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[原版] 《第六类:毁灭之日/Category 6: Day of Destruction》(2004) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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安迪·古德曼(布莱恩·丹内利饰)距离国家气象局恶劣天气中心首席气象学家的职位还有一周就要被迫退休。然而,龙卷风席卷了通常不易遭受风暴袭击的拉斯维加斯。古德曼对风暴系统的形成未被注意到并且他们无法警告人们感到担忧和不安,他开始密切跟踪该系统。古德曼收到了他的朋友“龙卷风汤米”(兰迪·奎德饰)的现场报告和新实习生萨布丽娜·罗杰斯(艾丽西亚·约翰斯顿饰)的帮助。随着时间的推移,他意识到该系统正在向芝加哥移动,同时来自南方的一场不寻常的温暖风暴,已经在该市造成了破纪录的热浪,以及来自北极的异常早期的冷锋。米奇·本森(托马斯·吉布森饰)是中西部电力公司的运营主管,他正在努力为居民提供电力,因为持续六周的热浪使系统不堪重负,而居民却拒绝供电。遵循节能要求。为了获得更多的能量,他正在与公司最大的供应商 Lexer 合作,但该公司的首席执行官正在努力寻找从这场危机中获利的新方法。本森还发现自己陷入了利益冲突,因为他与莱克瑟的公关代表丽贝卡·科恩斯(钱德拉·韦斯特饰)有染。雄心勃勃的记者艾米·哈金(南希·麦肯饰)在试图寻找证据的同时,陷入了报道热浪的困境。在幕后,Lexer 和 Midwest 应对缺乏足够的电力负责。能源部长雪莉·阿博特(黛安·韦斯特饰)积极警告各位政客和总统,电网太落后,无法应对真正的自然灾害,而且太容易受到攻击。 Lexer 的首席工程师丹·伦敦(Ari Cohen)也多次警告 Lexer,他们的系统太容易受到黑客的攻击,但该公司只对选择最便宜的选择感兴趣。他决定向哈金举报该公司,但由于他拒绝出现在镜头上,哈金的老板不允许该节目播出。 随着暴风雨的临近,早期的暴风雨摧毁了该市的主要发电厂,本森被迫与 Lexer 协商以获得更多权力。伦敦没有意识到即将到来的风暴的破坏性,他开始入侵系统,引发连锁反应,摧毁芝加哥的所有电力,迫使莱克瑟听从他的警告。古德曼和他的团队无法警告公民,风暴已在五大湖地区形成六级飓风,并将正面袭击芝加哥。哈金意识到电力发生了什么事,急忙前往伦敦,而本森和阿博特部长正在聚集来自众多其他公司的能量来解决 Lexer 的故障。伦敦不知道各方在做什么,但在能量开始从其他公司流入的同时,迅速扭转了黑客攻击。这使得系统超载,当风暴袭击这座城市时,整个中西部电网都被摧毁。本森无法再做任何事情,在接到家人被困在购物中心并且他的女儿被意外枪杀的消息后,他急忙寻找家人被她的前男友。 “龙卷风汤米”开车绕城拍摄龙卷风,却没有注意到另一场龙卷风正朝他的方向袭来。他将摄像机放入手提箱中,然后将其扔出窗外,然后他就被卷入了龙卷风中。哈金载本森去商场接他的家人,然后他们去电梯里救她怀孕的嫂子。艾米的摄影师在营救她的嫂子时受伤后,哈金留下来陪伴他和他们的邻居。其他人在飓风风眼 15 分钟内赶到机场,并被哈金的哥哥(空军气象飞行员)驾驶的飞机接走。暴风雨过去后,哈金信守诺言,告诉伦敦电视台伦敦被电网闪电摧毁后,保守党在电视上播出。

Andy Goodman (Brian Dennehy) is a week away from a forced retirement from his position as chief meteorologist at the National Weather Administration's Severe Weather Center. However, tornadoes level Las Vegas, an area normally not prone to the storms. Concerned and upset that the storm system formed unnoticed and that they were unable to warn the people, Goodman begins closely tracking the system. Goodman receives field reports from his friend "Tornado Tommy" (Randy Quaid) and assistance from new intern Sabrina Rogers (Alicia Johnston). As time passes, he realizes the system is heading towards Chicago, joined by an unusual warm storm coming from the south, which is already causing a record-breaking heat wave in the city, and an abnormally early cold front from the Arctic.Meanwhile, Mitch Benson (Thomas Gibson), the Chief of Operations at Midwest Electric, is struggling to keep power going to the residents because the six-week heat wave is straining the system and residents are refusing to follow power conservation requests. To get more energy, he is working with the company's largest supplier, Lexer, but the company's CEO is trying to find new ways to profit from this crisis. Benson also finds himself caught in a conflict of interest as he is having an affair with the Lexer's public relations representative, Rebecca Kerns (Chandra West).Ambitious reporter Amy Harkin (Nancy McKeon) is stuck reporting on the heat wave while trying to find proof behind the scenes that Lexer and Midwest are responsible for the lack of sufficient power. The Secretary of Energy, Shirley Abbott (Dianne Wiest), is actively warning various politicians and the president that the power grid is too outdated to handle real natural disasters and that it is too vulnerable to attack. Dan London (Ari Cohen), the chief engineer of Lexer, has also repeatedly warned Lexer that their systems are too vulnerable to hackers, but the company is only interested in going with the cheapest options. He decides to blow the whistle on the company to Harkin, but as he refuses to appear on camera, Harkin's boss will not allow the piece to air.As the storms approach, early storms knock out the city's primary power generating plant, and Benson is forced to negotiate with Lexer for even more power. Not realizing the devastating nature of the storms coming, London sets out to force Lexer to listen to his warnings by hacking the system and causing a cascading chain reaction that knocks out all of the power in Chicago. Goodman and his team are unable to warn the citizens that the storms have formed into a category 6 hurricane over the Great Lakes and will hit Chicago head on.Harkin realizes what happened to the power and rushes to find London, while Benson and Secretary Abbott gather energy from a multitude of other companies to get around the breakdown at Lexer. Unaware of what each party is doing, London quickly reverses the hacks at the same time as the energy starts flowing in from other companies. This overloads the system, knocking out the entire Midwest power grid as the storm hits the city.Unable to do anything further, Benson rushes to find his family after he receives word that they are trapped at a mall and that his daughter has been accidentally shot by her ex-boyfriend. "Tornado Tommy" drives around the city filming tornadoes and is oblivious to another tornado that is headed to his direction. He puts his camcorder in a suitcase and throws it out his window and he is sucked in the twister. Harkin gives Benson a ride to the mall to pick up his family, then they go to rescue her pregnant sister-in-law from an elevator. After Amy's cameraman is injured while rescuing her sister-in-law, Harkin stays behind with him and their neighbor. The others rush to reach the airport during the 15-minute eye of the hurricane, where they are picked up in a plane piloted by Harkin's brother, an air force weather pilot. After the storm passes, Harkin keeps her promise and tells London's story on air after London is killed by the power grid lightening bolts.

《第六类:毁灭之日/Category 6: Day of Destruction》(2004) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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