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[原版] 《如果/IF》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载









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发表于 2024-7-7 11:33:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一名名叫 Bea 的 12 岁女孩搬去和她的祖母玛格丽特住在一起,而她的父亲则在她母亲去世的同一家医院等待心脏手术。一天晚上,Bea 为她母亲的摄像机买了一个充电器,并发现一个奇怪的生物跟着它。第二天,Bea 再次发现了这个生物,但这次是和一个男人在一起。比亚跟着他们走进一所房子,一个名叫卡尔的男人收集了一个巨大的、毛茸茸的紫色生物,名叫蓝色。不久之后,一种名为“Blossom”的蝴蝶型生物现身,Bea 立即昏倒了。她醒来后,卡尔透露他一直在与 IF(想象中的朋友)合作,将它们送给其他孩子。起初持怀疑态度的 Bea 决定帮助 Cal。 第二天,Cal 和 Bea 前往“记忆巷退休之家”,IF 们都在那里闲逛。卡尔向 Bea 介绍了一只名叫 Lewis 的老年泰迪熊,他鼓励 Bea 发挥她的想象力,这让 Cals 很恼火。Bea 试图将其中一个 IF 与她所认识的一个小男孩相匹配。遇见了一个叫本杰明的人。然而,他看不到他们,这让Bea更加没有动力。卡尔告诉 Bea,IF 可能不需要新主人,而是需要与老孩子团聚。Bea 与玛格丽特交谈,她向她展示了一张她年轻时的旧照片,Bea 认出了背景中的 Blossom。比亚意识到布洛瑟姆是她祖母的 IF,她决定播放玛格丽特的一张旧唱片并鼓励她跳舞,她记得布洛瑟姆。比亚重拾希望。根据线索,比亚、卡尔和布鲁发现了布鲁斯的原主人,一个名叫杰里米的男人,现在他已经长大了,正在尝试开创自己的事业。在最初的失败之后,比亚和卡尔成功地提醒了杰里米布鲁,两人和解了。那天晚上晚些时候,比亚回到家,收到玛格丽特的坏消息,说她父亲的手术出了问题,比亚冲上楼,得到了卡尔的安慰。卡尔然后让比亚去医院并给他讲一个故事,于是比亚就去找他。父亲和他一直试图和她一起玩,而她试图长大,她仍然需要他,这最终唤醒了他。 Bea 去告诉她妈妈这个好消息,但她意识到所有的 IF 都消失了。Bea 上前感谢 Cal,但没有人回答。当地女房东透露,她试图打开的门通向一间旧储藏室。比亚斯的父亲出院了,他们回家了。在收拾行李时,Bea 看到了一张名叫 Calvin 的小丑的照片,她意识到 Cal 就是她自己的 IF,而她在母亲去世后就忘记了这一点。比亚闭上眼睛,记起了所有的 IF,并最终与卡尔重聚。玛格丽特问布洛瑟姆是否应该进去,并透露她可以看到她。 后来,卡尔让 IF 与他们所有原来的孩子重聚,现在都已经长大了,本杰明遇到了他的 IF,一条戴着眼镜的龙。比亚和她的父亲回到家,她的父亲被自己的隐形朋友 IF 绊倒。

A 12 year old girl named Bea moves in with her grandmother Margaret while her father waits for heart surgery at the same hospital her mother had died at. One night, Bea buys a charger for her mother's camcorder and discovers a bizarre creature following it.The following day, Bea spots the creature again, but this time it is with a man. Bea follows them into a house and the man called Cal collects a giant, furry purple creature named Blue. Soon after, a butterfly type creature called Blossom reveals herself and Bea immediately passes out. She wakes up and Cal reveals that he has been working with IFs (Imaginary Friends) to give them to other children. Bea, originally skeptical decides to help Cal.The next day, Cal and Bea go to the 'memory lane retirement home', where IFs hang out underneath Coney Island. Cal introduces Bea to an elderly teddy bear named Lewis and he encourages Bea to use her imagination, much to Cals annoyance.Bea attempts to match one of the IFs to a young boy who she met called Benjamin. However, he is unable to see them, which just makes Bea even more unmotivated. Cal gives Bea the idea that IFs may not need new owners, but rather to be reunited with their old kids.Bea talks to Margaret and she shows her an old picture of her when she was younger and Bea recognizes Blossom in the background. Bea realizes that Blossom was her grandmothers IF and she decides to play one of Margaret's old records and encourages her to dance and she remembers Blossom. Bea regains hope.Following clues, Bea, Cal and Blue discover Blues original owner, a man called Jeremy, who is now all grown up and trying to launch his own business. After an initial failure, Bea and Cal successfully remind Jeremy of Blue and the duo reconcile. Later that night, Bea returns home and receives bad news from Margaret that her father's operation went wrong and Bea rushes upstairs and becomes comforted by Cal. Cal then tells Bea to go to the hospital and tell him a story, so Bea heads to her father and he keeps trying to have fun with her, while she tries to be grown up and that she still needs him, which ultimately awakens him. Bea goes to tell her mother the good news, but she realizes all the IFs have gone.Bea goes up to thank Cal, but no one answers. The local landlady reveals that the door she was trying to open, leads to an old storage compartment room. Beas father is released from hospital and they return home. Whilst packing up the car, Bea sees a picture of a clown named Calvin and she realizes that Cal is her own IF, which she had forgotten after the death of her mother. Bea closes her eyes and remembers all of the IFs and ultimately reunites with Cal. Margaret asks Blossom if they should go inside, revealing that she can see her.Later, Cal reunites the IFs with all of their original kids, now all grown up and Benjamin meets his IF, a dragon with glasses. Bea and her father return home and her father trips over his own IF, an invisible friend.

《如果/IF》(2024) - 4K/1080P/720高清蓝光下载


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