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[原版] 《范迪门的土地/Van Diemen's Land》(2009) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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这是爱尔兰人亚历山大·皮尔斯(Alexander Pearce)的真实故事,他被判处在范迪门土地(现塔斯马尼亚)岛上强迫劳动。这部电影最初讲述的是七名逃亡者在这片未开化的荒野中遭遇的残酷行为。范迪门之地似乎是一个除了逃亡者本身之外没有任何生命的地方。电影捕捉到了极其残酷的荒野。 囚犯越狱之初,只能靠少量面包维持生计。然而,不久之后,他们微薄的食物就完全耗尽了;促使他们考虑采取更严厉的营养措施。罗伯特·格林希尔(亚瑟·安吉尔饰)密谋谋杀另一名逃亡者亚历山大·道尔顿(马克·伦纳德·温特饰)并吃掉他尸体上的肉。然而,该计划并未与整个团队共享。道尔顿的谋杀案非常生动,没有任何想象空间。在完成这一卑鄙行为后,该组织 - rath与其团结起来并同意“需要必须”,不如在道德上分裂。该组织中的两名年长成员对格林希尔和他的走狗所采取的措施感到完全震惊,他们决定以自己的方式行事,拒绝吃提供的新“盛宴”。总之,长话短说- 约翰·马瑟斯(托奎尔·尼尔森饰)开始发疯,他是下一个被砍的对象。随着故事的进展,疯狂加剧,大党中剩下的每个人都成为目标,最终以剩下的两个对手罗伯特·格林希尔和亚历山大·皮尔斯(奥斯卡·雷丁饰)为目标。当影片达到高潮时,令人垂涎的斧头变成了当时的机枪。持有者是“老板”,对其他人具有影响力。格林希尔最初拿着斧子,但正如人们所说,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,皮尔斯在另一个人睡觉时抢走了它。格林希尔立即清醒过来,脱口而出——“那就结束吧”——皮尔斯答应了,然后砍下了一个for耳朵并生吃。这是电影的结尾。总体而言,这是一部出色的电影,制作精良,对风景和所经历的艰辛进行了精彩的拍摄。不过,这并不是特别适合在周六晚上的黄金时段和女朋友一起观看的节目……

This is the true Story of Alexander Pearce, an Irishman who was sentenced to forced labour on the island of Van Diemen's Land (Now Tasmania). The Film is initially about the brutality of this wild untamed wilderness for seven runaways. Van Diemen's Land appears to be a place bereft of any kind of life other than the escapees themselves. The cinematography captures a horrendously cruel wilderness.Initially on their escape from captivity, the convicts are able to sustain themselves upon small morsels of bread. After a short time, however their meagre food is totally exhausted; leading them to consider more drastic measures for their nutrition. Robert Greenhill (Played by Arthur Angel) plots to murder another of the escapees, Alexander Dalton (Mark Leonard Winter) and eat the meat from his corpse. This plan is not shared with the complete group however. The murder of Dalton is quite graphic and nothing at all is left to the imagination. On the completion of this vile act, the group - rather than rally around and agree that "needs must", become morally split. Two of the older members of the group are totally aghast at the measures that Greenhill and his lackeys are going to and they decide to make their own way, having refused to eat the new "feast" on offer.Anyway to cut a long story short - John Mathers (Torquil Neilson) is next for the chop when he starts to go mad. As the story progresses the madness intensifies and everyone remaining in the larger party becomes a target, culminating in the remaining two antagonists, Robert Greenhill and Alexander Pearce (Oscar Redding). As the film reaches its climax the coveted hatchet becomes the machine gun of its day. The wielder is the "boss" and holds sway over the other. Greenhill has the hatchet initially but the early bird catches the worm as they say and Pearce snatches it as the other man sleeps. Immediately Greenhill starts to wakefulness and blurts out - "Get it over with then" - Pearce obliges before hacking off a forearm and eating it raw.This is the end of the movie. Overall an excellent film and well made with wonderful shots of the landscape and the hardship endured. It isn't particularly one to watch with your girlfriend at Primetime on a Saturday evening though.....

《范迪门的土地/Van Diemen's Land》(2009) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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