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[原版] 《圣诞节前的一个吻/A Kiss Before Christmas》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2023-12-13 11:26:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

这是圣诞节前夕,距离伊桑·霍尔特 (Ethan Holt) 和乔伊斯·霍尔特 (Joyce Holt née Hollander) 相遇二十周年,当时他们在办公楼十八楼的电梯里被困了四个小时,他曾在那里工作,现在仍然担任贝灵厄姆开发公司 (Bellingham Developments) 的项目经理。虽然伊森爱历史老师乔伊斯和他们的两个十几岁收养的孩子,亲生兄弟科林和特丽莎,但他并没有完全投入到他们的生活中,专注于“他的”问题,他内心的吸引力在科林很快就变得更加明显。即将上大学的她想自己回到学校,追求她最初的职业目标——成为一名律师,但伊森对此不屑一顾。伊森感叹的是,他没有在公司里成为“好人”,而副总裁肖恩·多伊尔(Sean Doyle)则与伊森同时入职,只做了一小部分偷工减料的工作。但他在专注于溶胶的残酷态度中稳步上升只顾底线,不考虑对与他打交道的人造成的负面影响。当伊森考虑遵守肖恩的要求,以任何方式买断开发项目的唯一坚持者时,这一请求是为了让肖恩摆脱对总统罗娜贝林厄姆的谎言,这项任务的成功可能会确保他晋升为执行官在肖恩向罗娜推荐的情况下,伊森向火车站的圣诞老人倾诉心声,希望二十年前的那一天,他能和肖恩一起登上电梯,与罗娜会面,从而导致肖恩升职,而不是得到晋升。和乔伊斯一起乘电梯。 “圣诞老人”实现了伊森的愿望,他在今年 12 月 1 日醒来,发现自己现在是公司的合伙人,肖恩在罗纳退休了。虽然伊森拥有他想要的所有金钱和权力,但在另一种生活中,伊森却按照肖恩的方式做到了这一点。他不仅没有与乔伊斯结婚,这意味着他们两人没有收养科林和特丽莎,但乔伊斯现在是一名十字军律师,正在与他在公司的一个开发项目上进行斗争。伊森从圣诞老人那里得知,他必须在圣诞节之前弄清楚自己想要什么以及如何实现它,如果这种新生活意味着永远失去他过去生活的任何记忆。 ——哈戈

It's Christmas Eve, twenty years to the day that Ethan Holt and Joyce Holt née Hollander met when they were stuck together in an elevator on the eighteenth floor for four hours in the office building where he worked and still works as a Project Manager for Bellingham Developments. While Ethan loves History teacher Joyce and their two mid-teen adopted children, biological siblings Colin and Trisha, he isn't fully invested in their lives in focusing on "his" problems, the pull within him more pronounced as Joyce, in Colin soon heading off to college, wants to go back to school herself in pursuing what was her original career goal to be a lawyer, something that Ethan dismisses. What Ethan laments is not having gotten ahead in the company in being "the good guy" as opposed to Vice-President Sean Doyle who, having started out at the same time in the company as Ethan, does a fraction of the work in cutting corners but has steadily moved up the ladder in his cutthroat attitude in focusing solely on the bottom line with no regard of the negative affects on the people with who he deals. As Ethan contemplates complying to a request by Sean to buy-out by whatever means the sole holdout stalling a development project, this request to get Sean out of a lie to President Rona Bellingham, success in this task which may secure his promotion to the executive ranks on a recommendation by Sean to Rona, Ethan pours his heart out to a train station Santa, wishing that on that day twenty years ago that he got on the elevator with Sean to make a meeting with Rona that led to Sean's promotion instead of getting on the elevator with Joyce. "Santa" grants Ethan his wish as he awakens on December 1st of this year to find himself now co-partner of the company with Sean in Rona having retired. While he has all the money and authority he has wanted, Ethan, in this alternate life, has done so Sean's way. He is also not only not married to Joyce, which means the two of them not having adopted Colin and Trisha, but that Joyce, now a crusading lawyer, is fighting him on one of the company's development projects. Ethan learns from Santa that he has until Christmas to figure out what he wants and how to achieve it, if this new life which would mean losing any memory of his past life forever. —Huggo

《圣诞节前的一个吻/A Kiss Before Christmas》(2021) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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