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[原版] 《地堡/The Bunker》(1981) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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一位美国船长想要参观臭名昭著的希特勒地堡。俄罗斯警卫让他进入地堡。水覆盖了大部分地板。这里是希特勒生命最后 105 天的住所。闪回。 1945 年 1 月 16 日,美国人在德国莱茵河畔。希特勒前往他在柏林的地堡。鲍曼检查了这个地方并评论道:“我们这是怎么了?有报告称俄罗斯人正在强奸所有德国妇女。戈培尔来了。帝国部长阿尔伯特·施佩尔,希特勒的建筑师和工业生产人员也来了。施佩尔想尝试与希特勒交谈施佩尔有私人听众,但希特勒绝对致力于彻底消灭德国的计划,作为对背叛他的惩罚。施佩尔与军需部门主管迪特·斯塔尔(Dieter Stahl)谈论了这种可能性通过向地堡中引入一种新的毒气来刺杀希特勒,据说这种毒气能够穿透任何空气过滤器。斯塔尔告诉他气体风险太大,芥子气会更好。施佩尔要求斯塔尔给他一些汽油,斯塔尔同意了。希特勒正在与他的将军们开会。他对他们非常愤怒,说将军们让他失望了。一位将军极力反对,希特勒对他做的唯一一件事就是让他休六周病假。 鲍曼与施佩尔交谈,问他为什么没有执行希特勒彻底摧毁德国城镇的计划村庄。施佩尔表示,存在管理问题。然后他必须与希特勒讨论这个话题。希特勒告诉他,他已经阅读了施佩尔关于该主题的长备忘录,但表示不会重新考虑他的政策。当建筑师敢坐下来时,他对施佩尔非常生气:“你怎么敢坐在我面前?”施佩尔随后被解雇。他后来得知,他已被鲍曼取代,担任歼灭计划的负责人。希特勒下次与施佩尔通话时,他告诉他必须相信战争没有失败。但斯佩尔表示战争已经失败。然后希特勒退缩了一点,说“如果你能希望我们会赢”,那就足以让我满意了。施佩尔向希特勒提供了其他一些台词,希特勒以“我知道我可以依靠你”来宣布他的胜利。戈培尔向希特勒报告美国总统弗兰林·德拉诺·罗斯福已经去世。宣传部长绝对欣喜若狂。然而,这种幸福感被维也纳陷落的消息所抵消。希特勒的情妇爱娃·布劳恩到来。德国空军司令戈林抵达,随后是秘密警察局长希姆莱。希姆莱正在与瑞典伯爵贝尔纳多特秘密谈判和平问题。柏林现在三面封闭。希特勒告诉他的将军们派施泰纳将军率领他的装甲军前来,但施泰纳将军只有 11,000 人。希特勒要求知道谁应对未能阻止俄罗斯人的最新举动负责。这是将军第56装甲师挥舞。希特勒告诉他的幕僚将这位将军处决。希特勒走到外面,赞扬了现在正在担任德国士兵的孩子们。戈培尔打电话给他的妻子,告诉她时机已经到了。这意味着情况已经非常糟糕,是时候带孩子们到地堡与希特勒和伊娃一起自杀了。戈培尔一家认为,没有希特勒的世界简直难以忍受。鲍曼要求希特勒搬到巴伐利亚更安全的地方,但希特勒明确拒绝。希特勒的两名秘书进来告诉希特勒,他们想和他一起度过轰炸。希特勒点头同意。玛格达·戈培尔和她的六个孩子到达。希特勒再次与他的将军们商量,得知施泰纳将军已被俘虏。希特勒咆哮说军队背叛了他,他的命令没有得到执行。他最终承认:“我会死在柏林。战争已经失败了。”爱娃·布劳恩的妹夫费格莱因上校被强行进入掩体。该男子已经失踪三天,正准备离开柏林。希特勒选择宽大处理,并告诉他的幕僚释放他。但随后希特勒被告知,希姆莱已提出将西德军队交给艾森豪威尔。当希特勒得知戈林在给冯·里宾特洛甫的信息中说他将在希特勒死后接管德国时,他更加生气了。施佩尔因希特勒要离开而来向他告别,但希特勒太生气了,没有过多注意他。但希特勒有足够的时间告诉鲍曼处决费格莱因。希特勒和爱娃·布劳恩喝下午茶,吃松饼。希特勒因忧虑而心烦意乱,所以伊娃问他是否可以告诉秘书们这个好消息。她得到了许可,并告诉女人们她们要结婚了。距离俄军抵达碉堡只剩下大约48小时了。希特勒询问负责柏林防务的莫恩克将军是否能坚持到5月5日,拿破仑战败周年纪念日。将军告诉他,他不能保证任何特定的日期。戈培尔博士有一个告别晚宴。希特勒得知墨索里尼和他的情妇已被处决,他们的尸体倒挂在公共广场上。末日已经到来。希特勒和爱娃·布劳恩向他们的幕僚告别。然后他们回到自己的私人房间,在那里他们都咬下了氰化物胶囊。几乎同时,希特勒用左轮手枪向自己的头部开枪。他们的尸体被运出掩体并焚烧。现在轮到戈培尔一家了。在床上,玛格达让所有六个孩子咬下氰化物胶囊。他们很快就死了。玛格达和约瑟夫走到外面,重复希特勒和爱娃·布劳恩的动作。现在,除了负责操作发电机的工程师外,工作人员都离开了地堡。只有六名离开的工作人员能够避免被俄罗斯人抓获。希特勒的两名秘书被英国人掳掠。 1972 年,鲍曼的尸体终于被发现,他是在柏林沦陷时自杀的。阿尔伯特·施佩尔被捕并入狱 20 年。

An American captain wants to see the infamous bunker of Hitler. The Russian guard lets him head into the bunker. Water covers a good deal of the floors. Here is where Hitler lived his last 105 days.Flashback. January 16, 1945. The Americans are at the Rhine River in Germany. Hitler goes to his bunker in Berlin. Bormann checks the place out and comments, "What have we come to? Reports come in that the Russians are raping all German women. Goebbels arrives. Reichsminister Albert Speer, Hitler's architect and industrial production man, arrives. Speer wants to try to talk Hitler out of his plan to destroy all Germany. Speer gets his private audience, but Hitler is absolutely committed to his plan of utter annihilation of Germany as a punishment for betraying him.Speer talks with Dieter Stahl, Chief of the Munitions Division, about the possibility of assassinating Hitler by introducing into the bunker a new poison gas that is said to be able to penetrate any air filter. Stahl tells him that it is too risky of a gas and that mustard gas would be better. Speer asks Stahl to get him some of the gas and Stahl agrees.Hitler is in conference with his generals. He is furious with them saying that the generals have let him down. One of the generals strenuously objects and the only thing that Hitler does to him is to tell him to go on six weeks of sick leave.Bormann speaks with Speer and asks him why he has not carried out Hitler's plan for total annihilation of German towns and villages. Speer says that there have been administrative problems. He then has to speak with Hitler about the subject. Hitler tells him that he has read Speer's long memorandum on the subject but says there will be no reconsideration of his policy. He becomes extremely mad at Speer when the architect dares sits down: "How dare you sit in my presence?" Speer is then dismissed. He later learns that he has been replaced with Bormann as head of the annihilation plan.The next time Hitler speaks to Speer he tells him that he must believe that the war is not lost. But Speer says the war is lost. Then Hitler retreats a bit and says "If you could just hope we will win" that would be enough to satisfy me. Speer feeds Hitler some other lines and Hitler announces his victory with "I knew I could rely on you".Goebbels reports to Hitler that the American president, Franlin Delano Roosevelt, has died. The minister of propaganda is absolutely ecstatic. That happiness, however, is offset by the message that Vienna has fallen.Eva Braun, Hitler's mistress, arrives. The head of the German Air Force, Goering, arrives followed by head of the secret police Himmler. Himmler is secretly negotiating with Count Bernadotte of Sweden about peace.Berlin is now closed on three sides. Hitler tells his generals to send General Steiner in with his Panzer corps, but Steiner only has 11,000 men. Hitler demands to know who was responsible for not stopping the Russians in their latest move. It's the 56th Panzer of General Wielding. Hitler tells his staff to have the general executed. Hitler goes outside and praises the kids who are now serving as German soldiers.Goebbels calls his wife and tells her that the time has come. That is code for the situation is so bad that it is time to bring the children to the bunker to commit suicide with Hitler and Eva. The Goebbels believe that a world without Hitler would be simply unbearable.Bormann asks Hitler to move to greater safety in Bavaria, but Hitler answers with a definite no. Two of Hitler's secretaries come in to tell Hitler that they want to stay with him through the bombardments. Hitler nods in agreement. Magda Goebbels and her six children arrive.Conferring again with his generals, Hitler learns that General Steiner has been captured. Hitler goes into a rant saying that the army has betrayed him, that his orders have not been carried out. He finally admits: "I'll die in Berlin. The war is lost."Eva Braun's brother-in-law Colonel Fegelein is brought by force into the bunker. The man has been absent for three days and was about to leave Berlin. Hitler chooses to be lenient and tells his staff to release him. But then Hitler is told that Himmler has offered to surrender the western German armies to Eisenhower. Hitler then even gets madder when he learns that Goering in a message to von Ribbentrop said that he will take over in Germany after Hitler's death. Speer has come to say good-bye to Hitler because he is leaving, but Hitler is too angry to give him much notice. But Hitler has time enough to tell Bormann to execute Fegelein.Hitler and Eva Braun have afternoon tea and crumpets. Hitler is distracted with his worries, so Eva asks him if they can tell the secretaries the good news. She gets the okay and she tells the women that they will be married. There is only about 48 hours left until the arrival of the Russians at the bunker.Hitler asks General Mohnke, who is in charge of the defence of Berlin, if he can hold out until May 5, the anniversary of Napoleon's defeat. The general tells him that he can give no assurances as to any particular date.There is a farewell dinner for Dr. Goebbels. Hitler learns that Mussolini and his mistress have been executed and their bodies hung upside down in the public square.The end has come. Hitler and Eva Braun say good-bye to their staff. They then retire to their private chamber where they both bite down on cyanide capsules. Almost simultaneously Hitler shoots himself in the head with his revolver. Their bodies are taken outside the bunker and burned. Now it is the turn of the Goebbels. In their beds, Magda makes all six children bite down on cyanide capsules. They are quickly dead. Magda and Joseph go outside and repeat the actions of Hitler and Eva Braun.The staff now leaves the bunker with the exception of the engineer in charge of operating the electrical generator. Only six of the staff that left were able to avoid capture by the Russians. Two of Hitler's secretaries were captured by the British. Bormann's body was finally discovered in 1972, a suicide committed at the time of the fall of Berlin. Albert Speer was captured and served 20 years in prison.

《地堡/The Bunker》(1981) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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