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[原版] 《再次继续医生/Carry on Again Doctor》(1969) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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名誉扫地的詹姆斯·努基医生(吉姆·戴尔饰)被送到一个荒凉的热带岛屿上的一家偏远诊所,在那里他了解到一种本土减肥药。努基曾在一家著名的 NHS 医院工作,主任医师弗雷德里克·卡弗医生(肯尼思·威廉姆斯饰)担任主任。外科医生和欧内斯特·斯托皮奇医生(查尔斯·霍特里饰)是他的同事。护士长(海蒂·雅克饰)不赞成努基的滑稽动作。福斯迪克小姐(帕齐·罗兰兹饰)是卡佛的秘书。努基笨手笨脚,经常在医院内把女性病人推向错误的方向。 艾伦·摩尔(琼·西姆斯饰)是一位富有的病人,卡弗为她做了阑尾切除手术。卡弗希望摩尔向他的医疗基金会捐款,但她拒绝了,除非卡弗帮她为她的一家热带岛屿诊所找到一名住院医生。 年轻性感模特戈尔迪·洛克斯(芭芭拉·温莎饰)住进了医院。她穿着模特服装(几乎遮盖不了她的私处)当被录取时。努基检查了她,但无法抗拒性暗示。在拍摄 X 光片时,努基使设备短路(他试图通过炫耀设备的功能来给戈尔迪留下深刻印象,但他不知道如何操作),差点导致医院瘫痪。医院的电气设备因此被损坏,花了 24 小时才恢复正常。 在一次员工聚会上,斯托皮奇在努基的饮料中混合了手术用酒精。醉酒的努基最终在医院的推车上撞破了窗户,当时他几乎和一名病人躺在床上(他建议戈尔迪可以住在医院的私人房间里,但斯托皮奇已经把它分配给了一名女病人,她已经和努基发生了争执。当努基去拿睡衣时,戈尔迪离开了医院,因为她不舒服过夜,而努基最终和病人一起呆在房间里,在她的床上)。戈尔迪离开努基,因为后者对婚姻不感兴趣ge.Carver 将 Nookey 送到 Beatific 群岛作为惩罚,那里一年有九个月都下雨。格莱斯顿·斯克鲁尔(席德·詹姆斯饰)是努基在热带岛屿上执行医疗任务的勤务兵,而格莱斯顿却是一名狡猾的干员。他已经用摩尔寄来的钱全部买酒了,和5个妻子和一帮孩子过着奢侈的生活。格莱斯顿想要一个人呆着,并对摩尔又派了另一名医生去执行任务感到愤怒。他计划通过让努基变得抑郁和酗酒来摆脱他。然后他写信给摩尔和卡弗,称努基只不过是一个醉酒的流浪汉,对当地社区没有任何帮助。摩尔威胁卡弗,如果他不解决这个问题,就取消她的资助。卡弗决定亲自前往该岛,但他的船在飓风中发生事故,他被困在另一个热带岛屿上三个月。 与此同时,努基偶然发现当地巫医(实际上是格莱斯顿)酿造它)酿造她的混合物bs作为减肥剂,使人减肥得很快。努基看到了赚钱的潜力,获得了大量供应,回到伦敦变得非常富有,并聘请了一名性感秘书。三个月后卡弗回到英国,发现护士长正在为努基工作,斯托皮奇已经晋升到卡弗的职位努基很富有,并与摩尔合作。努基成功经营了一家豪华的减肥诊所。然而,他以前的职业竞争对手,最初曾帮助他离开,现在想要分一杯羹,减肥药的真正发现者也想分一杯羹。戈尔迪再次回到努基身边。格莱斯顿很快发现努基正在赚大钱。他从他的血清中获得了一大笔财富,并切断了他的供应,亲自提供血清并参与了行动。格莱斯顿到来,要求获得 50% 的利润份额,以换取下一次供应的魔药。当努基拒绝时,他给了努基一个与努基似乎不同的血清瓶卡弗想要建立合作伙伴关系,当努基拒绝时,他派了斯托皮奇伪装成一个胖女人,去偷配方。努基认出了斯托皮奇。努基向斯托皮奇释放了精力旺盛的格拉德斯通,而斯托皮奇必须在诊所所有女性中间脱衣服,并且必须与摩尔共用一个房间。所有这些都刺痛了他的情感。 事实上,格莱斯顿注射了一种能引起女性性别改变的血清。努基最终屈服并与格拉德斯通和卡弗成为伙伴。电影以努基和戈尔迪在摩尔-努基-格拉斯通-卡弗设施结婚而结束,朗汉普顿医院的其他工作人员再次成为朋友。

A disgraced Doctor James Nookey (Jim Dale) is sent to a remote clinic on an inhospitable tropical island where he learns of a native slimming potion.Nookey used to work at a reputed NHS hospital with Head Surgeon Doctor Frederick Carver (Kenneth Williams) as head surgeon and Doctor Ernest Stoppidge (Charles Hawtrey) as his colleague. Matron of the nurses (Hattie Jacques) is disapproving of Nookey's antics. Miss Fosdick (Patsy Rowlands) is Carver's secretary. Nookey is clumsy and awkward and frequently runs the female patients the wrong way inside the hospital premises.Ellen Moore (Joan Sims) is a rich patient who was operated upon by Carver for appendix removal. Carver wants Moore to make a donation to his medical foundation, but she refuses unless Carver helps her find a resident doctor for one of her tropical island clinics.A hot young model Goldie Locks (Barbara Windsor) is admitted to the hospital. She was wearing her modeling clothes (which were barely covering her private parts) when admitted. Nookey examines her but cannot resist the sexual innuendos. While taking her x ray, Nookey short circuits the equipment (he was trying to impress Goldie by showing off the capabilities of the equipment, which he did not know how to operate) & nearly brings the hospital down. The hospital electrical equipment was knocked out as a result and it took 24 hours to restore them back to normal.At a staff party, Stoppidge mixes surgical alcohol in Nookey's drinks. The drunk Nookey ends up crashing through a window on a hospital trolley, after he had almost got into bed with a patient (He suggests that Goldie can stay in a private room at the hospital, but Stoppidge had already assigned it to a female patient who already had a run in with Nookey. While, Nookey goes to get her Pajamas, Goldie leaves the hospital as she was not comfortable staying the night, and Nookey ends up in the room with the patient, in her bed). Goldie leaves Nookey, as the latter is not interested in marriage.Carver sends Nookey to the Beatific Islands, where it rains for nine months of the year, as a punishment. Gladstone Screwer (Sid James) is the medical mission orderly at the tropical island where Nookey ends upGladstone is a slimy operator. He has used all the funds sent by Moore to buy booze and lives a lavish life with 5 wives and a bunch of kids. Gladstone wants to be left alone & is angry that Moore has sent yet another doctor to the mission. He plans to get rid of Nookey by making him depressed & addicted to booze. He then writes to Moore and Carver that Nookey is nothing but a drunken bum & not of any help to the local community. Moore threatens Carver to pull her funding if he doesn't fix it. Carver decides to visit the island himself, but his ship has an accident in a hurricane, and he is marooned on a different tropical island for 3 months.Meanwhile, all by accident, Nookey finds that the local witch doctor (actually it was Gladstone who brewed it) brews a concoction of herbs that acts as a slimming agent and makes people lose weight very quickly. Nookey sees the potential to make money, secures a large supply and returns to London to become filthy rich and hires a sexy secretary.Carver comes back to England after 3 months to find that Matron is working for Nookey, Stoppidge has been promoted to Carver's job & Nookey is rich & in partnership with Moore.Nookey finds success running a lavish slimming clinic. However, his former professional rivals who had been instrumental in sending him away in the first place now want a slice of the profits, as does the real discoverer of the slimming potion.Goldie comes back to Nookie again.Gladstone quickly discovers that Nookey is making a fortune from his serum, and cuts off his supply to deliver the serum in person and get in on the action. Gladstone arrives demanding 50% share of the profits in exchange for the next supply of potion. When Nookey refuses, he gives Nookey a serum bottle that seems different to Nookey.Carver wants to get into a partnership & when Nookey refuses, he sends in Stoppidge, disguised as a fat woman, to steal the formula. Nookey recognizes Stoppidge. Nookey unleashes the lusty Gladstone on Stoppidge, plus Stoppidge has to undress in the middle of all the women in the clinic and has to share a room with Moore. All of this pinches his sensibilities.In reality Gladstone had given a serum that induces a sex change in women. Nookey finally gives in & makes Gladstone & Carver partners.The movie ends with Nookey and Goldie getting married at the Moore-Nookey-Gladstone-Carver facility, and the rest of the staff of the Long Hampton Hospital becoming friends again.

《再次继续医生/Carry on Again Doctor》(1969) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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