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[原版] 《纳拉帕/Narappa》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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在 20 世纪 80 年代的阿纳恩塔普尔地区,一名男子和一名男孩携带自制炸弹徒步过河。在村子的另一个地方,一名妇女、一名男子和一名年轻女孩也在躲避警察。旁白在回忆中透露,这名男子是纳拉帕,男孩是他的儿子西纳帕。相比之下,女人、男人和孩子是纳拉帕的妻子 Sundaramma、她的兄弟 Basavaiah 和女儿 Bujjamma。他们还有一个大儿子,名叫穆尼卡纳。他们是居住在拉马萨加拉姆的农民家庭。纳拉帕与他的大儿子关系密切,但与西纳帕关系疏远,几乎是虐待。纳拉帕的农民家庭。潘杜斯瓦米 (Panduswamy) 是瓦达库尔 (Vadakoor)(字面意思为北部村庄)的地主,他计划与最小的多拉斯瓦米 (Doraswamy) 一起建造水泥厂,他们需要纳拉帕 (Narappa) 的 3 英亩土地,但家人反对出售这块土地,尤其是穆尼卡纳 (Munikanna)。有一天,桑达拉玛遭到潘杜斯瓦米 (Panduswamy) 的儿子兰加巴布 (Rangababu) 的袭击,穆尼卡纳 (Munikanna) 进行报复,重伤了他并入狱。后果不,不。纳拉帕恳求潘杜斯瓦米释放穆尼卡纳,他要求纳拉帕在地主村庄的每一位男性居民面前跪拜以示赎罪。穆尼卡纳意识到这一点后,用拖鞋打了潘杜斯瓦米一巴掌。为了报复,潘杜斯瓦米的追随者在猎人甘帕纳的带领下斩首了穆尼卡纳。孙达拉玛被攻破,一年后,西纳帕被迫杀死潘杜斯瓦米以报仇。纳拉帕目睹了袭击事件,并与家人一起逃离。现在,影片切换回现在。多拉斯瓦米 (Doraswamy) 和兰加巴布 (Rangababu) 命令甘帕纳 (Gampanna) 寻找这两人并追踪他们,并差点杀死西纳帕 (Seenappa)。纳拉帕击败了所有人,当他们康复后,纳拉帕解释了为什么他饶了他们的命。 二十年前,他是村里著名的私酒酿酒师,也是地主尚卡拉伊亚 (Shankaraiah) 信任的仆人。有一天,他说服老板雇用 Shankaraiah 的远亲 Seenu 担任职员。纳拉帕的兄弟穆纳帕和律师瓦拉达拉朱鲁正试图夺回他们贫穷的农场从非法侵占的地主手中夺取社区的土地。纳拉帕的家人多次未能为他找到新娘,因为他是一名酿酒师。纳拉帕的姐姐的女儿坎纳玛感到沮丧,向她的叔叔求婚,他和家人都接受了。 Seenu 慢慢赢得了 Shankaraiah 的信任并成为他的工厂会计。有一次,Narappa 在工厂内殴打 Seenu,因为 Seenu 拒绝借给他 1 卢比,他计划报仇。与此同时,纳拉帕将凉鞋送给坎纳玛,西努打了她,并强迫她头上戴着凉鞋穿过村庄。纳拉帕(Narappa)进行报复,在村子中央用凉鞋打他,并将他绑起来,但遭到尚卡拉伊(Shankaraiah)的斥责。受到羞辱的纳拉帕停止酿酒并加入了他的兄弟。一天晚上,在穆纳帕和纳拉帕召开会议之前,传来瓦拉达拉朱鲁被捕的消息,纳拉帕被派去取授权会议的文件。当他回来时,穆纳帕已被西努和纳拉帕的全家杀死和 Kannamma 一起在他们的小屋里被活活烧死。愤怒的纳拉帕残忍地杀死了尚卡拉伊亚、西努和他们的手下。之后,纳拉帕离开了村庄,几个月后被教他耕作的巴萨瓦伊亚发现。他还被介绍给没有收到求婚的孙达拉玛。然后,他讲述了自己的故事,孙达拉玛钦佩他为家人所做的一切。他向法庭自首并被判处短期刑罚。之后,他与孙达拉玛结婚。西纳帕对父亲的过去感到惊讶并开始钦佩他。纳拉帕与妻子和解,并向瓦拉达拉朱鲁寻求帮助,瓦拉达拉朱鲁建议他们第二天出庭。但不幸的是,多拉斯瓦米和兰加巴布计划在法庭附近伏击,他们逃跑了。因此,纳拉帕不情愿地卖掉了自己的土地,以保护西纳帕免受潘杜斯瓦米家族的侵害。然而,Seenappa 被 Doraswamy 和 Rangababu 绑架并遭受酷刑,这直接违反了协议。此时,愤怒的纳拉帕杀死了他们,并把他们杀死了。他们的任何追随者。尽管他和西纳帕受了重伤。巴萨瓦亚和他们的村民全副武装抵达并化解了局势。最后,据透露,两个村庄同意结束冲突,避免了村庄冲突。纳拉帕的家人聚集在法庭上,他同意在必要时代替西纳帕入狱。他告诉儿子要努力学习并找到工作,与土地和金钱不同,地主无法夺取他们的教育。影片以纳拉帕进入法庭时对家人微笑而结束。

In the 1980s Anantapur district, a man and a boy are trekking across a river, carrying homemade bombs. In another part of the village, a woman, a man, and a young girl are also hiding from the police.A narrator reveals in a flashback that the man is Narappa and the boy is his son Seenappa. In contrast, the woman, man, and child are Narappa's wife, Sundaramma, her brother Basavaiah and daughter Bujjamma. They also had an older son called Munikanna. They are a family of farmers living in Ramasagaram. Narappa has a close relationship with his older son but is distant, almost abusive with Seenappa. Narappa's family of farmers.Panduswamy is an landlord from Vadakoor (lit. northern village), who plans a cement factory with his youngest Doraswamy and they needs Narappa's 3 acres of land, to which the family is against selling, especially Munikanna. One day Sundaramma is attacked by Panduswamy's son Rangababu, to which Munikanna retaliates by severely injuring him and gets imprisoned. Consequently. Narappa pleads with Panduswamy to get Munikanna released, and he asks Narappa to prostrate before every male resident of the landlord's village as atonement. Being cognizant of it, Munikanna slaps Panduswamy with a slipper. In revenge, Panduswamy's henchmen, led by a hunter Gampanna, behead Munikanna. Sundaramma is broken, and after a year, Seenappa is compelled to kill Panduswamy in revenge. Narappa views the attack, and flees with the family.Right now, the film switches back to the present. Gampanna is ordered by Doraswamy & Rangababu to find the pair, tracks them down, and almost kills Seenappa. Narappa defeats them all and when they recovers, Narappa explains why he spared their lives.Twenty years before, he is a village-famous moonshine brewer and trusted servant to Shankaraiah, a landlord. One day, he convinces his boss to employ Seenu, Shankaraiah's distant relative, as a clerk. Narappa's brother Munnappa and Varadarajulu, a lawyer, are attempting to regain their poor farming community's land from landlords who had seized it illegally. Narappa's family repeatedly fails to find a bride for him as he is a brewer. Frustrated Narappa's elder sister's daughter Kannamma, proposes to her uncle which he and the family accepts. Seenu slowly gains Shankaraiah's trust and becomes his mill accountant. Once Narappa beats Seenu inside the mill, for refusing to loan Rs 1 to him and he plans revenge. Meanwhile, Narappa gifts sandals to Kannamma when Seenu hits her and forces her to walk through the village with the sandals on her head. Narappa retaliates by hitting him with sandals in the middle of the village and ties him up but is reprimanded by Shankaraiah. Humiliated Narapppa quits brewing and joins his brother. One night, before a meeting is conducted by Munnappa and Narappa, the news arrives that Varadarajulu is arrested, and Narappa is sent to get the documents authorizing the meeting. When he returns, Munappa has been killed by Seenu and Narappa's entire family is burned alive in their huts along with Kannamma. Enraged, Narappa brutally kills Shankaraiah, Seenu, and their men.After that, Narappa leaves the village and months later is found by Basavaiah, who taught him farming. He's also introduced to Sundaramma, who is not getting marriage proposals. Then, he narrates his story, and Sundaramma admires what he did for his family. He surrenders to the court and is given a short-term penalty. Afterward, he marries Sundaramma. Seenappa is amazed at his father's past and starts to admire him. Narappa reconciles with his wife and reaches Varadarajulu for help who advises them to turn up to court the next day.But unfortunately, Doraswamy and Rangababu plans ambush near the court premises and they flee. Therefore, Narappa reluctantly sells his land to protect Seenappa from Panduswamy's family. However, Seenappa is abducted and tortured by Doraswamy & Rangababu, in direct violation of the agreement. At this point, infuriated Narappa kills them and many of their henchmen. Though he and Seenappa sustain serious injuries. Basavaiah and their village people arrive armed and defuse the situation.In the end, it's revealed that the two villages agreed that the conflict should end and prevented a village clash. Narappa's family has gathered in the court, and he has agreed to go to jail instead of Seenappa if necessary. He tells his son to study hard and get a job, and that, unlike land and money, the landlords can't seize their education. The film ends with Narappa smiling at his family as he enters the court.

《纳拉帕/Narappa》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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