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[BT电视剧2区] 电视剧电影《花样中年》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电视剧电影《花样中年》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


韦福荣、陈炳基、罗家辉这三个同居客兼好友,各人背景不同、遭遇各异、郄同样有着男人四十的困惑韦福荣,三十九岁,独身,AW广告公司创作总监,曾经是广告界的风云人物,从事广告创作的十数年间,屡获本地及国际广告大奖,相信只要有电视机及广告牌的地方,便会有他的广告。陈炳基,三十九岁,独身,尖端补习社校长兼创办人,人称补习天王之父。罗家辉,三十八岁,独身,是秋天话剧团的成员暨文书暨打杂暨茶水,也是个戏剧极端狂热爱好者,立志献身戏剧艺术。  对一个四十将至的男人来讲,福荣所面对的问题是由四方八面而来,除了身体上那明显后退的发线,原本坚固而排列有致的六块腹肌竟结义成为了一团最靓猪腩肉,还有家庭上的怪异组合。而感情上,一向有中环李察基尔称号的福荣,凭着其潇洒的外型,俊朗的脸孔,还有那极富自信的帅气,甚得女仕们的欢心,无奈福荣的爱情往往会因时间而淡下来,浓情转淡,最终亦逃不过分手收场,致令到今时今日也是孤家寡人。另一方面,炳基的补习社表面上虽然风光,但同行的恶性竞争、经济低迷、政府部门的诸多留难,着实存在着不少隐忧,但炳基郄仍未察觉,心中其实仍一直念念不忘前妻─阮小梅。至于家辉,虽然得不到父亲的认同和谅解,家辉一点也不退缩,尤其绝不因为自己是同性恋者而感羞耻,从不矫饰他是同志的身份。  福荣的缘份来了,一次便利店的偶遇、一包附有占卜咭的纸巾却为福荣带来了他生命中的这个人一关子淇。当时子淇正与她男友闹分手,就是一下擦肩而过,福荣竟被子淇临时拉夫扮作新情人来刺激其男友。经此一役后,二人间像是有着无形的牵引般,一次又一次的碰上。后来,福荣更成了子淇的爱情顾问、感情路上的明灯,福荣亦在不知不觉间,对子淇产生了好感。但福荣怎也想不到这感情脆弱的女子,竟就是公司新聘回来的另一个创作总监!在公事上,福荣总觉得子淇事事冲着自己而来,挑战其聪明,质疑其能力,但是一离开了公司,子淇瞬即又变回那个非常依靠自己的脆弱女子,令福荣陷于史无前例的迷茫与焦虑之中。  与此同时,炳基一方面要忙着补习社的救亡大计,另一方面却忙着照顾又再次失恋的哎?表妹─杨宁。炳基之所以会这么照顾杨宁,全因为她是其前妻小梅的表妹,欲借着跟杨宁的连系而得到小梅的一点消息。炳基心底里一直挂念着小梅,总希望有日能重聚,却想不到,有一日出现在自己眼前的,会是自己的女儿─阮伊彤。  伊彤性格像极小梅,最初,炳基在补习社遇见伊彤,还误以为是其它补习社请来踩场的高手,怎料她竟告诉是自己的亲生女儿。炳基虽然称得上是情场老手,追女无数,但对着自己的女儿,却是束手无策,还经常被伊彤倒过头来戏弄摆布。  另一方面,家辉在一次机缘巧合下遇上了大明星莫晓男,二人初次见面已不咬弦,家辉不满晓男总是摆出一副大牌明星的姿态,自以为是的完全不听导演的话,而晓男亦讨厌家辉的凡事絮絮不休以及经常把史坦尼夫斯基的方法演技挂在嘴边,更不断以此指正自己的演技。及后,晓男渐渐被家辉对戏剧的热诚所感化,二人由斗气到互相欣赏,由冤家成为无所不谈的好友,但有一个秘密,晓男始终没有告诉家辉。  三个中年男人,三个好朋友,住在同一屋檐下,一同经历着男人四十的种种冲击与考验,一起尝试从失败中学习成长,但到最后方领悟到,原来最可怕的并不在于年老、失业又或是失恋,而是失去了自我自信,其实丰盛富足的人生只在于四个字─活得出色!




Wei Furong, Chen Bingji, and Luo Jiahui are three co -living and friends. Each person has different backgrounds, different encounters, and also has the confusion of 40 men. Weifu Rong, 39 years old, alone, the creative director of the AW advertising company, used to be the advertising industry in the advertising industry. For more than a dozen years of advertising creation, there are many local and international advertising awards. I believe that as long as there are televisions and billboards, there will be his advertisement. Chen Bingji, 39 years old, is a celibate, the president and founder of the cutting club, known as the father of the tuition king. Luo Jiahui, 38 years old, is a member of the autumn drama troupe, a member of the drama, and the tea and tea. He is also an extreme enthusiast of drama. For a man who is close to forty, Furong faces the problem from the four directions. Except for the obvious backing line on the body, the six -piece abdominal muscles that were originally arranged in the original sturdy and arranged One of the most beautiful pork meat, and a weird combination in the family. In terms of emotion, Furong, who has always been the title of Li Chaji, Central, with his chic appearance, handsome face, and the handsome and handsomeness, he won the favor of the female officials. Love often fades due to time, and his affection fades, and in the end, he can't escape the breakup, so that it is now orphans today. On the other hand, although Bingji's tutoring clubs are on the surface, the vicious competition, economic downturn, and many difficulties in government departments really have a lot of hidden concerns, but Bing Jizheng has not yet noticed it. ─ Ruan Xiaomei. As for Jiahui, although he could not get his father's approval and understanding, Jiahui did not shrink at all, especially not ashamed of because he was gay, and never decorated him as a gay identity. The fate of Furong came, and the encounter of a convenience store, a pack of paper towels with divination, brought this person in his life to the man in his life. At that time, Zi Qi was breaking up with her boyfriend, just passing by, and Furong was temporarily Laf as a new lover by Zi Qi to stimulate his boyfriend. After this battle, the two of them seemed to have an intangible traction, and met again and again. Later, Fu Rong became Zi Qi's love consultant and the bright lights on the road of emotion. Furong also unknowingly felt a good opinion of Zi Qi. But Furong couldn't think of this fragile woman, which was another creative director who was newly hired by the company! In terms of business, Furong always felt that Zi Qi had come to himself, challenging his cleverness, and questioning his ability, but as soon as he left the company, Zi Qi instantly changed back to the fragile woman who relied herself. Falling in the unprecedented confusion and anxiety. At the same time, on the one hand, Bingji is busy with the savior of the tutoring club, but on the other hand, he is busy taking care of and lost love again? Cousin -Yang Ning. The reason why Bingji takes care of Yang Ning is all because she is the cousin of her ex -wife Xiaomei, and wants to get a little news from Xiaomei through the connection with Yang Ning. Bing Ji always thought about Xiaomei in his heart, always hoping that there was a daily meeting, but unexpectedly, one day appeared in front of his eyes, he would be his daughter -Ruan Yitong. Yitong's personality looks like a very small plum. At first, Bingji met Yitong in the tutoring community, and mistakenly thought it was other tuitionShe asked the masters who came to step on the scene, and she told her biological daughter. Although Bingji was called a veteran of love, and he chased countless women, but to his daughter, he was helpless, and was often poured by Yitong to tease. On the other hand, Jiahui met a big star Mo Xiaonan in a chance. The two did not bite the strings for the first time. Jiahui was dissatisfied with Xiao Nan always put on a big -name star. The director's words, and Xiao Nan also hates Jiahui's endless things and often hangs Stanphusky's method of acting skills to his mouth, and continuously corrects his acting skills. Later, Xiao Nan gradually was influenced by Jiahui's enthusiasm for the drama. The two were appreciated from each other to each other. The enemies became a friend who had nothing to talk about, but there was a secret. Xiao Nan never told Jiahui. Three middle -aged men, three good friends, lived under the same roof, experienced the various impacts and tests of the forty men, and tried to learn from the failure. In the old age, unemployment, or loss of love, but loss of self -confidence. In fact, the rich and rich life is only four words -live well!







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