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[原版] 《明德菲尔德/Mindfield》(1989) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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电影以《纽约时报》一篇有关 MKUltra 项目的文章开头。精神控制实验由中央情报局资助,许多实验都使用了迷幻药。许多这样的实验都是为了让人们杀人而不留下任何证据。现在是蒙特利尔的圣诞节。蒙特利尔警探凯伦·奥莱利 (Kellen O'Reilly) 正前往奥林匹克体育场顶楼的一家小餐馆与前妻见面喝咖啡,并递交离婚文件。与此同时,黑帮杀手鲁迪·迈尔斯和他的团伙(包括阿拉巴马州比尔、米克和埃迪)正在拜访会计师利奥·斯卢科斯,以进行一项不正当的商业交易。回到餐馆,凯伦告诉他的前妻,警察局可能面临罢工,而他由于组织罢工而工作过度。在利奥的办公室,利奥告诉鲁迪和他的团伙,他和律师鲍勃·尚普兰在一笔交易上陷入僵局,但他们得到了一些非常有价值的东西。尽管提到了这件珍贵的神器,但利奥的粗心和贪婪并没有让他满意。鲁迪杀死了他,并带着他的帮派逃走了。 在从餐馆回来的路上,凯伦开始回忆起他在一家医院的情景,以及一位神秘的医生告诉他“记住,他杀了你的父亲。”随后凯伦出现在他的精神科医生办公室。他的精神科医生孟德尔博士很担心凯伦,他认为凯伦的闪回是由多种原因引起的,包括警察罢工和前妻即将结婚。凯伦否认这些事件是他闪回的原因。孟德尔博士告诉凯伦,是时候揭露他父亲死亡的真相了,但凯伦坚持目前不听。 在当地法院,民事律师莎拉·帕拉迪斯正在听证会上代表精神控制实验的受害者那是很多年前发生的事了。凯伦闪回中的神秘医生格雷戈尔·萨托里斯博士因精神控制实验而被起诉,他对受害者没有表现出任何悔意。莎拉告诉法官认为,中央情报局资助了萨托利斯博士的诊所科尔德黑文研究所,并支付他进行实验的费用。此案随后被法官驳回。萨托利斯知道莎拉可能会毁掉他“为之工作”的一切并毁掉他的名誉,他质问莎拉并质疑她的动机。莎拉告诉萨托利斯等待审判进行。与此同时,辩护律师鲍勃·尚普兰即将离开他的办公室,并告诉他的秘书将文件归档并邮寄一些东西。然后他试图对她说他刚刚收到了一大笔“付款”,他将能够给她一份圣诞奖金。她无视他的示好。 罢工会议上,大家都在争论是否应该继续罢工,气氛十分紧张。当凯伦对莎拉做出非常不恰当和性别歧视的评论并开始再次出现闪回时,事情变得更糟。这激怒了莎拉。会议结束后,当其他人都回家时,凯伦注意到莎拉的车出现问题。凯伦随后决定帮助她,凯伦为会议期间发生的事情向莎拉道歉。莎拉接受了他的道歉,并提出送他回家,凯伦接受了。在路上,莎拉在附近的一家药房停下来补充处方。与此同时,鲍勃·尚普兰正在同一家药房内购买治疗感冒的鼻喷雾剂。他不知道鲁迪和他的帮派正在跟踪他。就在莎拉重新配药时,鲁迪和他的一伙人拿着枪和滑雪面罩占领了整个药房。与此同时,凯伦需要香烟,两名警察路过告诉他,他就在药房前面。走进去后,凯伦闯入了抢劫案,当他被告知留在原地时,他开始出现另一系列的闪回。这导致他采取行动,射杀了比尔。鲁迪随后告诉凯伦他将杀死所有人质。凯伦允许鲁迪和他的该团伙只劫持一名人质。然后,他们带着害怕的尚普兰到外面去寻找他把钥匙藏在哪里。尚普兰现在认出了鲁迪,鲁迪向尚普兰透露了利奥的死讯。鲁迪让米克朝尚普兰的嘴开枪。当鲁迪乞求饶他一命并提到他的钥匙在他的保险箱里并且是唯一能打开它的人时,米克立即朝他的嘴开了一枪。凯伦一发现尸体,警察就赶到了。第二天早上,凯伦在警察局与他的队长尤金·博尔科谈论了这起抢劫案,以及鲁迪和他的团伙是如何实施抢劫的,只是为了找到尚普兰。随后,凯伦和他的搭档拉奥洛·巴苏蒂前往尚普兰的办公室,向他的秘书询问有关谋杀案的任何细节。他们发现了尚普兰的保险箱,保险箱一直没有上锁,并发现了一堆色情作品和性玩具。他们还发现了性用品商店 Erotim 赠送的钥匙链。在 Erotim,凯伦和拉奥洛拜访了该店的同性恋经理朱莉“果汁”,同时也是警方线人,以及电影的喜剧救济,询问尚普兰先生的死亡。艾迪也在商店里。凯兰和拉奥洛得知鲍勃·尚普兰是商店的常客并提到购买 50 美元或以上即可获得钥匙链。Juley 还向 Kellan 和 Raolo 提到了 Champlain 与当地黑帮 Johnny Ronce 的联系,以及 Rudy Myers 来自美国,确实对这起事件负责。那天晚上晚些时候,凯兰和莎拉在一家餐厅约会。莎拉注意到一张关于中央情报局接管智利的海报,以及“你的国家可能是下一个。”她向凯兰宣布,她将把萨托利斯埋葬到如果有必要的话,她会地面。之后,凯兰和莎拉到达凯兰的家,安顿了一段时间后,两人发生了性关系,完全没有意识到艾迪一直在凯兰的家周围窥探他。在他们的性行为之后,凯兰向莎拉提到他在抢劫期间感到了杀人的冲动,并向她讲述了他在科尔德黑文的日子的回忆。第二天早上晚些时候,拉奥洛与妻子特蕾莎和儿子马里奥一起到达凯兰的家,因为今天是拉奥洛和凯兰的休息日。经过一番社交活动后,凯兰接到了果汁朱莉的电话,这让他们的日常计划停止了,这让特蕾莎非常沮丧。 在埃罗蒂姆,朱莉告诉凯兰和拉奥罗更多关于鲁迪的信息,以及约翰尼·龙斯发送了他的任何信息那些可能受伤或受伤的人去了一家小诊所,该诊所由前西贡医生汤姆·卢克(Tom Luk)医生经营。之后,拉奥洛告诉特蕾莎,他们的一天将不再能够按计划进行,这激怒了特蕾莎,她对他大喊大叫,因为他很少花时间陪伴儿子。 拉奥洛和凯兰去了陆医生的诊所,但他们注意到没有人在场。当他们接近诊所的最后一个房间时,他们注意到地板上滴着血。帷幕拉开,博士揭晓。据说卢克已经自杀了。 在约翰尼·龙斯的健身俱乐部,约翰尼正在他的热水浴缸里放松,这时赤身裸体的凯兰走进热水浴缸,让约翰尼大吃一惊。约翰尼惊讶地看到他的按摩浴缸里还有其他人,他的手下正准备射杀凯兰,但拉奥洛介入控制了局势。凯兰告诉约翰尼,陆医生已经死了,并被发现在他自己的诊所里上吊自杀。约翰尼否认认识陆博士,但凯兰知道约翰尼在撒谎,约翰尼威胁要举报凯兰。约翰尼最终向凯兰坦白了他与鲁迪和尚普兰的关系,并决定不举报凯兰。那天晚上晚些时候,凯兰和莎拉正在家里布置圣诞装饰品。莎拉希望凯兰出庭指证萨托瑞斯,但凯兰反对,因为她知道如果他这样做,他将被警察局停职,因为他们对有过去心理健康史的工人不采取友善的态度。这激怒了莎拉,她把一盒装饰品扔到了地上。第二天早上,凯伦和拉奥洛在警察局与尤金和联邦调查局探员休·麦克维会面。麦克维提到鲁迪与在佛罗里达州迈阿密经营的德尔加多家族有联系,尤金提到凯兰和拉奥洛不再需要再处理此案,因为该案已移交给联邦调查局和加拿大皇家警察。尽管如此,凯兰和拉奥洛仍然决心亲自解决此案。他们去了一家银行,凯兰冒充鲍勃·尚普兰,能够打开尚普兰的保险箱,里面有一个旧胶片卷轴。凯兰和拉奥洛的下一站是埃罗蒂姆,在商店的剧院里观看电影,这让朱莉非常沮丧。在观看电影时,凯兰注意到年轻的萨托利斯博士正在进行精神控制实验。事实证明,他的一名病人正是凯伦本人。拉奥洛意识到凯兰在科尔德黑文的过去,并表达了对凯兰的支持。他们决定把这部电影带到然而,这种支持不会持续很长时间。当凯兰和拉奥洛离开埃罗蒂姆时,鲁迪和他的帮派出现了。凯伦注意到他们有一把枪指着拉奥洛。凯兰让拉奥洛躲开,这导致汽车触发了鲁迪设置的汽车炸弹,在此过程中杀死了拉奥洛,并可能毁掉了影片。米克在昏迷不醒的凯兰身上寻找电影,但凯兰用砖头砸了米克的头。鲁迪和凯兰开始互相射击,当鲁迪和埃迪起飞时,米克最终落在了后面。米克正要亲手射杀凯兰,但凯兰告诉他不要这样做。米克丢下了枪,但很快又捡起来,然后被凯兰射杀。凯兰随后前往拉奥洛家,将这个悲惨消息告诉特蕾莎和马里奥。马里奥跑开了,尽管凯兰没有说什么,特蕾莎和马里奥都可以从凯兰的表情看出,拉奥洛发生了可怕的事情。凯伦后来在警察局,试图说服尤金出电影,他在电影中看到的实际上是真实的。尤金并不买账。拉昌斯中士代表拉奥洛的死冲了进来,凯兰仍在处理他不再被指派的案件。尤金和拉昌斯随后告诉凯伦,他正在接受调查,并了解他的心理健康状况和闪回情况。凯伦对自己的病史撒了谎。随后他被停职,并被要求交出枪。 回到家中,凯伦正在淋浴后擦干身体。他告诉莎拉他在电影中看到的内容,以及他将返回科尔德黑文“恢复记忆”。尽管莎拉恳求他不要走,凯伦还是让她退后,别打扰他。在前往科尔德黑文的路上,凯兰在当地毒贩本尼的公寓停下来购买酸和迷幻药,大概是为了让自己免受萨托利斯的精神控制治疗的影响,如果他对凯兰使用这种药物的话。不久后,人们看到凯兰服用了这种药物。与此同时,莎拉拜访了孟德尔博士,何告诉莎拉,凯伦九岁时,凯伦的父亲(也是蒙特利尔警察)开枪射杀了一名手无寸铁的男子,并进行了调查。凯伦的父亲随后开枪自杀,发现尸体的是年轻的凯伦。自从在科尔德黑文工作以来,凯伦一直否认父亲的死,并相信父亲是在执行任务时被杀的。莎拉向孟德尔博士提到了萨托利斯的精神控制实验,该实验与迷幻药有关。在科尔德黑文,凯伦潜入萨托利斯医生的办公室并登录他的电脑,这揭示了有关萨托利斯以前患者的大量细节,包括凯伦本人。在凯伦家里,艾迪以为凯伦还留着那部电影,于是再次四处游荡,把家里彻底搞得一团糟。莎拉后来在机器上留言说她找到了当萨托利斯走进他的办公室时,凯伦面对萨托利斯博士。萨托利斯向凯伦透露了他的意图,并透露了他在 1949 年帮助约瑟夫·红衣主教明兹森蒂承认自己的罪行,打破了他的心理防线。凯伦告诉萨托利斯,他只想改变人们以供他们杀人。萨托利斯向凯兰透露了他父亲死亡的真相。这导致凯伦将一把椅子扔向医生,差点杀死萨托瑞斯,但凯伦却把椅子扔到了镜子上,这表明鲁迪和埃迪一直在监听凯伦和萨托瑞斯的对峙。凯伦被打昏了。鲁迪发现萨托利斯对鲁迪撒了谎,并且没有像他被告知的那样销毁任何证据,世界永远不能知道科尔德黑文真正发生的事情。随后,鲁迪、埃迪和萨托里斯试图抹去凯伦的记忆,抹去他所发现的一切。由于萨托利斯的双重十字架,萨托利斯本人也被清除了他的记忆。鲁迪和埃迪决定让事情看起来像是凯伦先杀了萨托瑞斯,然后又杀了他自己。当艾迪正在调整凯伦时,凯伦用头撞了艾迪,然后飞向正在举行警察罢工的奥林匹克体育场。莎拉也在场。在体育场,特蕾莎就她丈夫的死发表了讲话,罢工正式宣布。随后,莎拉被鲁迪绑架,鲁迪威胁说,如果她试图求救,就会杀死她。马里奥目睹了绑架事件。马里奥随后看到凯伦跑去救莎拉。马里奥告诉凯伦莎拉被绑架的事情,然后他们前往竞技场。马里奥后来向联邦众议员发出警报。众议员随后呼吁任何有枪的人前往他被关押的莎拉所在的竞技场。在竞技场上,鲁迪正在审问莎拉关于这部电影的事情,这时麦克维出现并试图解除鲁迪的武装并让莎拉逃跑。麦克维告诉鲁迪,中央情报局不再滥杀无辜,鲁迪说 47 号项目泄露了修复它是他的工作。麦克维然后告诉鲁迪他的理论,除了凯伦之外,其他人也可能出现在电影中,很可能是李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德。随后埃迪开枪射杀了麦克维,鲁迪用枪威胁莎拉作为人质。埃迪和鲁迪注意到到达体育场的警察人数。埃迪被凯伦开枪射倒身亡。随后,联盟代表下令切断体育场电源,鲁迪威胁说,如果不满足他的要求,就要杀死莎拉。凯伦随后将胶片交给鲁迪以换取莎拉,莎拉被释放。鲁迪随后立即被警察开枪射杀。当凯伦看着鲁迪的尸体时,他开始再次闪回,但随后走开了。回到科尔德黑文,萨托利斯的电脑仍然开着。镜头缓慢向下移动,屏幕上显示李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德是萨托利斯的患者之一,事实上,他已被接受进入萨托利斯实验的第五阶段。然后大楼的看门人走进来拔掉电脑的插头g 在他的真空中,抹掉了萨托利斯的所有数据。鲁迪死后如愿以偿!

The movie starts with text from a New York Times article about Project MKUltra. Mind control experiments were funded by the CIA and many used LSD. Many of these experiments were conducted to make people kill without leaving a trace of evidence.It is Christmastime in Montréal. Montréal police detective Kellen O'Reilly is on his way to meet his ex-wife for coffee at a diner atop Olympic Stadium and hand over his divorce papers. At the same time, mob hitman Rudy Myers and his gang, which consists of Alabama Bill, Mick and Eddie, are visiting accountant Leo Sloukos to conduct a shady business deal. Back at the diner, Kellen tells his ex-wife that the police department is facing a possible strike and that he's overworked due to him organizing the strike. At Leo's office, Leo tells Rudy and his gang that he and attorney Bob Champlain got stiffed on a deal, but they obtained something very valuable. Despite the mention of the valuable artifact, Leo's carelessness and greed do not fare well with Rudy, who kills him and takes off with his gang.On his way back from the diner, Kellen starts to have flashbacks of him at a hospital and a mysterious doctor who tells him "Remember that he killed your father." Kellen is then seen at his psychiatrist's office. His psychiatrist, Dr. Mendel, is concerned about Kellen, who thinks that Kellen's flashbacks are caused by a number of things, including the police strike and his ex-wife's upcoming marriage. Kellen denies that those events are the reasons for his flashbacks. Dr. Mendel tells Kellen that it is time that the truth regarding his father's death be revealed, which Kellen insists on not hearing at the moment.At the local courthouse, civil attorney Sarah Paradis is at a hearing to represent the victims of mind control experiments that occurred many years ago. The mysterious doctor from Kellen's flashbacks, Dr. Gregor Satorius, who is being sued on account of the mind control experiments, shows no remorse for his victims. Sarah tells the judge that the CIA funded Dr. Satorius's clinic, The Coldhaven Institute and paid him to conduct the experiments. The case is then thrown out by the judge. Satorius, knowing that Sarah could destroy everything he's "worked for" and ruin his reputation, confronts Sarah and questions her motives. Sarah tells Satorius to just wait for when the trial takes place.Meanwhile, defense attorney Bob Champlain is about to leave his office for the day and tells his secretary to file his papers and mail something out. He then tries to come on to her by saying that he just received a big "payment" and he will be able to give her a Christmas bonus. She ignores his advances.At the strike meeting, tensions are high as everyone is debating as to whether or not the strike should be carried on. Things get even worse when Kellen makes highly inappropriate and sexist comments towards Sarah and begins to have flashbacks again. This angers Sarah. After the meeting as everyone else is headed home, Kellen notices that Sarah is having problems with her car. Kellen then decides to help her and Kellen apologizes to Sarah for what happened during the meeting. Sarah accepts his apology and offers him a ride home, which Kellen accepts. On their way, Sarah stops by a nearby pharmacy to refill a prescription.At the same time, Bob Champlain is walking inside the same pharmacy to purchase nose spray for his cold. He is unaware that he is being trailed by Rudy and his gang. Just as Sarah is getting her prescription refilled, Rudy and his gang, sporting guns and ski masks hold up the entire pharmacy. Meanwhile, Kellen needs cigarettes and two cops walking by tell him that he is right in front of the pharmacy. Upon walking inside, Kellen intrudes on the robbery and when he is told to stay right where he is, he then starts to have another series of flashbacks. This causes him to go into action and he shoots Bill. Rudy then tells Kellen that he will kill all of the hostages. Kellen allows Rudy and his gang to only take one hostage. They then take a scared Champlain outside to find out where he is hiding a key. Champlain now recognizes Rudy and Rudy reveals to Champlain about Leo's death. Rudy tells Mick to shoot Champlain in the mouth. As Rudy begs for his life and mentions how his key is in his safe and is the only one who can open it, Mick immediately shoots him the mouth. The cops arrive as soon as Kellen discovers the body.The next morning at the police station, Kellen talks to Eugene Borko, his captain, about the robbery and how it was conducted by Rudy and his gang merely just to get to Champlain. Later on, Kellen and his partner, Raolo Basutti go to Champlain's office to ask his secretary for any details regarding the murder. They discover Champlain's safe, which was unlocked the entire time and find a stash of pornography and sex toys. They also discover a complimentary key chain from the sex shop Erotim.At Erotim, Kellen and Raolo visit with the store's gay manager Juley "The Juice", who is also a police informant, and the film's comic relief, to ask about the death of Mr. Champlain. Eddie is also present at the store as well. Kellan and Raolo learn that Bob Champlain was a regular at the store and mentions that a key chain can be obtained when a purchase of $50 or more is made. Juley also mentions to Kellan and Raolo information about Champlain's connection to local mobster Johnny Ronce and that Rudy Myers is from the United States and was indeed responsible for the death of Champlain.Later that night, Kellan and Sarah are at a restaurant on a date. Sarah notices a poster about the CIA taking over Chile and how "your country could be next." She declares to Kellan that she will bury Satorius to the ground if she has to. Afterwards, Kellan and Sarah arrive at the former's home and after settling down for a while, the two have sex, completely unaware that Eddie has been snooping around Kellan's home watching him. After their sex, Kellan mentions to Sarah that he felt an urge to kill during the robbery and tells her about his flashbacks of his days at Coldhaven. Later the next morning, Raolo arrives at Kellan's home with his wife Therese and his son Mario, since it is Raolo's day off as well as Kellan's. After some socializing, Kellan gets a call from Juley the Juice, which puts a halt to their day plan, much to Therese's dismay.At Erotim, Juley tells both Kellan and Raolo more information about Rudy as well as that Johnny Ronce sends any of his men who maybe hurt or injured to a small clinic run by a one Doctor Tom Luk, a former Saigon doctor. Afterwards, Raolo tells Therese that their day is no longer going to be able to go as planned, which enrages Therese as she yells at him for spending little time with his son.Raolo and Kellan go to Dr. Luk's clinic, but they notice that no one is present. As they approach the last room in the clinic, they notice that blood is dripping on the floor. The curtain is opened and it is revealed that Dr. Luk has supposedly committed suicide.At Johnny Ronce's health club, Johnny is relaxing in his hot tub, when a naked Kellan wanders into the hot tub and surprises Johnny. Johnny is surprised to see someone else in his jacuzzi, and his men are about to shoot Kellan, but Raolo steps in to keep control of the situation. Kellan tells Johnny that Dr. Luk is dead and was found hanged in his own clinic. Johnny denies that he knows Dr. Luk, but Kellan knows Johnny is lying and Johnny threatens to report Kellan. Johnny ultimately comes clean to Kellan about his connections to Rudy and Champlain and decides not to report Kellan.Later that night, Kellan and Sarah are at home setting up Christmas decorations. Sarah wants Kellan to testify against Satorius but Kellan is against it, knowing that he will get suspended from the police force if he does, as they do not take a kind approach towards workers with past mental health history. This enrages Sarah, as she throws a box of ornaments on the ground and storms out of Kellan's house.The next morning at the police station, Kellen and Raolo meet with Eugene and FBI Agent Hugh McVeigh. McVeigh mentions that Rudy is connected to the family DelGado which operates out of Miami, Florida and Eugene mentions that Kellan and Raolo no longer need to work on the case any longer, as it is being handed over to the FBI and R.C.M.P.Despite this however, Kellan and Raolo are still determined to solve the case themselves. They go to a bank and Kellan, posing as Bob Champlain, is able to get access to Champlain's safety deposit box, which has an old film reel. Kellan and Raolo's next stop is Erotim, to watch the film inside the store's theatre, much to Juley's dismay. While watching the film, Kellan notices a young Dr. Satorius conducting mind control experiments. One of his patients turns out to be none other than Kellen himself. Raolo becomes aware of Kellan's past at Coldhaven and shows his support for Kellan. They decide to take the film to their captain.This support does not last long however. As Kellan and Raolo are leaving Erotim, Rudy and his gang show up. Kellen notices that they have a gun pointed towards Raolo. Kellan tells Raolo to duck, which causes the car to trigger a car bomb set up by Rudy, killing Raolo in the process and presumably destroying the film as well. Mick searches an unconscious Kellan for the film, but Kellan hits Mick's head with a brick. Rudy and Kellan start shooting at each other and Mick ends up getting left behind as Rudy and Eddie take off. Mick is about to shoot Kellan himself, but Kellan tells him not to. Mick drops his gun, but quickly picks it up before being shot by Kellan. Kellan then goes to Raolo's house to bring the tragic news to Therese and Mario. Mario runs off as even though Kellan had not said anything, both Therese and Mario could tell from the look of Kellan's face that something horrible has happened to Raolo.Kellen is later at the police station, trying to convince Eugene about the film and that what he saw on the film is in fact real. Eugene does not buy it. Sergeant Lachance storms in on behalf of Raolo's death and that Kellan was still on a case he was no longer assigned to. Eugene and Lachance then tell Kellen that he has been under investigation and are aware of his psychological health and flashbacks. Kellen had lied about his medical history. He is then suspended and is required to turn his gun in.Back at his house, Kellen is drying himself off from a shower. He tells Sarah about what he saw on the film and that he is going back to Coldhaven to "get his memory back." Despite Sarah's pleas for him to not go, Kellen tells her to just back off and leave him alone. On his way to Coldhaven, Kellan stops at the apartment of local drug dealer Benny for Acid and L.S.D., presumably to make himself immune to Satorius' mind control treatment, should he use it on Kellan. Kellan is seen taking said drug not long after. Meanwhile, Sarah visits with Dr. Mendel, who tells Sarah that, when Kellan was nine years old, Kellen's father, also a Montréal police officer, had shot an unarmed man and that there was to be an inquiry. Kellen's father then shot himself in the head and that it was a young Kellen that found the body. Kellen, since his days at Coldhaven, had been in a state of denial about his father's death and had believed that his father was killed in the line of duty. Sarah mentions to Dr. Mendel about Satorius' mind control experiments linking L.S.D. with the mind, and Dr. Mendel mentions that whoever did conduct said experiments were totally irresponsible.At Coldhaven, Kellen sneaks into Dr. Satorius' office and logs onto his computer, which reveals a great number of detail about Satorius' former patients, including Kellen himself. At Kellen's home, Eddie, under the impression that Kellen still has the film, has completely trashed the home while prowling around again. Sarah later leaves a message on the machine saying that she found the film, and Eddie leaves the house.When Satorius walks into his office, Kellen confronts Dr. Satorius. Satorius reveals his intentions to Kellen as well as information that he helped Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty confess his crimes in 1949 by breaking his mental defense. Kellen tells Satorius that he only wants to change people for them to kill. Satorius reveals to Kellan the truth about his father's death. This causes Kellen to nearly kill Satorius by throwing a chair onto the doctor, but Kellen throws it at a mirror instead, which reveals that Rudy and Eddie were listening in on Kellen and Satorius' confrontation the entire time. Kellen is knocked unconcious. Rudy finds out that Satorius had lied to Rudy and did not get rid of any evidence like he was told to and that the world must never know of what really happened at Coldhaven. Rudy, Eddie and Satorius are then seen trying to wipe Kellen's memory clean of what he found out. Because of Satorius' double cross, Satorius himself is also wiped clean of his memory. Rudy and Eddie decide to make it look like Kellen had killed Satorius and then himself. As Eddie is adjusting Kellen, Kellen headbutts Eddie and takes off for Olympic Stadium, where the police strike is taking place. Sarah is present there.At the stadium, after a speech from Therese regarding her husband's death, the strike is made official. Sarah is then kidnapped by Rudy, who threatens to kill her if she tries to call for help. Mario witnesses the kidnapping. Mario then sees Kellen running on his way to save Sarah. Mario tells Kellen about Sarah's kidnapping and they move on to the arena. Mario is later seen alerting the Union Rep. The Rep then calls for anyone who has a gun to go to the arena, where Sarah his being held. At the arena, Rudy is interrogating Sarah about the film, when McVeigh shows up and tries to disarm Rudy and tells Sarah to run. McVeigh tells Rudy that the CIA no longer kills the indiscriminate and Rudy says that Project 47 sprung a leak and it's his job to fix it. McVeigh then tells Rudy his theory about the possibility of other people besides Kellen being seen in the film, quite possibly Lee Harvey Oswald. Eddie then shoots McVeigh and Rudy takes Sarah hostage by gunpoint. Eddie and Rudy notice the number of police arriving into the stadium. Eddie is shot by Kellen and falls to his death. The stadium power is then cut off by orders of the Union Rep and Rudy threatens to kill Sarah if his demands are not met. Kellen then hands the film to Rudy in exchange for Sarah, and Sarah is set free. Rudy is then promptly shot by the police. As Kellen looks upon Rudy's corpse, he starts to have another flashback, but then walks away.Back at Coldhaven, Satorius' computer is still on. The camera moves slowly downward and shows on the screen that Lee Harvey Oswald was one of Satorius' patients and was in fact, accepted into the fifth phase of Satorius's experiments. The building's janitor then walks in and unplugs the computer to plug in his vacuum, wiping out all of Satorius's data. Rudy got his wish posthumously!

《明德菲尔德/Mindfield》(1989) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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