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[原版] 《继承亨利八世/Carry on Henry VIII》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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这部电影是根据威廉·科布勒最近发现的一份手稿改编的,该手稿揭示了亨利八世实际上还有两个妻子。尽管最初人们认为这个故事是克伦威尔创作的,但现在人们知道它从头到尾都是科布勒的……亨利八世(席德·詹姆斯饰)将他的妻子(帕齐·罗兰兹饰)斩首,并很快与诺曼底的玛丽(琼·西姆斯饰)结婚。 )。托马斯·克伦威尔(肯尼思·威廉姆斯饰)是英国首相,与国王关系密切。这个联盟是在笨手笨脚的红衣主教沃尔西(特里·斯科特饰)的要求下组织的,因为玛丽是法国国王弗朗西斯一世的表弟。当亨利发现她身上有大蒜味时,他的新婚之夜的热情就消失了,但她拒绝停止吃大蒜。玛丽感到沮丧,很快就收到了罗杰·德·洛杰利爵士(查尔斯·霍特里,尽管他仍处于阵营角色,但却与类型作对)的求爱。作为一个女汉子)。洛杰利在亨利不在的情况下与玛丽发生了性关系亨利想尽快摆脱玛丽,但C隆威尔建议亨利,英国无法承受与法国的战争,因此他应该谨慎行事。亨利渴望摆脱玛丽,因为他遇到了可爱的贝蒂娜(芭芭拉·温莎,在她最喜欢的角色中扮演)。贝蒂娜是布里斯托尔伯爵(彼得·巴特沃斯,在一场客串中饰演)的女儿,这是对布里斯托尔的双关语。托马斯·克伦威尔(肯尼思·威廉姆斯饰)组织威克的汉普顿勋爵(肯尼思·康纳饰)策划绑架国王,协助驱逐玛丽。克伦威尔和汉普顿勋爵也秘密密谋伤害国王,作为这次冒险的一部分(他们多年来都计划将英格兰除掉亨利),但由于玛丽王后独自击退绑匪,假绑架失败了。想要从梵蒂冈取消他的婚礼,但教皇通过这位使者索要 5,000 块黄金。这一要求被传达给沃尔西,沃尔西反过来向克伦威尔索要 10,000 枚金币(希望制作 5,000 枚金币)通过交易为自己获取黄金)。克伦威尔则向国王索要 20,000 金币以确保离婚。亨利没有那么多钱,所以克伦威尔建议他增加性享受税来增加收入。三个月过去了,玛丽变得沮丧。她试图说服克伦威尔与她发生性关系,并承诺如果他能帮助她通过意外摆脱亨利,他将获得英格兰王位。但她晕倒了,结果发现她因为与洛杰利的调情而怀孕了。亨利抓住玛丽对德洛杰利的不忠来摆脱她;亨利抓住了玛丽对德洛杰利的不忠,以摆脱她;他所需要的只是德洛杰利的坦白。他命令克伦威尔使用任何必要手段逼供。随后法国大使找到亨利,大使说弗朗西斯国王将在孩子出生时向亨利赠送 50,000 金币。这导致了酷刑室里流传着一个笑话:由于政治需要,亨利不断改变对认罪的看法,需要多次亨利让贝蒂娜成为侍女,并将她转移到宫殿与她发生性关系。但贝蒂娜把所有的时间都花在怀孕的玛丽和亨利身上,但仍然没有得到任何东西。亨利在贝蒂娜的情欲和五万金币之间左右为难,因此在洛杰利的坦白和撤回之间摇摆不定。亨利最终屈服于他的欲望,得到了坦白并与贝蒂娜结婚。与此同时,弗朗西斯国王带着他的军队到达,并与贝蒂娜对峙。亨利需要会见玛丽,亨利将她囚禁在伦敦塔里。亨利派沃斯利去接玛丽。与此同时,弗朗西斯走到国王的卧室并找到了贝蒂娜。贝蒂娜告诉弗朗西斯,玛丽在伦敦塔。随后消息传到王宫,玛丽在伦敦塔袭击中丧生。但真相浮出水面,是汉普顿勋爵营救了女王,揭露了亨利的罪行。亨利以p买下了汉普顿勋爵在弗朗西斯面前的沉默每年悬赏他一万金克朗。当亨利因克伦威尔勋爵指控玛丽不忠而惩罚克伦威尔勋爵时,当亨利出示德洛杰利签署的供词时,玛丽配合了。克伦威尔被送往伦敦塔。当玛丽将贝蒂娜嫁给弗朗西斯时,事情终于解决了,弗朗西斯接受了。玛丽生了一个长得一点也不像亨利的男孩。当亨利看到玛丽的下一个女仆时,赦免了克伦威尔和沃斯利,并传唤两人立即与玛丽离婚。

This film is based on a recently discovered manuscript by one William Cobbler, which reveals that Henry VIII did in fact have two more wives. Although it was first thought that Cromwell originated the story, it is now known to be all Cobbler's... from beginning to end.Henry VIII (Sid James) has his wife (Patsy Rowlands) beheaded and quickly marries Marie of Normandy (Joan Sims). Thomas Cromwell (Kenneth Williams) is the chancellor of England & is close to the King. This union was organized at the behest of bumbling Cardinal Wolsey (Terry Scott) as Marie is cousin of King Francis I of France. Henry's wedding night ardor dies when he finds she reeks of garlic, but she refuses to stop eating it.Marie gets frustrated and soon receives amorous advances from Sir Roger De Lodgerley (Charles Hawtrey who, while still in his camp persona, is playing against type as a ladies man). Lodgerley has sexual relations with Marie in Henry's absenceHenry wants to be rid of Marie as soon as possible, but Cromwell advises Henry that England cannot afford a war with France & hence he should act with caution.Henry is keen to be rid of Marie, as he has met the lovely Bettina (Barbara Windsor, in her favorite Carry On role). Bettina is the daughter of the Earl of Bristol (Peter Butterworth, in a one scene cameo), a punning reference to Bristols. Thomas Cromwell (Kenneth Williams) assists in ousting Marie by organizing Lord Hampton of Wick (Kenneth Connor) to kidnap the King in a staged plot. Cromwell and Lord Hampton also secretly plot to bring the King to harm as part of this escapade (they both had been planning to rid England of Henry for several years), but the false kidnapping fails as Queen Marie fights off the kidnappers all by herselfHenry tries to get an annulment of his wedding from the Vatican, but the pope demands 5,000 pieces of gold through this emissary. This demand is conveyed to Wolsey, who in turn asks for 10,000 pieces of Gold from Cromwell (hoping to make 5,000 pieces of gold for himself through the transaction). In turn Cromwell asks for 20,000 gold pieces from the King to secure the divorce. Henry doesn't have that kind of money, so Cromwell advises him to add a sex enjoyment tax to gather revenues.3 months go by & Marie grows frustrated. She tries to convince Cromwell to have sex with her & promises him the throne the England if he was to help her get rid of Henry by means of an accident. But she faints & it turns out she is preggers due to her dalliances with Lodgerley.Henry seizes on Marie's infidelity with De Lodgerley to be free of her; all he needs is a confession from De Lodgerley. He orders Cromwell to extract a confession using any means necessary.Henry then is approached by the French ambassador who says that King Francis will present 50,000 gold coins to Henry upon the birth of the child.This leads to a running joke in the torture chamber as Henry keeps changing his mind about the confession due to political necessities, requiring multiple changes and retractions of the original confession.Henry makes Bettina the Lady in waiting & transfers her to the palace to have sex with her. But Bettina spends all of her time with the pregnant Marie & Henry still doesn't get any. Henry is torn between the lust Bettina and the 50,000 gold coins & hence keeps oscillating between a confession & a retraction from Lodgerley.Henry finally gives in to his lust, gets the confession & marries Bettina.Meanwhile King Francis arrives with his army, & confronts Henry with the need to meet Marie, whom Henry had confined in the Tower of London. Henry sends Wosley to fetch Marie. In the meantime Francis walks up to the King's bedchamber & finds Bettina. Bettina tells Francis that Marie is in the tower of London.Then news reaches the palace that Marie was killed in an attack on the tower of London. But the truth emerges that it was Lord Hampton who had rescued the queen to expose Henry. The Henry buys Lord Hampton's silence in front of Francis by promising him a bounty of 10,000 gold crowns a year.Marie plays along when Henry punishes Lord Cromwell for accusing Marie of infidelity, when he produces the signed confession from De Lodgerley. Cromwell is sent to the tower of London. The matter is finally settled when Marie offers Bettina in marriage to Francis, which he accepts.Marie give birth to a boy who looks nothing like Henry. Henry pardons Cromwell and Wosley, when he sees the next maid of Marie, & summons the 2 for an instant divorce from Marie.

《继承亨利八世/Carry on Henry VIII》(1971) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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