,典狱长追上了康妮。当康妮准备被刺伤时,另外两名典狱长——鞋、兰德尔、泰勒和大爸爸透露,这场表演是一场精心设计的,而康妮才是真正的参赛者。在最初的震惊之后,康妮被派去接托尼,泰勒被派去接迪克森和其他人离开监狱。泰勒发现迪克森在洞里被谋杀,康妮意识到托尼已经死了。典狱长将康妮锁在毒气室并用毒气毒死她,而其他人则被密封在监狱里。安吉尔发现人们被真正的典狱长谋杀后,设法逃出了监狱,找到了斯诺。斯诺拿着相机跟随安吉尔,询问她最后一句话。安吉尔不知道其他演员和工作人员都被困在监狱里,他的回应是打破了他的相机。

Six terrified people, Shoe (Ashley Mulheron), Randall (Marc Pickering), Toni (Amara Karan), Dixon (Texas Battle) and brother and sister Stanton (Tom Payne) and Angel (Antonia Campbell-Hughes), are kidnapped to take part in a new reality show which will see them spending a night in an abandoned prison to win $20,000. Show host, Taylor (Adam Rayner) handcuffs the contestants together, removes their belongings and sends them into the prison.The contestants find their way to the Warden's office, where they unlock themselves. Soon after, a TV monitor turns on, revealing an evil clown who warns the contestants of the Warden (Valentin Ganev) who used to work at the prison, before being sentenced to death for murdering inmates. Randall is set a task to travel to the chapel of the prison. With a microphone to communicate with the others, Randall ventures to the chapel and reads a prayer backwards to summon the spirit of the Warden. After completing his task, Randall returns to the others. Outside, the show's team, including Connie (Alexandra Staden), Sclezi (Sam Stockman), Big Daddy (Victor McGuire) and Snow (Sean Mcconaghy) begin to lose connection to some of the cameras inside the prison. Sclezi is sent in to fix them, however, he is stabbed in the eye by the Warden.Dixon is set a task, to remain lying in a hole in the ground. Once he is inside the hole, the Warden arrives and locks him in. Connie, Big Daddy and Snow see this, but believe the network had twisted the show to also make them contestants. They let the game continue. Shoe and Randall are set a challenge to eat a meat believed to be human flesh, which they complete. Toni and Stanton are sent to the gas chamber for their task. Stanton locks Toni in a chair in the gas chamber, and puts a gas mask on her. As the chamber fills with gas, Stanton is instructed to find the switch to stop the gas somewhere in the prison. When he leaves, the Warden appears in the chamber and removes Toni's mask. While Randall and Shoe make their way back to base, they come across the Warden, who stabs them to death. As Stanton turns off the gas, the Warden knocks him unconscious.Connie starts to become worried and sends Big Daddy and Taylor into the prison to check up on the contestants. They are soon attacked, and Connie attempts to warn Angel to get out of the prison. Angel believes this to be part of the game, as she has just been given the task to free Toni and Dixon. She enters a cell and finds a knife before the Warden appears with the key. She stabs him with what she thinks is a fake knife, and retrieves the key. She then finds Stanton hanging by his ankles in a cell, but before she can help him, the Warden stabs him in the neck and the abused inmates devour him.Angel flees, and runs into Connie, who has entered the prison. The Warden returns, and as Angel runs, the Warden catches up with Connie. As Connie prepares to be stabbed, two more Wardens, Shoe, Randall, Taylor and Big Daddy reveal the show was a set up, and Connie was the real contestant. After the initial shock, Connie is sent to retrieve Toni, Taylor to get Dixon, and the others to leave the prison. Taylor finds Dixon murdered in the hole, and Connie realizes Toni is dead. The Warden locks Connie in the gas chamber and gases her, while the others are sealed into the prison. Angel manages to escape out of the prison to Snow, having discovered people were being murdered by the real Warden. Snow follows Angel with his camera asking her for a final word; not knowing the rest of the cast and crew are trapped in the prison, Angel responds by breaking his camera.

《任务/The Task》(2011) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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