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[原版] 《表演船/Show Boat》(1936) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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除了 1989 年在 PBS 上播放的录像制作之外,这部《表演船》比其他任何电影都更忠实于原版舞台音乐剧。 影片开始时,密西西比河上的一艘表演船棉花宫,驶入港口。船上有船主安迪·霍克斯船长、他爱唠叨、不赞成的妻子帕蒂、他们十八岁的女儿木兰,以及他们的演员、歌手和舞者剧团。推动棉花宫的拖船莫莉·阿布尔 (Mollie Able) 的粗鲁工程师皮特 (Pete) 注意到表演船上的非洲裔美国厨师奎妮 (Queenie) 戴着一枚胸针,这是他在《棉花宫》中送给棉花宫女主角朱莉·拉凡尔纳 (Julie la Verne) 的。希望引诱她远离她的丈夫、公司的领导者史蒂夫·贝克(Steve Baker)。朱莉不想和皮特有任何关系,并把胸针送给了奎妮。皮特在朱莉丈夫面前威胁朱莉。就在安迪船长向演员们介绍演员时,史蒂夫和皮特在堤坝上爆发了一场拳斗。聚集的人群。安迪很快假装史蒂夫和皮特只是在表演公司演出的一部戏剧中的一个场景。莫莉·阿布尔号的飞行员温迪·麦克莱恩注意到皮特从堤坝上的相框中偷走了朱莉的照片,那里张贴着表演团的照片。愤怒的帕蒂警告朱莉远离木兰,朱莉像妹妹一样爱着木兰。悲伤的是,朱莉告诉安迪船长,如果她看不到木兰,她就不能留在船上,但她没有辞职或离开。 所有人退场后,河船赌徒盖洛德·拉文纳尔经过,在演出的上层甲板上看到了木兰船。两人立刻被对方所吸引。然而,拉文纳尔必须很快离开,与镇法官谈论个人事务。 当天晚些时候,剧团正在排练当晚要表演的戏剧,这时船上的喜剧演员埃莉提醒他们,皮特正在和警长一起回来。有风也有战争他们得知皮特偷了朱莉的照片并且图谋不轨。朱莉的丈夫史蒂夫立刻拿出一把凶猛的弹簧刀,在她的手背上划了一道口子,吸出了血。警长进来并宣布朱莉是一名与白人结婚的半黑人女性,这是非法的。史蒂夫是白人,他说他也有部分黑人血统。因为他吸了朱莉的一些血,剧团,尤其是治安官儿时的朋友温迪,支持史蒂夫,阻止治安官逮捕史蒂夫和朱莉。但是,既然朱莉的混血已经被揭露,这对夫妇就不能再与公司的其他人一起行动,所以他们必须离开。这时,同样被命令离开城镇的盖洛德·拉文纳尔再次出现,并要求上船。安迪船长意识到英俊的拉文纳尔作为演员的潜力,聘请他担任男主角,不顾帕西的反对,让木兰成为新的女主角。木兰含泪告别朱莉她悲伤地和丈夫一起离开,但在听到安迪船长让木兰成为新的女主角和拉文纳尔成为新的男主角之前。皮特被解雇了。几周过去了,木兰和拉文纳尔已经坠入爱河。帕蒂决心在拉文纳尔上拿到货物,并暂时离开了城镇。当她离开时,拉文纳尔向木兰求婚,两人计划结婚。正当他们准备进入教堂时,帕西回来了,并宣布拉文纳尔多年前杀了一个人——这就是为什么他永远不能在镇上呆太久——但治安官说这是自卫,所以帕西无能为力做任何事。木兰和拉文纳尔结婚了。随着时间的推移,这对幸福的夫妇有了一个小女儿,他们给她起名叫金。他们离开了船,前往芝加哥居住,在那里,他们时富时穷,这取决于拉文纳尔的赌博运气(他不工作)。有一天,当他们住在一所二流寄宿公寓时,木兰遇到了艾莉和她的丈夫弗兰克·舒尔茨 (Frank Shultz) 离开了演出船,并已被预订进入芝加哥一家夜总会特罗卡德罗 (Trocadero)。然后有人带来了一封信,原来是拉维纳尔的告别信,拉维纳尔因无法抚养木兰而感到内疚,决定离开她。弗兰克和艾莉带着满目疮痍的木兰来到特罗卡德罗,木兰希望在那里找到一份工作。但她不知道主唱是朱莉,就是表演船上的朱莉,自从史蒂夫离开她后,她就成了酒鬼。朱莉在更衣室里无意中听到了木兰的试镜,并意识到自己需要这份工作,突然辞职,这样经理别无选择,只能雇用木兰,而木兰却从不知道朱莉的慷慨牺牲,甚至不知道她曾经在那里工作过。除夕夜,安迪船长和帕西意外抵达芝加哥,却找不到木兰和拉文纳尔,因为他们不再住在豪华酒店。安迪决定去庆祝除夕夜他独自一人,最后(有点醉)来到了特罗卡德罗,在那里他发现了木兰在唱歌。当她因怯场而步履蹒跚时,他鼓励她,她一炮走红,并在国际职业生涯中取得了成功。她独自抚养女儿。时间过去了,我们看到拉文纳尔的手将有关木兰的剪报粘贴到剪贴簿上。他要么住在另一处二流寄宿处,要么住在另一处二流寄宿处。现在已经是大约三十年后的事了。木兰现年六十岁左右,即将退出舞台。她的女儿金已经成为一名音乐明星,即将在百老汇扮演她的第一个主角。她没有意识到那个衣衫褴褛的剧院门卫,她只知道他是“波普”,实际上是她自己的父亲盖洛德·拉文纳尔。他因试图在 Magnolia、Cap'n Andy 和 Parthy 到达时观看表演而被解雇(他们从密西西比州专程赶来观看 Kim 的主演首演)。木兰看到拉文纳尔并邀请他和他们坐在一起,而西娅得知真相的经理允许他这样做。演出结束后,金请她妈妈再唱一首。拉文纳尔和她一起唱歌,金感动得流下了眼泪,木兰和拉文纳尔和解了。

This film of "Show Boat" is more faithful to the original stage musical than any of the other films of it, except for the 1989 videotaped production presented on PBS.As the film begins, the Cotton Palace, a show boat on the Mississippi River, pulls into port. On board are the owner Cap'n Andy Hawks, his nagging, disapproving wife Parthy, and their eighteen-year old daughter Magnolia, along with their troupe of actors, singers, and dancers. Pete, the rough, coarse engineer of the towboat Mollie Able, which pushes the Cotton Palace, notices Queenie, the show boat's African-American cook, wearing a brooch that he had sent to the Cotton Palace's leading lady, Julie la Verne, in the hopes of seducing her away from her husband, Steve Baker, leading man of the company. Julie wants nothing to do with Pete and has given Queenie the brooch. Pete threatens Julie in front of her husband. A fistfight breaks out between Steve and Pete on the levee, just as Cap'n Andy is introducing his actors to the assembled crowd. Andy quickly pretends that Steve and Pete were merely acting out a scene from one of the plays performed by the company. Windy McLain, the pilot of the Mollie Able, notices that Pete has stolen Julie's photo out of its frame on the levee, where photos of the acting troupe are posted. The angry Parthy warns Julie to stay away from Magnolia, whom Julie loves as if she were a younger sister. Sadly, Julie tells Cap'n Andy that if she cannot see Magnolia, she cannot stay on the boat, but she does not resign or leave.After everyone exits, riverboat gambler Gaylord Ravenal passes by and sees Magnolia on the upper deck of the show boat. The two are instantly romantically attracted to each other. However, Ravenal must shortly leave to speak to the town judge about a personal matter.Later that day, the company is rehearsing the play they are to perform that night, when they are alerted by Ellie, the comedienne of the boat, that Pete is returning with the Sheriff. Windy also warns them that Pete has stolen Julie's picture and is up to something. Instantly, Steve, Julie's husband, takes out a menacing switchblade knife and makes a cut on the back of her hand, sucking the blood. The Sheriff enters and announces that Julie is a half-black woman married to a white man, which is illegal. Steve, who is the white man, says that he is also part-black. Because he has sucked in some of Julie's blood, the troupe, especially Windy, a boyhood friend of the Sheriff's, backs Steve up, preventing the Sheriff from arresting Steve and Julie. But the couple, now that Julie's mixed blood has been revealed, can no longer act with the rest of the company, so they must leave. At this, Gaylord Ravenal, who also has been ordered to leave town, reappears and asks for passage on the boat. Cap'n Andy, realizing the handsome Ravenal's potential as an actor, hires him as leading man, and over Parthy's objections, makes Magnolia the new leading lady. Magnolia tearfully says goodbye to Julie, who sadly leaves with her husband, but not before hearing Cap'n Andy make Magnolia the new leading lady and Ravenal the new leading man. Pete is fired offscreen.Weeks pass, and by now, Magnolia and Ravenal have fallen in love. Parthy is determined to get the goods on Ravenal, and temporarily leaves town. While she is gone, Ravenal proposes to Magnolia and the two make plans to marry. Just as they are about to enter the church, Parthy returns and announces that Ravenal killed a man years ago - this is why he can never stay in town for very long - but the Sheriff says that it was self-defense, so Parthy is powerless to do anything. Magnolia and Ravenal are married.More time passes, and the happy couple has a baby daughter, whom they name Kim. They leave the boat and go to live in Chicago, where they are alternately rich and broke, depending on Ravenal's luck at gambling (he does not work). One day, while they are living in a second rate boarding house, Magnolia runs into Ellie and her husband Frank Shultz, who have left the show boat and have been booked into the Trocadero, a Chicago nightclub. Then someone brings a letter, which turns out to be a farewell note from Ravenal, who has decided to leave Magnolia out of guilt for his inability to support her. Frank and Ellie take the devastated Magnolia to the Trocadero, where Magnolia hopes to find a job. But she does not know that the featured singer is Julie, the same Julie from the show boat, who has become an alcoholic now that Steve has left her. From her dressing room, Julie overhears Magnolia audition, and realizing that she needs the job, abruptly quits so that the manager will have no choice but to hire Magnolia, who never learns of Julie's generous sacrifice, or even that she once worked there.On New Year's Eve, Cap'n Andy and Parthy arrive in Chicago for a surprise visit, but are unable to find Magnolia and Ravenal because they are no longer living in a fancy hotel. Andy decides to go celebrate New Year's Eve alone and ends up (a little tipsy) at the Trocadero, where he discovers Magnolia singing. When she falters due to stage fright, he encourages her and she becomes a hit and goes on to a successful international career. She raises her daughter all alone.More time passes and we see Ravenal's hands pasting newspaper clippings about Magnolia into a scrapbook. He is either living or staying in another second-rate boarding house. It is now about thirty years later. Magnolia, now about sixty, is retiring from the stage. Her daughter Kim has become a musical star and is about to play her first leading role on Broadway. She does not realize that the shabbily dressed theatre doorman, whom she knows only as "Pop", is in reality her own father, Gaylord Ravenal. He is fired for trying to watch the performance just as Magnolia, Cap'n Andy, and Parthy arrive (they have come all the way from Mississippi to see Kim's starring debut). Magnolia sees Ravenal and invites him to sit with them, and the theatre manager, who has learned the truth, allows him to do so. After the show ends, Kim asks her mother to sing an encore. Ravenal joins her in song, Kim is moved to tears, and Magnolia and Ravenal are reconciled.

《表演船/Show Boat》(1936) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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