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[原版] 《冠军们/The Champions》(2015) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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当前亚特兰大猎鹰队明星四分卫迈克尔·维克涉嫌长期非法斗狗团伙的消息传出时,此案让公众对斗狗世界产生了关注。它展示了人类精神最堕落的一面,一个男人秘密聚集赌博和庆祝的世界,而狗则被迫战斗至死。拒绝战斗的狗会被折磨、淹死、绞死和电死。维克被判处 23 个月监禁(并非因为虐待动物),后来又回到了 NFL 的高薪职业生涯。这场灾难留下了超过 50 只斗牛犬,它们将人类与残暴、恐惧和战斗联系在一起。司法系统把他们从圈子里救了出来,但接下来呢?美国人道协会认为它们是该国训练最积极的斗牛犬。 PETA 将它们描述为一颗定时炸弹。但是,正如参与该案的一位律师所解释的那样,公众和动物福利是辩护律师开始询问检察官为什么要杀死这些狗?检察官表示,他收到的有关这些狗命运的电话和电子邮件比逮捕恐怖分子时还要多。决定他们命运的法官表示,他收到了 3000 多封电子邮件,当时他的助手每天要接听 200 个有关此案的电话。一些组织挺身而出应对这一挑战,承认狗是受害者,并愿意给它们第二次机会。旧金山一家名为 BADRAP 的斗牛犬救援组织收走了 10 只被认为更适合领养的狗。最好的朋友动物协会同意接收 22 只其他人都无法做到的狗,许多人认为这些狗是最具挑战性的。尽管位于犹他州南部的独特的非捕杀动物保护区拥有极其合格和敬业的全职兽医、训练师和护理人员,但他们不确定是否会成功。他们希望通过时间、耐心和奉献精神,他们能够康复饲养一些(如果不是全部的话)狗,并最终发现其中许多狗都喜欢收养家庭。 “最好的朋友”在近 30 年的历史中曾与困难的狗进行过较量,但这将是他们迄今为止最大的挑战,他们将自己的声誉,更重要的是整个品种的声誉,置于危险之中。 纪录片《冠军》讲述了其中五只狗的故事。狗,从它们第一次被拯救到被收养的那一刻起。这不仅关乎狗本身,还关乎它们如何改变和激励进入它们生活的人们。它还跟进了至今仍留在“最好的朋友”的六只狗,其中一些是终生的。感谢 Best Friends 和 BADRAP 的努力,数十只本来会被草率杀死的狗获得了第二次机会,证明即使是从最极端的环境中获救的斗犬也可以通过爱、时间和耐心成功康复。事实上,许多狗的茁壮成长所需要的根本不是康复,而是今天,大多数狗已成功被安置在充满爱心的收养家庭中。他们的故事证明,即使是遭受过最难以想象的虐待的生物也拥有惊人的力量、精神和韧性。这是一个关于我们与动物之间的信任和爱的纽带以及它们在我们生活中的重要性的故事,这种关系有可能激发出人类和动物精神中最好的一面。这部电影还强调了对斗牛犬的品种歧视通过一段关于职业棒球运动员马克·布尔勒 (Mark Buehrle) 和他的家人的片段,了解狗的类型以及它们的外观和感觉。品种歧视在全国各地都有发生,可以采取多种不同的形式,但布尔勒斯的故事很有趣,因为命运的不寻常转折,而且由于马克作为职业棒球投手的职业生涯,他们在迈阿密戴德县和美国都经历了这种歧视。在多伦多。他们的故事特别感人,因为虽然他们因选择这一目标而面临批评。在这个季节,我们一家人与马克分开居住,这体现了宠物在人们生活中的重要性,一旦你邀请一只宠物成为家庭的一员,当遇到麻烦时,人们不会简单地走开。现在是讨论这个话题的最佳时机。最近有很多媒体报道称 NFL 及其球员缺乏责任感。但更重要的是,动物福利问题在当今社会日益严重,从工厂化农场、毛皮养殖场的动物状况、医学研究、以娱乐为名的剥削,以及对斗牛犬类型的不公平禁止来自全国各个城市的狗,只是因为它们的品种。但如果圣雄甘地的观点是正确的,即一个国家的伟大及其道德进步可以通过其对待动物的方式来判断,那么这个故事就提供了希望的理由和进步的迹象,并为我们这个时代提供了鼓舞人心的信息。

When the news broke that former Atlanta Falcons star quarterback Michael Vick was implicated in a long running illegal dog-fighting ring, the case shone a public light into the world of dog fighting. It showed the human spirit at its most degraded, a world where men gather in secret to gamble and celebrate as dogs are forced to fight to their deaths. Dogs that refused to fight were tortured, drowned, hanged, and electrocuted. Vick was sentenced to 23 months in prison, (none for animal cruelty), and later returned to lucrative high-profile career in the NFL. Left behind in the aftermath were over 50 pit-bulls who associated humans with brutality, fear, and fighting. The judicial system had saved them from the ring, but what next? The Humane Society of the United States considered them to be the most aggressively trained pit-bulls in the country. PETA described them as a ticking time bomb. But, as one of the attorneys involved in the case explains, the general public and animal welfare advocates started asking the prosecutors why do you have to kill these dogs? The prosecutor said he received more calls and emails about the fate of the dogs than when a terrorist was arrested. The judge who decided their fate said he received over 3,000 emails and his assistant was taking 200 calls per day about the case at the time. A handful of organizations stepped up to this challenge, recognizing the dogs as the victims and willing to give them a second chance. A pit-bull rescue organization named BADRAP in San Francisco took ten of the dogs considered more adoptable. Best Friends Animal Society agreed to take 22 dogs that no one else could, the dogs many considered the most challenging. Even though the unique no-kill animal sanctuary, based in Southern Utah, had an extremely qualified and dedicated full-time staff of veterinarians, trainers, and caregivers, they were unsure whether or not they would succeed. They hoped that with time, patience, and dedication, they could rehabilitate some, if not all of the dogs, and eventually find many of them loving adoptive homes. Best Friends had taken on difficult dogs before in their almost 30 year history, but this would be their biggest challenge yet, and they were putting their reputationand more importantly, that of the entire breedon the line.The documentary The Champions, follows five of the dogs, from the time they are first rescued through their adoption. It is not just about the dogs themselves, but how they change and inspire the people who come into their lives. It also follows-up with six dogs who remain at Best Friends to this day, some of them for life. Thanks to the work of Best Friends and BADRAP, dozens of the dogs who would have summarily been killed were given a second chance to prove that even fighting dogs rescued from the most extreme circumstances can be successfully rehabilitated with love, time, and patience. That in fact, what many of these dogs need to thrive isnt rehabilitation at all, but time to recover.Today, a majority of the dogs have successfully been placed into loving, adoptive homes. Their story proves that even creatures who have suffered the most unimaginable abuse have amazing strength, spirit, and resilience. It is a story of the bonds of trust and love we have with animals and their importance in our lives, a relationship that has the potential to bring out the best in the human and animal spirit.The film also highlights breed discrimination towards pit-bull type dogs and what that looks and feels like with a segment about professional baseball player Mark Buehrle and his family. Breed discrimination happens across the country and can take a number of different forms, but the Buehrles story is interesting because in an unusual twist of fate, and because of Marks career as a professional baseball pitcher, they experienced it both in Miami-Dade county and in Toronto. Their story is especially touching because while they have faced criticism for choosing that the family live apart from Mark during the season, it exemplifies the significance of peoples pets in their lives one doesnt simply walk away when theres trouble once youve invited a pet to be part of the family. And there is no better time for this topic. There is much recent press surrounding the lack of accountability of the NFL and its players. But more importantly, animal welfare issues are on the rise in our society today, from the conditions of animals in factory farms, fur farms, medical research, the exploitation of animals in the name of entertainment, and the unfair banning of pit-bull type dogs from various cities across the country, just because of their breed. But if Mahatma Gandhi was right that the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated, this story offers up reasons for hope and signs of progress, and provides an inspirational message for our time.

《冠军们/The Champions》(2015) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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