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悬疑惊悚奇幻古装电影《重明卫:大明机密(2018)/重明卫 / Chong Mingwei: Daming Secret》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

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悬疑惊悚奇幻古装电影《重明卫:大明机密(2018)/重明卫 / Chong Mingwei: Daming Secret》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《重明卫:大明机密(2018)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《重明卫 》,《 Chong Mingwei: Daming Secret》。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是闫乐阳,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员李川、余玥、陈烨林等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国大陆地区。本片的豆瓣评分是6.8分,在IMDB上,同样是这个原因,暂时也还没有人打出分数。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:重明卫:大明机密是一部悬疑,惊悚,奇幻,古装片,分集剧情                                                                      梵花飞尸案                                                                      勾栏院中飞尸陨落,尸身布满诡异绮丽的枝蔓状花纹。锦衣卫指挥史离奇暴毙,京城再掀梃击恐怖……                                                                      无间浮屠案                                                                      新帝登基,阴云遮日,佛像霎时青光遍体,沁血如泪。似天降不祥之气,众人惊恐之声响彻大殿……                                                                      魑魅夜游案                                                                      科举盛事,八方才子集聚京师,觥筹交错之时,探花身中数刀惨死,状元呓语惊人,城中诡影频现,似故人索命。朝堂市井,惶惶不得终日……                                                                      飞火燃灯案                                                                      花灯佳节,酒酣之时,观景台上,一人口中喷涌出青绿色烈焰,瞬时火焰蔓延全身,整个人成雄雄燃烧之势,坠落之时,一触即发,城中数人顷刻间身道异处……                                                                      萧墻之殇案                                                                      宫中旧人,接连殒命,疑犯无迹可寻。凶案频起,欲与重明卫叫嚣。“尸音”扑朔迷离,三人组生死成谜……一句话评论:就喜欢看少年意气风发组团打怪升级。时间短也可以把故事讲好。古装超能力探案脑洞槽点齐飞,有点期待下一季填坑。《重明卫》:古装X战警,脑洞与悬疑齐飞。重明卫-作为推理实在是技术含量低了一点。大胆在限制下探索新可能的重明卫,值得一追的下饭好剧。设定新颖有趣,故事渐入佳境,值得一看的良心国产剧。像是冰山一钝角。精彩的重明卫-大明机密。重明卫第一仵作—段谨。

Chongming Guards: The Secret of the Ming Dynasty is a suspense, thriller, fantasy, and costume film with a multi-episode plot. "The Case of the Flying Corpse of Fanhua" A flying corpse fell in the Goulan Courtyard, and the body was covered with strange and beautiful branch-like patterns. The commander of the Jin Yiwei died suddenly and mysteriously, and the capital was hit again by terror... "The Case of the Infernal Pagoda" When the new emperor ascended the throne, dark clouds covered the sun, and the Buddha statue suddenly glowed with green light, and the blood was like tears. It was like an ominous atmosphere descended from the sky, and everyone's panic resounded through the hall... The night tour of the demons was a grand imperial examination event. Talents from all over the capital gathered in the capital, and while they were drinking and drinking, Tan Hua died tragically with several knives in her body. The number one scholar uttered shocking words, and strange shadows appeared frequently in the city, as if The old friend asked for his life. The court and the market are in panic all day long... During the lantern festival, while drinking heavily, a man burst out with green flames from his mouth on the observation deck. The flames instantly spread all over his body, and the whole person became a burning force and fell. At that moment, something was about to happen, and several people in the city were suddenly in different places... Xiao Qiang's Death Case. Old people in the palace died one after another, and the suspect could not be traced. Murderous crimes occur frequently, and I want to fight withChongmingwei shouted. "The Sound of the Corpse" is confusing, and the life and death of the trio is a mystery... One sentence review: I just like watching young people team up to fight monsters and level up in high spirits. You can tell a good story even in a short amount of time. The costumed superpower detective is full of interesting ideas, and I am looking forward to filling the gaps in the next season. "Chong Ming Wei": X-Men in ancient costumes, imaginative and suspenseful. Chongmingwei - As a reasoning, the technical content is really low. Chongmingwei boldly explores new possibilities under restrictions. It is a good drama worth watching. The setting is novel and interesting, and the story is getting better and better. It is a conscientious domestic drama worth watching. Like an obtuse angle of an iceberg. Wonderful Chongming Guard - Ming Secrets. Duan Jin, the first author of Chongming Dynasty.

悬疑惊悚奇幻古装电影《重明卫:大明机密(2018)/重明卫 / Chong Mingwei: Daming Secret》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


重明卫:大明机密迅雷下载.2018.7.24gb.torrent 【7.24GB】
重明卫:大明机密.ep01-ep16.2018.1080p.web-dl.aac.h264-lieqiwang 【4.89GB】
cyw.chong ming wei.ep01-08.2018.1080p.web-dl.h264.aac-无 【3.01GB】
重明卫:大明机密01-08 【3.01 GB】




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