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[原版] 《和平卫士/The Peacekeeper》(1997) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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美国空军少校弗兰克·克罗斯又遇到了“黄铜”的麻烦。这一次,他进行了一次未经授权的人道主义救援飞行……向饥饿的库尔德人扔了一袋袋大米。对于媒体来说,他是英雄。五角大楼想对他进行军事审判,但不能,因为总统希望这位非常上镜的媒体英雄在他身边——至少在下一次选举之后。所以克罗斯有一个新的任务。他将携带“黑包”——总统的高科技公文包,里面装有“启动代码”和通信计算机,用于在国家紧急情况下发射美国洲际弹道导弹核武库。这本来应该是小菜一碟,但是……在他上班的第一天,一队雇佣兵偷走了公文包,并将克罗斯从十楼的阳台上扔了下来。奇迹般的是,他不但活了下来,还开着一辆被劫持的出租车追击恐怖分子。随后的汽车追逐穿过芝加哥的小巷和街道,爬上停车场的坡道,然后出乎意料地继续越过芝加哥。邻近建筑物的屋顶!当出租车猛烈地从一栋建筑物上坠落时,雇佣兵们以为他们已经看到了他的最后一面……但克罗斯已经跳伞,并设法偷偷登上直升机,将他们和黑色袋子从大楼里救了出来。屋顶,飞向夜空,向最终目标前进……美国洲际弹道导弹设施 K-7。克罗斯伪装成一名恐怖分子,溜进导弹发射井,而精锐小组则谋杀了发射井人员,并使用黑包中的密码接管了发射控制。在前海军陆战队上校道格拉斯·墨菲的带领下,他在伊拉克的一次卧底行动中“失踪”,他们发射了可怕的警告枪:一枚摧毁拉什莫尔山的和平卫士核导弹!直到那时墨菲才打电话给总统并提出了他令人不寒而栗的要求。总统将在电视直播观众面前自杀,否则剩下的两枚核导弹将瞄准华盛顿特区只有弗兰克·克罗斯和幸存的导弹设施指挥官伯纳德·诺斯罗普中校一起,才能阻止威胁总统和数百万平民的疯狂行为。可能性是压倒性的。倒计时已经开始。和平卫士已准备好起飞!——匿名

United States air force Major Frank Cross is in trouble with the "brass" again. This time he's made an unauthorized humanitarian relief flight ... dropping sacks of rice to starving Kurds. To the press, he's a hero. The Pentagon would like to court martial him, but can't because the President wants the highly photogenic media hero by his side--at least until after the next election. So Cross has a new assignment. He's to carry the "black bag"-- the President's high-tech briefcase containing the "go codes" and communications computer for launching America's nuclear ICBM arsenal in case of national emergency. It should be a piece of cake, but... On his first day on the job, a team of mercenaries steal the briefcase and drop Cross off a tenth floor balcony. Miraculously, he not only survives, but pursues the terrorists in a hijacked taxi. The ensuing car chase careens through the alleyways and streets of Chicago, up the ramps of a parking garage and then, unexpectedly, continues over the rooftops of the adjacent buildings! When the taxi takes a fiery plunge off one of the buildings, the mercenaries think they've seen the last of him ... but Cross has bailed out and manages to stowaway on the helicopter that plucks them, and the black bag, from the rooftops, into the night sky and onwards to their final target... United States Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Facility K-7. Disguised as one of the terrorists, Cross slips into the missile silo as the crack team murders the silo personnel and takes over launch control using the secret codes contained in the black bag. Led by ex-Marine Colonel Douglas Murphy, who went "missing in action" during an undercover operation in Iraq, they launch a terrifying warning shot: a Peacekeeper nuclear missile that destroys Mount Rushmore! Only then does Murphy call the President and make his chilling demand. The President is to kill himself in front of a live television audience, or the two remaining nuclear missiles will be targeted on Washington D.C. Only Frank Cross, Joined by the surviving commander of the Missile Facility, Lieutenant Colonel Bernard Northrop, can stop the madness that threatens the President and millions of civilians. The odds are overwhelming. The countdown has started. The PEACEKEEPER is ready to blast off!—anonymous

《和平卫士/The Peacekeeper》(1997) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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