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剧情运动电影《冰雪之名(2022)/中国冰雪 / To Our Dreamland of Ice》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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剧情运动电影《冰雪之名(2022)/中国冰雪 / To Our Dreamland of Ice》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《冰雪之名(2022)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《中国冰雪 》,《 To Our Dreamland of Ice》。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是白涛,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员欧豪、彭小苒、陈若轩、梁洁、伊丽媛、蒋欣、刘天佐、邵兵、毛俊杰、王秀竹、张峻鸣、黑泽、李健、梁爱琪、林鹏、洛葳、刘显达、刘向京、威力斯、郭家铭、蔡子伦、万籽麟、任怡瑄等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国大陆地区。由于本片上映时间比较短或者上映时间比较久远,暂时还没有豆瓣评分信息,在IMDB上,同样是这个原因,暂时也还没有人打出分数。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:冰雪之名是一部剧情,运动片,2022年,速滑小将严阳即将为中国队征战世界青年锦标赛,当他拿起父亲严振华穿的那双红色冰鞋,不禁想起严家三代人与冰雪运动的不解之缘.……                                                                      1980年,儿时的严振华在父亲严义国的启蒙下练习滑冰,并与哈尔滨女孩李冰河相识,成为花滑搭档。在残酷的竞技道路与时代变迁中,严振华与李冰河相互扶持,却最终渐行渐远。                                                                      随着严振华儿子严阳一天天长大,严家人与冰雪运动的故事又掀开了新的篇章。2019年,严阳不顾父亲反对入选短道速滑青训营,却因实力不济沦为女选手金莹的陪练。在冠军教练陈谨的栽培下,严阳成功逆袭,并与金莹相互激励,最终一道踏上世界青年锦标赛的赛场。一句话评论:作为冰迷看到吐血。烂片,出自对自己的作品不负责任的人之手中(浪费演员,蹭热度)。(改结局!)看了后面半截是魔改的之后,我更生气了!!!。不如叫,我嫉妒的女神之看不见的糜烂生活(实际上是污眼看世界,看什么都污)。一场哗众取宠的悲剧表演(实则是不懂人生的胡编乱造)。以冬奥为主题,就更要注意细节的三观问题。该不会是以最热话题写的爱情剧吧?。演员出演剧目的信息不能道听途说。《冰雪之名》又土又美!。《冰雪之名》:严阳能夺冠,除了天赋和努力,更靠这3个职业素养。

In the Name of Ice and Snow is a drama and sports film. In 2022, young speed skater Yan Yang is about to compete in the World Youth Championship for the Chinese team. When he picked up the pair of red skates worn by his father Yan Zhenhua, he couldn't help but think of the three generations of the Yan family and the ice and snow sports. The indissoluble bond... In 1980, as a child, Yan Zhenhua was inspired by his father Yan Yiguo to practice skating, and met Li Binghe, a girl from Harbin, and became his figure skating partner. In the cruel competitive road and the changing times, Yan Zhenhua and Li Binghe supported each other, but eventually drifted apart.                                                                    As Yan Zhenhua’s son Yan Yang grows up day by day, the story of the Yan family and ice and snow sports has opened a new chapter. In 2019, Yan Yang was selected into the short track speed skating youth training camp despite his father's objections, but due to his lack of strength, he became the sparring partner of female player Jin Ying. Under the cultivation of champion coach Chen Jin, Yan Yang successfully counterattacked, and encouraged each other with Jin Ying, and finally set foot on the World Youth Championship together. One sentence comment: As an ice fan, I saw vomiting blood. Bad movies, made by people who are irresponsible for their own work (a waste of actors, a waste of popularity). (Change the ending!) After seeing that the second half was modified by magic, I became even more angry! ! ! . It’s better to call it, My Jealous Goddess’ Invisible Corrupt Life (actually, she looks at the world with dirty eyes and everything she sees is dirty). A tragic performance to please the public (actually, it is a random fabrication that does not understand life). With the Winter Olympics as the theme, we need to pay more attention to the details of the three perspectives. Could it be a romantic drama based on the hottest topic? . Information about actors appearing in plays cannot be heard from hearsay. "The Name of Ice and Snow" is earthy and beautiful! . "The Name of Ice and Snow": In addition to talent and hard work, Yan Yang can win the championship because of these three professional qualities.

剧情运动电影《冰雪之名(2022)/中国冰雪 / To Our Dreamland of Ice》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


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