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[原版] 《龙珠Z:超级人造人13/Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13》(1992) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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Gero博士被他自己的创造物Android 17和18杀死了。Gero死后,据透露他已将自己的意识复制到一台超级计算机中,目的是创造一个新的终极机器人。切到今天,悟空、悟饭、琪琪、克林、大师罗西、乌龙和未来特兰克斯出去一家餐馆吃饭。在此期间,Gero 博士的新 Android 14 和 15 被部署并开始对整个城市造成破坏。他们不顾周围的环境,径直走向餐厅并攻击悟空。赛亚人战士与机器人进行了短暂的战斗,未来特兰克斯也加入了战斗。在整个城市遭受严重的附带损害后,悟空和未来特兰克斯将战斗带到了北极地区,以避免伤害无辜平民。悟饭和克林紧随其后,这让琪琪非常沮丧。悟空和特兰克斯设法与这两个机器人抗衡,直到第三个机器人突然出现,带着红丝带徽章。第三个机器人被揭露是三者中最强的,机器人 13,解释说虽然格罗博士被杀了,但他的意识仍然存在于他编程的超级计算机中,继续他杀死悟空的任务,并为红丝带军报仇。 13 号与悟空战斗,14 号与未来特兰克斯战斗,15 号与贝吉塔战斗,贝吉塔不久后赶来拯救悟空免于死亡。一旦被仿生人击败,悟空、未来特兰克斯和贝吉塔都变身为超级赛亚人,其中 14 号和 15 号被摧毁。比克在从 13 号的攻击中拯救了悟饭后也赶到了,并与机器人交战,机器人成功地对抗了比克和悟空。贝吉塔、未来特兰克斯、悟空和短笛包围了 13,准备一劳永逸地消灭他。愤怒之下,13继续吸收14和15的主要核心部件,变身为可怕的超级安卓13。有了这种新形态,没有人能与13匹敌,因为他们都在挨打。其他战士(包括悟饭和 Kr)认为没有其他方法可以击败他。illin)与13交战,给悟空时间让他充能元气弹。悟空吸收了元气弹并毫不费力地摧毁了​​ 13。随着最终机器人的灭亡,格罗博士的超级计算机永久关闭。

Dr. Gero has been killed by his own creations, Android 17 and 18. Following Gero's death, it is revealed that he had copied his own consciousness into a supercomputer, with the intention of creating a new ultimate android.Cutting to the present day, Goku, Gohan, Chi-Chi, Krillin, Master Roshi, Oolong and Future Trunks go out to eat at a restaurant. During this time, Dr Gero's new Androids 14 and 15 are deployed and begin to cause destruction throughout the city. Oblivious to their surroundings, they head straight towards the restaurant and attack Goku. The Saiyan warrior briefly fights the Androids, along with Future Trunks who joins in the fray. Following extreme collateral damage across the city, Goku and Future Trunks take the battle to an arctic area to avoid harming innocent civilians. Gohan and Krillin follow them, much to Chi-Chi's dismay.Goku and Trunks manage to hold their own against the two androids, until a third suddenly appears bearing the Red Ribbon Insignia. The third android is revealed to be the strongest of the three, Android 13, explaining that although Dr. Gero was killed, his consciousness lives on in his programmed supercomputer to continue his quest of killing Goku and exact his revenge for the Red Ribbon Army. 13 fights Goku, 14 fights Future Trunks, and 15 fights Vegeta who arrives shortly after to save Goku from death. Once being outmatched by the Androids, Goku, Future Trunks and Vegeta all transform into Super Saiyans, with 14 and 15 being destroyed. Piccolo also arrives after saving Gohan from 13's attack, and engages the android, who manages to hold his own against both Piccolo and Goku. Vegeta, Future Trunks, Goku and Piccolo surround 13, ready to destroy him once and for all. Irate, 13 proceeds to absorb 14 and 15's main core components and transforms into the monstrous Super Android 13. With this new form, no one can match 13, as they are all pummeled about. Seeing no other way to beat him, the other fighters (including Gohan and Krillin) engage 13 to give Goku time for him to charge the Spirit Bomb. Goku absorbs the Spirit Bomb and effortlessly destroys 13. With the final android's demise, Dr. Gero's supercomputer shuts down for good.

《龙珠Z:超级人造人13/Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13》(1992) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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