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[原版] 《令人毛骨悚然/Macabre》(2009) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-12-6 11:18:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

在片头字幕中,我们看到了一段旧视频,讲述的是一名妇女正在教三个孩子有关人体解剖学和杀戮的知识。视频最后,三人杀死了一名蒙头男子。 (他在银幕外被杀)。 现在,我们遇到了阿吉和阿斯特丽德,这是一对已婚夫妇,他们正准备前往悉尼寻找新工作并开始新生活。他们在朋友 Alam、Eko 和 Jimmy 的陪同下乘坐 Jimmy 的汽车前往机场【苏加诺-哈达国际机场】。在路上,他们遇到了阿杰的妹妹莱蒂亚,并说服她和他们一起去。然而,拉迪娅拒绝了,她仍然将父母的死归咎于阿杰。在Lady的工作场所发生一些事故后,她改变了主意,最终决定和他们一起去。他们离开Lady的工作场所后,遇到了一位名叫玛雅的美丽女子。她告诉他们她被抢劫了,无法回家。出于同情,他们送玛雅回家。一行人乘车前往似乎是目的地的地方。玛雅人的房子所在的地方偏僻。在那里,他们遇到了玛雅的家人。玛雅人的母亲达拉有一张非常年轻美丽的脸,表情怪异,肢体语言神秘。玛雅二哥亚当向他们打招呼,很有绅士风度。还有达拉的大儿子阿尔曼,他脾气暴躁,从不说话。经过介绍,达拉秘密给阿斯特丽德下药。经过一番坚持,他们同意留下来吃晚饭。然而,阿杰和怀孕的阿斯特丽德去了楼上的客房,让阿斯特丽德休息。不幸的是,我们其余正在吃晚饭的朋友(在他们的食物中)被下了药,他们都昏倒了。阿曼带他们来到地窖,阿拉姆仍在餐桌旁。阿拉姆被玛雅引诱,被她砍伤,他发现亚当断臂倒地。阿杰和阿斯特丽德见状,设法上楼,但亚当抓住了阿杰。阿斯特丽德把自己锁在客房里。达拉告诉她女性的力量以及她服用的药物会从外部获得力量。达拉告诉她,给她服用的药物会导致她分娩。然后阿斯特丽德找到一扇小窗户,爬上去,看到一辆汽车驶进了房子。阿斯特丽德呼救,但原来车上的女人是达拉的朋友。她得到了几箱“肉”,揭示了即将发生的屠杀的动机。他们是一个食人族家庭,属于一个试图获得永生的秘密社团。家人寻找受害者,为社会提供人肉。阿斯特丽德羊水破了,她自己生下了自己的孩子。阿斯特丽德带着刚出生的儿子走出房间,拥抱了她的丈夫。与此同时,达拉潜入房间并带走了婴儿。达拉告诉这对夫妇,他们可以自己逃跑。然而,如果他们试图把婴儿带回来,他们都会在当晚死去。阿斯特丽德跟随达拉到隔壁房间,而阿杰则前往另一个房间试图寻求帮助。在地窖里,阿曼已经找到了亚当受到了攻击,现在选择拉迪娅作为他的下一个受害者。然而,将他击倒并逃脱。她冲出地窖并释放了艾科和吉米。逃跑后,三人重新进入房子,试图拯救这对已婚夫妇。然而,手持十字弓的玛雅看到了他们,并向埃科开枪,击中了他的左耳。他们跑向森林,亚当正在追赶他们。莱迪娅离开并进了屋。亚当扭断了吉米的脖子,他死了。埃科设法穿过森林,找到一条路,在那里,他被一辆汽车的灯光发现了。 回到房子里,阿杰进入了一个房间,里面装满了婴儿尸体和一个被保存下来的婴儿。他找到了他的妻子,她的脖子被一根巨大的发夹刺伤了。发现阿斯特丽德死后,阿杰出于报复而勒死了达拉。达拉刺伤了他,并将他勒死,使他失去知觉。 Ladya 进来了,但 Arman 抓住了她,并把她带到楼上强奸了她。Dara 和 Maya 回到前门,Adam 已经在那里了。一名警察帕trol 找到了 Eko 并将他带进了他们的车。四名警察分开;两人上楼,其他人留在一楼。一名警官发现了一段视频,其中包含影片开头所看到的电影。震惊之余,他扔下了一小堆照片,奇怪的是,这些照片的日期是 1912 年,但描绘的是亚当、阿曼和玛雅。达拉 (Dara) 的照片拍摄日期为 1889 年。在楼上,阿曼 (Arman) 在强奸莱蒂亚 (Ladya) 时眼睛被刺伤。她逃脱了,而阿曼大声尖叫,向警察通风报信。警察采取防御姿态,但亚当关掉了灯,食人族一家在黑暗中杀死了警察。然而,警察领导逃脱并跑到前门。他拿起猎枪,向玛雅开枪,杀死了她。达拉刚刚杀死了其他警察,跑到前门,从警察队长手中夺走了猎枪并杀死了他。达拉找到了受伤的玛雅,并扭断了她的脖子,结束了女儿的痛苦。阿尔曼走出房间一根木棍卡在他的眼睛里。他割断了一名早些时候上楼调查的警察的喉咙。他们一起死。拉迪娅跑到阿杰昏迷不醒的房间。她发现了阿斯特丽德的尸体,之后他们遭到了亚当的袭击。当亚当与阿杰打斗时,埃科进来并用剑刺伤亚当。亚当(Adam)非常耐用,他拔出了剑,而阿杰(Adjie)则将液体倒在他的头上。看到这一幕,拉迪娅拿起打火机扔给了亚当。亚当着火了,跑到另一个房间。艾科独自下楼,被达拉用电锯砍伤。回到楼上,拉迪娅和阿杰再次攻击亚当。拉迪娅接过剑,割断了亚当斯的喉咙。他们与阿杰一起斩首了亚当。拉迪亚和阿杰将婴儿带到了房子里沾满血迹的地方。拉迪娅向最后一个恶棍达拉报仇。拉迪娅去了餐厅,在那里她发现了埃科的尸体,并遭到达拉和她的电锯的袭击。拉蒂亚拿着剑的达拉和拿着电锯的达拉互相战斗。拉迪娅逃到餐桌的另一边,跑出了房间。但达拉却割伤了女士的脚,鲜血喷涌而出。达拉准备再次攻击莱迪亚,但被阿杰击中头部,莱迪亚逃脱。达拉仍然能够抓住电锯,砍断了阿杰的肩膀。阿杰给他找到了一个枪窝,扔给了拉迪娅。莱迪娅拿起枪向达拉开枪,然后用项链勒死了她。达拉(Dara)躺在地板上,被莱蒂亚(Ladya)踢了一脚。拉迪娅与阿杰重聚并向他道歉。阿杰请求拉迪娅照顾她的侄子(他刚出生的儿子),随后阿吉原谅了她,并去世了。 早晨来了,拉迪娅抱着她的侄子离开了家。她把她的侄子放在警车后座的一个盒子里。她启动了汽车,但在她开车离开之前,达拉再次出现,一拳打出车窗外,抓住了莱蒂亚。 Ladya把车开到林间公路,打开车门并挂上转速厄斯和达拉被撞到了一棵大树上。拉迪娅看着达拉的身体,微笑着知道在经历了前一天晚上的血腥“游戏”之后,她已经安全了。她对侄子说,我们回家吧。当她开车离开时,我们看到达拉血淋淋的手慢慢移动。

During opening credits, we are shown an old video about a woman who was teaching three children about human anatomy and killing. At the end of the video, the three kill a man whose the head is covered. (He is killed off screen).In the present time, we meet Adjie and Astrid, a married couple who are getting ready to travel to Sydney for a new job and to start a new life. They are accompanied by their friends, Alam, Eko, and Jimmy to the airport [Soekarno-Hatta International Airport] in Jimmys car. On the road, they meet up with Adjie's sister Ladya and convince her to go with them. However, Ladya, who still blames Adjie for their parents death, declines. After some accidents at Ladyas workplace, she changes her mind and decides to go with them after all. After they leave Ladyas workplace, they meet a beautiful woman named Maya. She tells them she has been robbed and is unable to get home. Feeling pity for her, they give Maya a ride home.The group travels by car to what seems to be the middle of nowhere where Mayas house is located. There, they meet Maya's family. Mayas mother, Dara, has a very young and beautiful face with an eerie expression and mysterious body language. Adam, Mayas second brother greets them and is very gentlemanly. There is also Arman, Dara's eldest son, who is frumpy and never speak any word. After introductions, Dara secretly drugs Astrid. After much insistence, they agree to stay for dinner. However, Adjie and Astrid, who is pregnant go to the guestroom upstairs so Astrid could rest. Unfortunately, the remainder of our friends, who are having dinner, get drugged (In their food) and they are all knocked out. Arman takes them to a cellar, with Alam still at the dinner table. Alam is seduced by Maya, and is slashed by her and he finds Adam who has a broken arm and has collapsed.Adjie and Astrid saw this and manage to get upstairs, but Adam catches Adjie. Astrid locks herself in the guest room. Dara tells her about the strength of women and that the drug she was given will strength from outside. Dara tells her that the drug she was given, will cause her to go into labor. Then Astrid finds a small window, climbs up and sees a car arriving at the house. Astrid calls for help, but it turns out that woman from the car is Daras friend. She is given several coolers of "meat", revealing the motive for the slaughter to come. They are a family of cannibals, who belong to a secret society attempting to gain immortality. The family searches for victims, providing human flesh for the society. Astrid's water breaks and she delivers her own baby by herself.Astrid gets out of the room with her newborn son and embraces her husband. Meanwhile, Dara sneaks into the room and takes the baby. Dara tells the couple that they could escape by themselves. However, if they try to take the infant back, they will all die that night. Astrid follows Dara to the next room, while Adjie goes to another room to try to find help.Down in the cellar, Arman has slaughtered Adam and now chooses Ladya to be his next victim. However, knocks him out and escapes. She breaks out of the cellar and sets Eko and Jimmy free. After their escape, the trio re-enter the house in attempt to save the married couple. However, Maya, who is armed with a crossbow, sees them and shoots at Eko, hitting his left ear. They run to the forest, with Adam now chasing them. Ladya gets away and goes into the house. Jimmy's neck has broken by Adam, and he dies. Eko manages to walk through forest and find a road, where he is spotted by the light of a car.Back in the house, Adjie enters a room filled by babies cadavers and a one baby that has been preserved. He finds his wife, who has been stabbed in neck by a huge hair pin. After finding Astrid dead,Adjie strangles Dara out of revenge. Dara stabs him and strangles him into unconsciousness. Ladya enters, but Arman grabs her and brings her upstairs to rape her.Dara and Maya go back to front door where Adam is already. A police patrol has found Eko and take him into their car. The four police officers separate; two going upstairs, with the others remaining on the first floor. One of the officers finds a video containing the movie that was seen at the start of this film. Shocked, he drops a small collection of photographs, strangely dated in 1912, but depicting Adam, Arman, and Maya. Dara's photo is dated 1889. Upstairs, Arman is stabbed in the eye while raping Ladya. She escapes while Arman screams loudly, tipping off the police. The police take a defensive posture, but Adam turn off the lights and the family of cannibals kill the police in the dark. However, the leader of the police gets away and runs to front door. He retrieves his shotgun, and fires is at Maya, killing her. Dara, who has just killed the other officers, runs to front door and takes the shotgun away from the police leader and kills him. Dara finds an injured Maya and breaks her neck to ends her daughter's suffering.Arman comes out of the room with a the wooden stick jammed in his eye. He slashes the throat of one of the police officers who had gone upstairs to investigate earlier. They die together. Ladya runs to the room where Adjie lies unconscious. She finds Astrid's body, after which they are attacked by Adam. While Adam fights with Adjie, Eko comes enters and jabs Adam with a sword. Adam, who is quite durable, removes the sword while Adjie pours a liquid over his head. Seeing this, Ladya takes her lighter and tosses it to Adam. Adam goes up in flames and runs to another room. Eko goes downstairs alone and slashed by Dara with a chainsaw. Back upstairs, Ladya and Adjie attack Adam once more. Ladya, who has taken the sword, slices Adams throat. Together with Adjie, they decapitate Adam.Ladya and Adjie take the baby to a part of the house, which is stained in blood. Ladya takes revenge on Dara, the last remaining villain. Ladya goes to dining room, where she finds Eko's body and is attacked by Dara and her chainsaw. Ladya with the sword and Dara with the chainsaw, fight each other. Ladya escapes to the other side of dining table and runs out of the room. But Dara slashes Ladyas foot, causing blood to squirt out. Dara readies to attacks Ladya again, but is knocked in the head by Adjie and Ladya makes it away. Dara is still able to grab the chainsaw, slashing Adjie's shoulder. Adjie finds a gun nest to him and throws it to Ladya. Ladya takes the gun and shoots Dara, then strangles her with her necklace. Dara lays on the floor and is kicked by Ladya. Ladya reunites with Adjie and apologizes to him. Adjie forgives her and dies after he asks Ladya to cares her nephew (his newborn son).Morning has come as Ladya gets away from the house with her nephew in her arms. She puts her nephew in a box in the backseat of police car. She starts the car, but before she can drive away, Dara reappears punches out the cars window grabbing Ladya. Ladya drives the car to the forest road, opens the car door and puts it in reverse and Dara is smashed against a big tree. Ladya looks Daras body and smiles knowing that she is safe after the previous night's bloody "game". She says to nephew, We go home,. As she drives away, we see Daras bloody hand moving slowly moving.

《令人毛骨悚然/Macabre》(2009) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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