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剧情家庭电影《周末父母(2017)/Full Love》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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剧情家庭电影《周末父母(2017)/Full Love》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《周末父母(2017)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《Full Love》。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是王为,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员刘恺威、王鸥、张萌、朱泳腾、金俊秀、杨菲洋、赵悦童、史文翔、袁紫侨、李思阳、吕云骢、万子晴、汪洋、颜景瑶、张瑞珈、李文俊、朱薇薇、全思颖、张萍娟、白茹、张秀婷、张大宝、杨鹏、李佳熹、张翔、付彦丹、吴任远、秦越、曲刚、袁闲、宋沂诺、顾琛、成方旭、徐风、陈智明、赵楚纶等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国大陆地区。本片的豆瓣评分是5.5分,在IMDB上,同样是这个原因,暂时也还没有人打出分数。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:周末父母是一部剧情,家庭片,于致远(刘恺威 饰)是一名杂志社的编辑,平日里工作繁忙,能够用在私人生活里的时间少得可怜。赵佳妮(王鸥 饰)身为时尚公司高管,生活的重心自然得放在公司里,否则现在好不容易挣来的地位分分钟会被人替代。这对职场达人小夫妻,无奈之下只能将儿子于震轩寄养在外婆家,只有双休日才能将儿子接回家,是名副其实的“周末父母”。                                                                      在难得的亲子时光中,夫妻两自然是想着法子满足儿子各种各样的要求,带着他满世界玩,却忽略了最重要的教养问题。随着时间的推移,问题开始凸显,赵佳妮发现自己在儿子面前根本没有身为母亲的威信,儿子的个性也日益变得蛮横桀骜起来。一句话评论:各路牛鬼蛇神放过豆瓣可好?。每一次国产电视剧的进步叫好,80后年轻父母们奋斗的浓缩史。都是周末父母,都是职场父母,现实生活里还没有救世主。还是看回剧情吧。不谈男女主只谈男二女二。剧情人设很反映现实。不论演员作风,单说说剧,也不够好。不想变成赵佳妮。直击现实,戳中很多痛点与共鸣。真扯淡。

"Weekend Parents" is a drama and family film. Yu Zhiyuan (played by Hawick Lau) is a magazine editor. He is busy with work on weekdays and has very little time for private life. As a senior executive of a fashion company, Zhao Jiani (Wang Ou) naturally has to focus her life on the company, otherwise her hard-earned status will be replaced in minutes. This young couple, who are well-versed in the workplace, have no choice but to leave their son Yu Zhenxuan to be fostered at her grandmother's house. They can only take their son home on weekends. They are truly "weekend parents".                                                                    In the rare family time, the couple naturally thought of ways to meet their son's various requirements and take him to play around the world, but they neglected the most important issue of upbringing. As time passed, problems began to emerge. Zhao Jiani found that she had no authority as a mother in front of her son, and her son's personality became increasingly overbearing and unruly. One sentence comment: Can Douban be spared by all kinds of monsters and monsters? . Every time there is applause for the progress of domestic TV dramas, it is a condensed history of the struggles of young parents born in the 1980s. We are all weekend parents, we are all working parents, and there is no savior in real life. Let’s go back to the plot. Don’t talk about the male and female protagonists, just talk about the two men and two women. The plot and characters reflect reality very well. Regardless of the actor's style, just talking about drama is not good enough. I don’t want to become Zhao Jiani. It hits the reality directly and hits many pain points and resonances. What nonsense.

剧情家庭电影《周末父母(2017)/Full Love》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


周末父母迅雷下载.2017.6.84gb.torrent 【6.84GB】
Full Love 2017 E20 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.19GB】
Full Love 2017 E19 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.16GB】
Full Love 2017 E18 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.23GB】
Full Love 2017 E17 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.16GB】
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Full Love 2017 E15 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E14 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.96GB】
Full Love 2017 E13 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.95GB】
Full Love 2017 E12 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E11 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E10 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E09 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E08 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E07 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E06 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.mp 【1.95GB】
Full Love 2017 E05 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.MP 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E04 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.MP 【1.96GB】
Full Love 2017 E03 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.MP 【1.94GB】
Full Love 2017 E02 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.MP 【1.95GB】
Full Love 2017 E01 WEB-DL 1080p H264 AAC-KeepSilence.MP 【1.95GB】




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上一篇:喜剧爱情家庭电影《男人的秘密(2012)/七年不痒 / The Man's Secret》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

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