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[原版] 《霍雷肖·霍恩布洛尔:报应/Horatio Hornblower: Retribution》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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在牙买加的法庭上,名望号上的军官被指控叛变。 闪回圣多明各的名望号。在堡垒的小冲突中丧生的人正在接受适当的海葬。巴克兰中尉现在是代理上尉。索耶船长在他的船舱里,身上穿着紧身衣。他发表了奇怪的言论;看得出来,他的精神状态不太好。首先,巴克兰中尉急于启程前往牙买加。但霍雷肖建议声望号再次尝试攻击堡垒。他觉得,如果他们出奇制胜,那将会是一场胜利。霍雷肖认为,这场胜利将有助于名望号的军官们在抵达牙买加后必然面临的叛变审判中有所帮助。但巴克兰坚信他们在牙买加没有什么可担心的,而且由于布什不支持霍雷肖的计划,巴克兰决定不攻击堡垒并继续策划前往牙买加的路线。闪进审判。克莱夫博士是圣强烈支持索耶上尉,尽管他同意索耶在堡垒战斗中不适合指挥,当军官们从索耶手中接过指挥权时。他作证说,在霍雷肖的胁迫下,他同意宣布索耶不适合。闪回名望号。布什、肯尼迪和霍恩布洛尔讨论霍雷肖攻击堡垒的计划。布什承认他不支持他与巴克兰的关系是错误的。他们都同意应该继续执行计划并攻击堡垒。 与此同时,炮手霍布斯正在与海员兰德尔(总是与斯泰尔斯并肩作战的人)交谈。兰德尔和其他一些人正计划抛弃名望号。他邀请霍布斯加入他们,但霍布斯不愿意抛弃“他的队长”(索耶饰),让他“受其他军官的摆布”。不过,霍布斯确实协助了逃兵,他用棍棒殴打正在值班的海军陆战队员,并将他击倒。更多的海军陆战队员在准备离开船只时遭到逃兵的袭击。兰德尔爬下山前的最后一个动作名望将一拳打在霍布斯的脸上,把他打晕。他和其余的逃兵(大约占名望号海员的 2/3)在夜色的掩护下游向岸边。人们看到他们从堡垒所在岛屿的海滩上的水面上出来。快进到牙买加:霍雷肖作证说,他和其他军官想要继续进攻的原因是履行他们对队长的职责,到服务。哈蒙德上将认为霍雷肖雄心勃勃。佩卢继续保持公正,并对霍恩布洛尔表示支持。闪回名誉号。有人看到马修斯把海员们从睡梦中叫醒。他发现许多人都逃跑了,并迅速通知了其他人。巴克兰很担心,现在发现有这么多人逃跑了,所以他同意了霍雷肖攻击堡垒的计划。他觉得名望号的军官们需要这场胜利来避免他们因叛变而被绞死。 四艘由海员和海军陆战队员组成的船只从名望号划向该岛。已经快到了天亮了。霍雷肖、布什、威拉德和霍布斯都和他们在一起。当他们开始徒步前往堡垒时,他们发现逃兵都死了,但他们不知道这是怎么发生的。闪进到牙买加。哈蒙德告诉佩卢,他们需要一个“有罪的政党”来指责叛变。 (佩卢称其为替罪羊。)他们似乎不愿意毁掉索耶船长的职业生涯。闪回到岛上。天开始亮了。当攻击部队向堡垒逼近时,留下来守卫船只的 3-4 人遭到当地人的攻击。 在名望号上,索耶不停地闲逛,嘲笑巴克兰,让他怀疑自己,而克莱夫则在一旁观看和聆听。索耶试图说服巴克兰释放他,并承诺在他们到达牙买加时代表他发言。克莱夫试图让索耶保持安静。巴克兰命令克莱夫给索耶更多的鸦片金。满载着当地人的划艇驶向名望号。巴克兰意识到他们是从岛上解放出来的奴隶。时间自由民希望声望号离开,声称他们与这场战斗没有关系。回到岛上,军官们准备进攻,但巴克兰指挥上的弱点导致船上开枪,所以失去了出其不意的元素为岛上的攻击力量。对堡垒的攻击开始。霍雷肖注意到主堡顶上的一名西班牙士兵与他们之前在塔顶注意到的那个人是同一个人。他把这件事告诉了阿奇。阿奇同意这是同一个人,所以他、霍雷肖、威拉德和马修斯回到了一个较低的位置,他们之前在那里藏了一些火药桶。他们带了几桶火药,沿着小路返回堡垒。他们正在沿着斜坡寻找东西。马修斯注意到地面上有一个格栅,通向下面的隧道。威拉德是这群人中唯一一个体型小到可以穿过栅栏的人,所以其他人把他头朝下放进洞里。在底部,他听到西班牙士兵靠近。霍雷肖警告他逃跑以确保安全,而他和其他人则点燃导火线,点燃他们放在炉排上的一桶火药。正当西班牙士兵到达格栅下方时,火药桶爆炸,杀死了他们。栅栏被拆除后,霍雷肖和其他人现在可以爬进隧道,朝堡垒走去。一小群西班牙士兵准备攻击他们,但他们却从另一条路跑回来以避免被射击。与此同时,布什、海军陆战队和其他海员遭到猛烈的射击。看来是无望了。布什正要向西班牙指挥官交出他的剑,突然爆炸将他们面前的堡垒门炸开了。是霍雷肖和其他人;他们引爆了更多的火药桶来保卫自己的阵地。这次爆炸还拯救了堡垒前的其余攻击方(包括布什先生)。霍雷肖等人迅速加入正面攻击。西班牙人很快就被制服了,所以他们投降了。什和霍雷肖讨论如何阻止 3 艘西班牙船只逃离海湾。霍雷肖建议使用“热弹”,即将炮弹在火中加热直至变红;然后将它们装入大炮并射击。当球击中一艘船时,它们会像炸弹一样爆炸。 (这是西班牙人对付英国人的伎俩。)他们设法使一艘船的帆失效。然后名望号抵达并向三艘船开火。快进到牙买加的法庭。霍雷肖再次被指责野心勃勃。他坚称他只是在履行职责。后来,哈蒙德告诉佩卢,霍恩布洛尔似乎有罪。佩卢解释说,霍雷肖对他来说非常亲爱。佩卢不会急于做出判断;他解释说,他会像其他人一样仔细权衡所有事实。闪回名声。西班牙指挥官投降。他告诉巴克兰,他想使用由三艘西班牙船只组成的小舰队带着他的部下和他们的家人离开该岛。他坚持说他知道他们被打败了恩,他希望巴克兰德同意这一有限的投降。巴克兰倾向于同意这个想法,但霍雷肖告诉西班牙指挥官,他将在一小时内收到答复。霍雷肖向巴克兰解释说,西班牙人似乎太愿意轻易放弃他们的船只和堡垒——而且太焦虑了离开。阿奇发现堡垒里的食品店几乎耗尽了。霍雷肖表示,该岛很快就会受到解放奴隶队伍的围攻。他认为他们应该找到一种方法让西班牙人完全投降,俘虏士兵并将三艘西班牙船只作为英国海军的战利品。巴克兰邀请西班牙指挥官和他的妻子在名望号上用餐。与此同时,其他军官将一门大炮从名望号带到悬崖顶上,俯瞰着西班牙船只停泊的海湾。索耶船长仍然表现得很疯狂。他挣脱束缚,用刀片威胁霍雷肖。霍雷肖与他交谈谈到他过去的辉煌,以及霍雷肖如何不希望看到索耶船长的好名声和成就因他目前的状况和行为而毁掉。大炮成功地放置在悬崖上。 在与巴克兰共进晚餐时,西班牙指挥官和他的妻子担心其他军官还没有来吃晚饭。巴克兰试图拖延时间。突然,他们听到炮火的声音。 (从俯瞰海湾的悬崖上发射了一发远程射击。)指挥官和他的妻子抗议。巴克兰告诉他们,他们现在是英国海军的囚犯,将可以安全前往牙买加。他们的船只将作为英国的战利品而安全无忧。巴克兰索要指挥官的剑,表示现在是无条件投降。霍雷肖、布希和其他人看着西班牙船只摘下旗帜。当他们突然在悬崖上受到叛军(前奴隶)的射击时,他们开始欢呼。他们用大炮钉住他们的尸体将会撤退。巴克兰注视着名望号,他们沿着斜坡冲向海岸,并向西班牙指挥官询问,询问他岛屿/堡垒被围困了多久。就在这时,可以听到索耶船长从下面唱着“西班牙女士”。巴克兰对船长的行为感到恼火。他走到下面试图让他安静下来。索耶嘲笑他并引诱他,让他怀疑自己。他想让巴克兰相信霍雷肖会比他更出色,让他在海军部显得很愚蠢。索耶甚至告诉巴克兰,除非他“先发制人”,否则霍雷肖将从他手中夺走声望,就像霍雷肖从索耶手中夺走声望一样。克莱夫博士进来了,巴克兰命令他给索耶更多的鸦片酊。快进到牙买加。佩卢正在询问巴克兰德与霍雷肖的关系。他试图了解巴克兰是否对霍雷肖怀有任何恶意。闪回名望。岸上的攻击方已返回船上。巴克兰通知B敦促他们在再次起航之前必须摧毁这座堡垒;他暗示他希望霍雷肖负责这项任务。霍雷肖表示同意,并表示很荣幸能够成为志愿者。布什似乎对巴克兰的动机表示怀疑。阿奇和布什提出提供协助,但巴克兰决定让布什和阿奇继续留在名誉号上。 (这里的含义是索耶已经成功地让巴克兰怀疑霍雷肖。)快进到牙买加。佩卢问巴克兰是否希望霍雷肖在这次任务中幸存。巴克兰坚称他不会送人去送死。闪回名望号。马修斯询问巴克兰,他和斯泰尔斯以及其他一些人是否可以护送霍雷肖并在任务结束后把他划回名望号。巴克兰拒绝了这一请求,称船上需要他们。与此同时,在要塞霍雷肖发现阿奇和布什无视巴克兰的命令,终究是来帮助他的。他们击退叛军的攻击,而霍雷肖则设置火药小桶和费用。保险丝点亮;他们跑过地下隧道,从格栅爬上来。当它们浮出水面时,粉末就会爆炸。名望号上的人们眼睁睁地看着堡垒被摧毁。霍布斯告诉马修斯和斯泰尔斯,“现在你知道失去英雄是什么感觉了。”他们告诉霍布斯霍雷肖会回来。霍布斯告诉巴克兰,“你的胜利已经完成。” (这意味着他已经完成了他的使命,此外,他还消除了霍雷肖作为他海军生涯进步的障碍。)巴克兰告诉马修斯是时候启航前往牙买加了。 (他要离开,没有带霍雷肖。)霍雷肖、布希和阿奇从悬崖上跳进海里。斯泰尔斯和马修斯发现了他们,并通知了巴克兰。巴克兰别无选择;他必须等待他们。霍雷肖在名望号上与马修斯和斯泰尔斯进行了热烈的重聚。巴克兰任命霍雷肖负责管理三艘西班牙船只;他将“负责他们的安全返回”。巴克兰似乎不太自在布什因不服从他的命令并帮助霍雷肖而向巴克兰道歉。巴克兰回答说,他的行为“一如继往”。他认为布希、阿奇和霍雷肖都自满了,他相信他们认为他是个傻瓜。布什回答说“没有人认为指挥是容易的”。巴克兰说:“我从没想过这会这么容易。”当布希走开时,他低声自言自语道:“我希望能够胜任这份工作。” 霍雷肖登上了一艘西班牙船只,正在前往牙买加的途中。马修斯和他在一起。他们正在进行一场坦诚的谈话。马修斯告诉霍雷肖,“在今天发生的事情之后,我想说[巴克兰]是一个没有良心的人。”霍雷肖告诉他,指挥一艘大船并负责这么多人是很困难的。他们提到了索耶船长。回到名望号,索耶表现得很疯狂,在地板上爬行。巴克兰让警卫把他从直筒夹克上松开。巴克兰试图告诉索耶,他“从来不想要这些”。霍布斯试图帮助索伊河巴克兰给自己倒了一杯酒。在名望号的双桅船里,这位前西班牙指挥官的妻子正在和她的警卫调情。显然有些事情正在发生。霍布斯带着索耶来到他早些时候跌倒的洞里。他问他看到了什么;他试图帮助索耶记住发生了什么。威拉德告诉霍布斯别打扰他。霍布斯告诉他不要打扰索耶。索耶说不是他[威拉德]推了船长。索耶很困惑,误认为威纳德是他以前认识的一位海军上将。霍布斯告诉威纳德,索耶最终会记住发生在他身上的事情。霍布斯将索耶带回他的小屋并让他上床睡觉。他还在发疯。司令夫人还在和她的侍卫调情。他打开她的手机锁,她出去了。他们找到一个安静的地方,他开始亲吻她。她从吊袜带上取下一把刀,插进他的背上。她拿走了他的钥匙,并将其他妻子从牢房中释放出来。然后她释放了那些袭击海军陆战队的人安定手表。他们从船上的军械库拿走了枪,并试图偷袭布希,但他一定听到了他们的到来,因为他已经做好了准备,并用手枪射击了他们。布什、阿奇和他们的手下,包括斯泰尔斯,正遭受西班牙人对名誉号的全面攻击。 在一艘西班牙船上,霍雷肖被马修斯从铺位上叫醒,马修斯向他展示了名誉号正遭到围攻。他命令全体人员到甲板上。他们与名望号并肩作战,协助其他人击退西班牙人。威拉德手里拿着手枪潜入索耶的船舱。他说他不能让索耶到达牙买加;他不会让索耶记住是谁推了他。索耶嘲笑并贬低威拉德,并从他手中夺走了手枪。然后,索耶的小屋门外传来打斗声。索耶告诉威拉德,他记得是谁推了他。然后他把手枪交还给威拉德。他们并肩作战,共同面对敌人。门突然打开,他们都被枪杀了。索耶当场死亡。霍布进入船舱。霍雷肖和其他人重新控制了船只,西班牙人再次投降。布什受重伤。斯泰尔斯将霍雷肖叫到布什身边,克莱夫医生开始对他进行治疗。威拉德告诉霍布斯索耶如何告诉威拉德他很勇敢。他还告诉霍布斯他知道是谁推了他。霍布斯将耳朵放到威拉德嘴边,然后威拉德就死了。霍雷肖这时进来并告诉霍布斯,索耶在战斗中作为英雄牺牲了,他是人类的领袖。斯泰尔斯和霍雷肖发现巴克兰德被绑在他的小屋里。他们释放了他;霍雷肖告诉他声名号和其他船只已经被找回。巴克兰说,他可以看到他们已经康复,他也可以看到世界卫生组织恢复了他们。 (霍雷肖在巴克兰失败的地方取得了成功,再次“击败”了他,他对此很不高兴。) 霍雷肖离开巴克兰,回到甲板上。他和阿奇对“可怜的巴克兰”笑了笑。霍雷肖注意到阿奇正在流血。他打开阿奇的夹克,找到他的衬衫套胸部受伤流血。鲜血从阿奇的嘴里喷涌而出。在牙买加,阿奇躺在牢房的病床上,正在养伤,而霍雷肖则被护送到军事法庭。布什躺在阿奇旁边的床上康复。法庭外,工人们正在建造绞刑架。佩卢向巴克兰询问他的指挥情况。他因将名望号的控制权让给西班牙囚犯而受到批评。一位论坛记者开玩笑说巴克兰的墓志铭会说他“被发现在打瞌睡”。法庭内爆发出阵阵笑声。佩卢一点也不觉得有趣。哈蒙德船长也没有。佩卢开始说,“值得庆幸的是,至少有一名军官在场……”他被巴克兰打断,巴克兰哭喊着,诉讼程序正在进行的原因完全是因为索耶上尉不适合指挥。他危及船上每个人的生命。佩卢阻止了他,警告他不要“抹黑纳尔逊自己的名字”。巴克兰打断再次坚称索耶不适合指挥,原因只有一个:“他没有落入那个陷阱,他是被霍雷肖·霍恩布洛尔中尉推的……!”巴克兰暗示炮手霍布斯将支持他的主张。后来,在街上,斯泰尔斯向霍布斯脸上吐口水,并称他为叛徒。克莱夫检查布什。他的胸口有一道很深的刀伤。克莱夫告诉他他会好起来的。阿奇咳嗽得很厉害。霍布斯站在证人席上。哈蒙德证实他来这里是为了证实巴克兰的故事。霍布斯谈到了他对索耶的忠诚。哈蒙德询问霍布斯是谁将索耶推入货舱的。霍布斯说:“我的队长是人类的领袖,他在战斗中牺牲了。但恐怕我无法告诉你是谁推了他。” (他基本上重复了霍雷肖之前关于索耶船长所说的同样的话。) 当人们惊讶霍布斯没有牵连霍恩布洛尔时,房间里响起一阵窃窃私语。 法庭的三名成员在闭门后私下会面。佩卢请求结束诉讼这是为了“拯救一个愿意为他人放弃自己生命的人的生命,一个别人乐意为之献出自己生命的人。我们不应该试图绞死这个人,我们应该提升他。”哈蒙德回答说,他希望他们向霍雷肖提出问题,并询问他是否将索耶推下货舱。 “作为一个有荣誉的人,他会回答这个问题。”克莱夫检查阿奇。霍雷肖进来了。克莱夫医生向他伸出了手,他们握手。阿奇问霍雷肖,当他们问他是否推了索耶时,他会在听证会上说什么。霍雷肖告诉他们,除非他们提出要求,否则他不会给出答案。第二天早上,霍雷肖在去法庭之前停下来见阿奇。他不在床上。他问布什阿奇在哪里,但布什告诉他他在某个地方。阿奇在克莱夫博士的帮助下进入法庭。他作证说,他和他独自将索耶推入货舱。 回到牢房,霍雷肖突然意识到阿奇在做什么。布什告诉他“一定是“霍雷肖到达时,阿奇被带出了房间。霍雷肖很伤心。后来,巴克兰坐在一张桌子旁,给自己倒了一杯酒。杯子溢出了,酒洒到了桌子上,但巴克兰没有这么做。”似乎注意到了,他只是不停地倒酒。有人敲他的门,叫他,但他没有回应。他显然对发生的事情感到非常困扰。回到阿奇的牢房,克莱夫博士检查了他的情况。病人。布什显然已经被释放了。霍雷肖问阿奇为什么。他强忍着泪水。阿奇解释说他病得很重,并且认为自己活不了多久,无法面对绞刑架。他告诉霍雷肖他很害怕,但是霍雷肖告诉他,他是霍雷肖认识的最勇敢的人。霍雷肖对阿奇为拯救他而做出的牺牲感到很难过。阿奇:“可怜的霍雷肖。给予的速度如此之快,接受最简单的礼物却如此之慢。你知道,你已经为我做了上千次同样的事了。” 霍雷肖:“但从来没有付出如此昂贵的代价。” 阿奇:“求你了接受我提供的。拿着它,说再见。” 霍雷肖:“阿奇?” [他现在真的强忍着泪水。] “我很荣幸能和你一起服役。” 阿奇:[微笑着,同时强忍着泪水]“而我认识你。” 霍雷肖:“再见。” 阿奇:[微笑]“你明白了吗?已经好多了。”阿奇喘息着,呻吟着,然后死了。霍雷肖低声说道,“我亲爱的朋友。”他心碎了。他仍然坐在阿奇的床边。那个影像消失了,然后又回来了。床现在是空的,但是霍雷肖仍然坐在那里。佩卢准将进入牢房。他给了霍雷肖一份报纸。一个故事描述了索耶如何成为英雄。没有提到阿奇。佩卢说阿奇是一个非常忠诚的人,他看到了自己的职责并做到了这一点。霍雷肖说他没有获得好名声就进入了坟墓。佩卢说他和霍雷肖不会忘记阿奇所做的事情。(这暗示佩卢不相信阿奇把索耶推入货舱。)佩卢告诉霍雷肖 (Horatio) 是一位西班牙人被声望号捕获的臀部被重新命名为报应号。他向霍雷肖下达命令,上面写着:报应号舰长霍雷肖·霍恩布洛尔霍雷肖认为,二号舰长布希应该获得这一荣誉。但佩卢告诉他,当晋升时他最好接受。 佩卢:“我祝你一路平安,霍恩布洛尔先生。”他和霍雷肖交换了一个非常有意义的眼神,就像父亲和儿子在一个非常重要的时刻一样。霍雷肖感谢他。

At the tribunal in Jamaica, the officers on the Renown are being charged with mutiny.Flashback to the Renown in St. Domingo. The men killed in the skirmish at the fort are being given a proper burial at sea. First Lt. Buckland is now the acting captain. Captain Sawyer is in his cabin, restrained by a straightjacket. He makes odd statements; it's obvious that he is unwell mentally. First Lt. Buckland is anxious to get underway and head for Jamaica.But Horatio proposes that the Renown make another try at attacking the fort. He feels that with surprise on their side, it will be a victory. Horatio thinks that this victory would help the officers of the Renown during the mutiny trial that they are sure to face once they arrive in Jamaica. But Buckland is convinced that they will have nothing to fear in Jamaica, and because Bush doesn't support Horatio's plan, Buckland decides against attacking the fort and continues to plot their course for Jamaica.Flashforward to the trial. Dr. Clive is still strongly supporting Captain Sawyer, even though he agreed that Sawyer was unfit for command during the battle at the fort when the officers took command from Sawyer. He testifies that he agreed to declare Sawyer unfit under duress from Horatio.Flashback to the Renown. Bush, Kennedy and Hornblower discuss Horatio's plan to attack the fort. Bush admits he was wrong not to support him with Buckland. They all agree that they should move forward with the plan and attack the fort.Meanwhile, Gunner Hobbs is talking with Seaman Randall (the man who is always fighting with Styles). Randall and some other men are planning to desert the Renown. He invites Hobbs to join them, but Hobbs is unwilling to desert "his Captain" (Sawyer) to leave him "at the mercy of" the other officers. Hobbs does assist the desertion, though, by clubbing the marine on watch and knocking him out. More marines are attacked by the deserters as they prepare to leave the ship. Randall's last action before climbing off the Renown is to punch Hobbs in the face, knocking him out. He and the rest of the deserters (approx. 2/3 of the Renown's seamen) swim for shore under the cover of darkness. They are seen coming out of the water on a beach of the island where the fort is.Flash forward to Jamaica: Horatio testifies that the reason he and the other officers wanted to press on with the attack was to fulfill their duty to their captain and to the service. Admiral Hammond suggests that Horatio is ambitious. Pellew continues to be fair and shows support for Hornblower.Flashback to the Renown. Matthews is seen rousing the seamen from their sleep. He discovers that many have deserted and quickly informs the rest. Buckland is concerned, now that so many men are found to have deserted, so he agrees to Horatio's plan to attack the fort. He feels that the officers of the Renown will need this victory to save them from hanging for mutiny.Four boats of seamen and marines row to the island from the Renown. It is nearly daybreak. Horatio, Bush, Wellard, and Hobbs are with them. As they begin hiking toward the fort, they discover the deserters, all dead, but they have no idea how that came to happen.Flashforward to Jamaica. Hammond tells Pellew that they will need a "guilty party" on whom to blame the mutiny. (Pellew calls it a scapegoat.) They seem reluctant to ruin Captain Sawyer's career.Flashback to the island. Day is beginning to break. As the attack force makes their way toward the fort, the 3-4 men who remained behind to guard their boats are attacked by natives.On the Renown, Sawyer rambles on and on, taunting Buckland and making him doubt himself while Clive watches and listens. Sawyer tries to convince Buckland to release him, promising to speak on his behalf when they get to Jamaica. Clive tries to get Sawyer to keep quiet. Buckland orders Clive to give Sawyer more laudenum.The rowboats, filled with native men, approach the Renown. Buckland realizes they are freed slaves from the island. The freemen want the Renown to leave, claiming they have no business in this fight.Back at the island, the officers prepare to attack, but Buckland's weakness in command has led to shots being fired from the ship, so the element of surprise is lost for the attack force on the island.The attack on the fort begins. Horatio notices that one of the Spanish soldiers atop the main fort is the same man they'd noticed earlier, on top of the tower. He tells Archie about it. Archie agrees it's the same man, so he, Horatio, Wellard, and Matthews return to a lower position where they had earlier stashed some kegs of gunpowder. They take several kegs of powder and return up the trail toward the fort. They're looking for something along the slope.Matthews notices a grate on the ground which leads to a tunnel below. Wellard is the only one of the group who is small enough to fit through the grate, so the others lower him, head first, into the hole. At the bottom, he hears Spanish soldiers approaching. Horatio warns him to run for safety while he and the others light a fuse to ignite a keg of powder which they have placed over the grate. Just as the Spanish soldiers arrive below the grate, the powder keg explodes, killing them. With the grate removed, Horatio and the others may now climb down into the tunnel, where they make their way toward the fort. A small group of Spanish soldiers are ready to attack them, but they run back the other way to avoid being shot.Meanwhile, Bush, the marines, and the other seamen are being fired upon heavily. It seems to be hopeless. Bush is about to surrender his sword to the Spanish commander when an explosion blows the door of the fort open, right in front of them. It is Horatio and the other men; they exploded more kegs of powder to defend their position. The blast also saves the rest of the attack party (with Mr. Bush) in front of the fort. Horatio and the others quickly join the frontal assault. The Spanish are soon subdued, so they surrender.Bush and Horatio discuss how they can prevent 3 Spanish vessels from escaping the bay. Horatio suggests "hot shots," which are cannon balls heated in a fire until they are red hot; they are then loaded into a cannon and shot. The balls explode like bombs when they hit a ship. (This is a trick the Spanish use against the English.) They manage to disable one vessel's sails. Then the Renown arrives and fires on the three ships.Flash forward to the tribunal in Jamaica. Again, Horatio is being accused of ambition. He insists he was only doing his duty. Later, Hammond tells Pellew that Hornblower seems guilty. Pellew explains that Horatio is very dear to him. Pellew will not rush to judgment; he explains that he will weigh all facts carefully, as will the others.Flashback to the Renown. The Spanish commander surrenders. He informs Buckland that he would like to use the small fleet of three Spanish ships to leave the island with his men and their families. He insists that he knows they are beaten and he hopes Buckland will agree to this limited surrender. Buckland is inclined to go along with the idea, but Horatio informs the Spanish Commander that he will receive an answer within an hour.Horatio explains to Buckland that the Spanish seem too willing to give up their ships and fort so easily -- and too anxious to leave. Archie discovers that the food stores are nearly depleted at the fort. Horatio suggests that the island will soon be under siege from the band of freed slaves. He thinks they should find a way to impose a complete surrender on the Spanish, taking the soldiers prisoner and the three Spanish vessels as prizes of the British navy.Buckland invites the Spanish commander and his wife to dine aboard the Renown. In the mean time, the other officers bring a cannon from the Renown to the top of the cliff overlooking the bay where the Spanish ships are moored. Captain Sawyer is still acting crazy. He gets loose and threatens Horatio with a razor blade. Horatio talks him out of it, speaking of his past glories and how Horatio would not like to see Captain Sawyer's good name and achievements ruined by his present condition and actions. The cannon is successfully placed on the cliff.At dinner with Buckland, the Spanish commander and his wife become concerned that the other officers have not arrived for dinner yet. Buckland tries to stall. Suddenly, they hear the sound of cannon fire. (A ranging shot fired from the cliff overlooking the bay.) The commander and his wife protest. Buckland informs them that they are now the prisoners of the British navy and will have safe passage to Jamaica. Their ships will be safe as British prizes of war. Buckland asks for the commander's sword, signaling that it is now an unconditional surrender.Horatio, Bush and the others watch as the Spanish ships take down their flags. They begin to cheer when suddenly, they come under fire from the rebel forces (former slaves) above them on the cliff. They spike their cannon and fall back in retreat. Buckland watches form the Renown as they run down the slope toward shore and questions the Spanish commander, asking him how long the island/fort had been under siege.Just then, Captain Sawyer can be heard singing "Spanish Ladies" from down below. Buckland is irritated by the captain's behavior. He goes below to attempt to quiet him down. Sawyer taunts him and baits him, making him doubt himself. He wants to convince Buckland that Horatio will outshine him and make him look foolish with the Admiralty. Sawyer even tells Buckland that unless he "strikes first," Horatio will take the Renown from him just as Horatio took the Renown from Sawyer. Dr. Clive enters and Buckland orders him to give Sawyer more laudanum.Flash forward to Jamaica. Pellew is questioning Buckland about his relationship with Horatio. He's trying to learn if Buckland harbors any ill feelings toward Horatio.Flashback to the Renown. The attack party from shore has returned on board. Buckland informs Bush that it will be necessary to destroy the fort before they set sail again; he hints that he wants Horatio to take charge of this mission. Horatio agrees, saying it would be an honor to volunteer. Bush seems suspicious about Buckland's motives. Archie and Bush offer to assist, but Buckland decides to keep Bush and Archie on the Renown. (The implication here is that Sawyer has been successful in making Buckland doubt Horatio.)Flash forward to Jamaica. Pellew asks Buckland if he wanted Horatio to survive this mission. Buckland insists that he does not send men to their death.Flash back to the Renown. Matthews is asking Buckland if he and Styles and some other men may escort Horatio and row him back to the Renown after his mission. Buckland denies the request, saying they are needed on board. Meanwhile, at the fort Horatio discovers that Archie and Bush have disregarded Buckland's orders and have come to help him after all. They fend off attacking rebels while Horatio sets up the powder kegs and charges. The fuse is lit; they run through the underground tunnel and climb up through the grate. Just as they surface, the powder explodes. The men on the Renown watch as the fort is destroyed. Hobbs tells Matthews and Styles, "Now you know what it's like to lose your hero." They tell Hobbs that Horatio will be back.Hobbs tells Buckland, "Your victory is complete." (The implication is that he has completed his mission, and that additionally, he has eliminated Horatio as a barrier to advancement in his naval career.) Buckland tells Matthews it's time to set sail for Jamaica. (He's leaving without Horatio.)Horatio, Bush and Archie jump from the cliff into the sea. They are spotted by Styles and Matthews, who inform Buckland. Buckland has no choice; he must wait for them. Horatio has a hearty reunion with Matthews and Styles on board the Renown. Buckland places Horatio in charge of the three Spanish vessels; he will be "responsible for their safe return." Buckland seems uncomfortable.Bush apologizes to Buckland for disobeying his orders and helping Horatio. Buckland replies that his actions were "true to form." He thinks Bush, Archie, and Horatio are full of themselves, he believes they think he is a fool. Bush replies that "nobody thinks command is easy." Buckland says, "I never expected it to be easy." As Bush walks away, he whispers to himself, "I expected to be fit for it."Horatio is aboard one of the Spanish ships, en route to Jamaica. Matthews is with him. They are having one of their frank conversations. Matthews tells Horatio, "After what happened today, I'd say [Buckland] is a man of no conscience." Horatio tells him that it is difficult commanding a large vessel and being responsible for so many men. They mention Captain Sawyer.Back on the Renown, Sawyer is acting crazy, crawling on the floor. Buckland tells the guard to release him from the straight jacket. Buckland tries to tell Sawyer that he "never wanted any of this." Hobbs tries to help Sawyer. Buckland pours himself a drink.In the brig on the Renown, the former Spanish Commander's wife is flirting with her guard. It's obvious that something is going on.Hobbs takes Sawyer to the hole where he'd fallen, earlier. He asks him what he sees; he's trying to help Sawyer remember what happened. Wellard tells Hobbs to leave him alone. Hobbs tells him to leave Sawyer alone. Sawyer says it wasn't him [Wellard] who pushed the captain. Sawyer is confused and mistakes Wellard for an Admiral he used to know. Hobbs informs Wellard that eventually, Sawyer will remember what happened to him. Hobbs takes Sawyer back to his cabin and puts him to bed. He's still acting crazy.The commander's wife is still flirting with her guard. He unlocks her cell and she gets out. They find a quiet place and he starts to kiss her. She removes a knife from her garter and sticks it into his back. She takes his keys and releases the other wives from the cell. Then she releases the men, who attack the marines standing watch. They take guns from the ship's armory and try a sneak attack on Bush, but he must have heard them coming because he is ready for them and shoots them with his pistol. Bush, Archie, and their men, including Styles, are under full attack on the Renown from the Spanish.On a Spanish vessel, Horatio is roused from his bunk by Matthews, who shows him that the Renown is under siege. He orders all hands on deck. They come alongside the Renown and assist the others in fighting off the Spanish.Wellard sneaks into Sawyer's cabin with a pistol in his hand. He says he can't allow Sawyer to get to Jamaica; he will not allow Sawyer to remember who pushed him. Sawyer taunts Wellard and belittles him, taking the pistol from him. Then, the fighting is heard outside Sawyer's cabin door. Sawyer tells Wellard he remembers who pushed him. Then he hands the pistol back to Wellard. They stand side-by-side to face the enemy. The door bursts open and they are both shot. Sawyer dies instantly. Hobbs enters the cabin.Horatio and the others have retaken control of the ships and the Spanish surrender again. Bush is badly wounded. Styles calls Horatio over to Bush, Dr. Clive begins to work on him.Wellard tells Hobbs how Sawyer told Wellard he was brave. He also tells Hobbs he knew who pushed him. Hobbs puts his ear to Wellard's mouth, then Wellard dies. Horatio comes in at that moment and tells Hobbs that Sawyer died a hero in battle, and that he was a leader of men.Styles and Horatio find Buckland tied up in his cabin. They release him; Horatio informs him that the Renown and other ships have been recovered. Buckland says that he can see that they are recovered, and he can see WHO recovered them. (He's not happy that Horatio has "bested" him again by succeeding where Buckland has failed.)Horatio leaves Buckland and returns to the deck. He and Archie have a little chuckle about "poor Buckland." Horatio notices that Archie is bleeding. He opens Archie's jacket to find his shirt covered in blood from a chest wound. Blood spews from Archie's mouth.In Jamaica, Archie lies in a sickbed, in a cell, recovering from his wounds while Horatio is escorted to the court-martial proceedings. Bush lies recovering in a bed next to Archie. Outside the tribunal, workers are building a gallows.Pellew questions Buckland about his command. He is criticized for losing control of the Renown to the Spanish prisoners. One of the tribunes makes a joke saying Buckland's epitaph will say he was "caught napping." The courthouse erupts into laughter. Pellew does not find it at all amusing. Neither does Capt. Hammond. Pellew begins to say that "thankfully there was at least one officer present who..." He is interrupted by Buckland, who cries that the reason the proceedings are taking place is all is because Captain Sawyer was unfit for command. He endangered the lives of every man on the ship. Pellew stops him and warns him not to "blacken the name of one of Nelson's own." Buckland interrupts again, insisting that Sawyer was unfit for command for ONE REASON: "He didn't fall into that hold, he was pushed... by Lt. Horatio Hornblower!" Buckland implies that Gunner Hobbs will support his claims.Later, out in the street, Styles spits into Hobbs' face and calls him a traitor.Dr. Clive examines Bush. He has a deep sabre gash in his chest. Clive tells him he'll mend. Archie coughs horribly.Hobbs is on the witness stand. Hammond confirms that he is there to corroborate Buckland's story. Hobbs speaks of his loyalty to Sawyer. Hammond asks Hobbs who pushed Sawyer into the hold. Hobbs says, "My captain was a leader of men, and he died in battle. But I'm afraid I cannot tell you who pushed him." (He essentially repeats the same words Horatio said earlier about Captain Sawyer.) A murmur goes through the room as people are surprised Hobbs does not implicate Hornblower.The three members of the tribunal meet privately behind closed doors. Pellew makes a plea to put an end to the proceedings in order to "save the life of a man willing to abandon his own life for others, a man for whom others would gladly give their own lives. We should not try to hang this man, we should promote him." Hammond responds that he would like them to put the question to Horatio and ask him if he pushed Sawyer down the hold. "As a man of honor, he will answer it."Dr. Clive examines Archie. Horatio enters. Dr. Clive offers him his hand, they shake hands. Archie asks Horatio what he will say at the hearing when they ask him if he pushed Sawyer. Horatio tells them he will not give that answer until they ask it.The next morning, Horatio stops to see Archie before going to the tribunal. He is not in his bed. He asks Bush where Archie is, but Bush tells him he's about somewhere.Archie is shown entering the tribunal with the assistance of Dr. Clive. He testifies that he and he alone pushed Sawyer into the hold.Back at the cell, Horatio suddenly realizes what Archie is doing. Bush tells him "it must be done."Archie is removed from the room just as Horatio arrives. Horatio is devastated.Later, Buckland is shown sitting at a table, pouring himself a glass a wine. The glass overflows and wine spills onto the table, but Buckland doesn't seem to notice, he just keeps pouring the wine. Someone knocks on his door and calls to him, but he doesn't respond. He is obviously very troubled by what is taking place.Back in Archie's cell, Dr. Clive checks on his patient. Bush has apparently been released. Horatio asks Archie why. He is choking back tears. Archie explains that he is very ill and doesn't think he'll live long enough to face the gallows. He tells Horatio he is frightened, but Horatio tells him he is the bravest man Horatio knows. Horatio feels badly about the sacrifice Archie makes to save him.Archie: "Poor Horatio. So quick to give, so slow to accept the simplest gift. You have done the same for me, you know, a thousand times."Horatio: "But never at such a dear cost."Archie: "Please take what I offer. Take it and say goodbye."Horatio: "Archie?" [He's really choking back the tears now.] "I am honored to have served with you."Archie: [smiling and choking back tears at the same time] "And I to have known you."Horatio: "Bye."Archie: [smiling] "You see? Better already."Archie gasps, moans, and then dies.Horatio whispers, "My dear friend." He is heartbroken. He remains sitting by Archie's bed. The image fades away and then comes back again. The bed is now empty, but Horatio is still sitting there.Commodore Pellew enters the cell. He gives Horatio a newspaper. A story describes how Sawyer was a hero. There is no mention of Archie. Pellew says Archie was a man of great loyalty who saw his duty and did it. Horatio says he went to his grave without the merit of his good name. Pellew says that he and Horatio will not forget what Archie did. (It is implied that Pellew does not believe that Archie pushed Sawyer down into the hold.)Pellew tells Horatio that one of the Spanish ships captured by the Renown is being renamed the Retribution. He hands Horatio orders that say:The Captain of the Retribution Commander Horatio HornblowerHoratio thinks that Bush, who was second in command, should have received the honor. But Pellew tells him he'd better accept a promotion when it is offered.Pellew: "I wish you a safe voyage, Mr. Hornblower." He and Horatio exchange a very meaningful look, like a father and a son would at a very important moment. Horatio thanks him.

《霍雷肖·霍恩布洛尔:报应/Horatio Hornblower: Retribution》(2001) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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