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[原版] 《两只斑鸠/Two Turtle Doves》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-12-8 11:17:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

圣诞节期间,纽约市的神经科学家莎伦·哈珀将返回她的小家乡派恩斯普林斯,与她怀孕的表弟露西和露西的丈夫罗兰一起度过圣诞节。这次旅行标志着莎伦自一月份抚养她长大的维拉奶奶过世并举行葬礼以来第一次返回。莎伦从维拉的遗产律师山姆·泰勒(他也恰好是维拉的隔壁邻居)那里得知,维拉将把房子——莎伦长大的地方——留给她,但她在一本日记中写下了他们家庭的许多圣诞节传统,其中有十二个。维拉希望莎伦在决定是否永久搬回房子(这将背离莎伦的人生计划)或将其处理掉之前完成这些任务。考虑到莎伦将做什么的另一个因素是,她已被提名获得著名的麦克亚当奖学金,价值 50 万美元,她将于 12 月 31 日在纽约参加面试。莎伦的计划就是将维拉最喜欢的圣诞仪式与十二项圣诞任务结合起来,即在每项任务完成后,将十二天的圣诞装饰品分别挂在其展示架上。在这项仪式化的任务中,莎伦沮丧地发现,她只能找到十一个装饰品中的十个,梨树上的鹧鸪在这个套装中从未存在过,缺少的装饰品是两只斑鸠。在完成每项任务时,莎伦得到了山姆十岁的女儿米凯拉以及山姆本人的帮助。作为回报,莎伦最终帮助米凯拉在几年前去世的母亲珍妮缺席的情况下度过圣诞节。珍妮是一位艺术家,这也是她和来自纽约的山姆最初搬到派恩斯普林斯的原因六年前。在此过程中,莎伦无法想象没有山姆和米凯拉的生活,但也不知道她是否可以把自己为之努力的一切抛在脑后,而山姆知道他不会与莎伦开始一些事情甚至没有机会进入下一步。除了她是否获得友谊之外,莎伦和山姆之间发生的事情可能象征性地取决于是否找到两只斑鸠装饰品,这对莎伦来说意味着爱情。——哈戈

For Christmas, New York City based neuroscientist Sharon Harper is heading back to her small hometown of Pine Springs to spend it with her pregnant cousin Lucy and Lucy's husband Roland. This trip marks the first time Sharon will have returned since the passing and funeral of her Gramma Vera in January, Vera who raised her. Sharon learns from Vera's estate lawyer Sam Taylor, who also happens to be Vera's next door neighbor, that Vera will be leaving the house - where Sharon grew up - to her, but has written in a journal many of their family Christmas traditions, twelve of them which Vera wants Sharon to accomplish before she makes the decision on whether to move back into the house for good, which would be a departure from Sharon's life plan, or to dispose of it. Also factoring into what Sharon will do is the fact that she has been nominated for the prestigious MacAdam's Fellowship worth $500,000, the interview for which she will attend on December 31st back in New York. Sharon's plan is to incorporate her favorite of Vera's Christmas rituals with the twelve Christmas tasks, namely to hang each of the twelve days of Christmas ornaments on its display stand after the completion of each task. In that ritualized task, Sharon is dismayed to find that she can only find ten of the eleven ornaments, the partridge in a pear tree which never existed in this set, the missing ornament being the two turtle doves. In completing each task, Sharon gets help from Sam's ten year old daughter Mikayla and by association Sam himself. In return, Sharon ends up helping Mikayla cope with Christmas in the absence of her own mother Jenny who passed a few years earlier, Jenny, an artist, the reason she and Sam, originally from New York, moved to Pine Springs in the first place six years ago. In the process, Sharon can't picture a life without Sam and Mikayla but also doesn't know if she can put all that she's worked for behind her, while Sam knows he won't start something with Sharon that has no chance of even getting to the next step. Beyond whether or not she gets the fellowship, what happens between Sharon and Sam may symbolically be determined by whether or not the two turtle doves ornament is found, it which to Sharon signifies love.—Huggo

《两只斑鸠/Two Turtle Doves》(2019) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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