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[BT-3区] 战争剧情运动电影《希特勒的男孩》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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战争剧情运动电影《希特勒的男孩》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载

电影《希特勒的男孩》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《英雄教育 / 纳粹军校 / 元首的精英 / Before the Fall / NaPolA / 希特勒的男孩 / Napola - Elite für den Führer》。影片于2004-12-25正式上映。是一部战争,剧情,运动类型的影片,情节非常引人入胜,这部电影的导演是丹尼斯·甘塞尔,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部电影,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员马克思·雷迈特,汤姆·希林,JonasJ?germeyr,大卫·史崔梭德,马丁·高尔斯等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,影片的制片和出品地区是在德国,在这里拍摄非常符合影片的人物设定和场景还原,这种影片的场景也非常贴合剧情需要。影片上映的评分是8.0,目前的评分基本和它的口碑一致。好的电影有好的评分,差的影片自然也是有低分和吐槽。

1942年的德国,来自柏林一个普通工人家庭的17岁少年Friedrich凭借自己的拳击天赋,获得了参加Napola入学考试的机会.Napola的全称是nationalpolitischenErziehungsanstalt---一个专门为纳粹德国培养未来的精英人才的高级军事学校.Friedrich很顺利地通过了测验,拿到了Napola的录取证书,他不顾父亲的强烈反对,离家出走,只身来到了Napola,要开始自己新的生活,因为他把这看作是自己的一次改变命运的机会.  在这个陌生的环境里,他必须一个人面对周遭的种种困难和危险、时时遵循Napola严格的教条制度,还要承受平日辛苦训练所带来的身体和心灵上的痛苦.凭着出色的身体素质和拳击技术,他也逐渐适应了这种紧张的流血流汗的生活.  而且他在这里结识了Albrecht,一个出身显赫但是整日多愁善感的男孩.他们两个人的性格有很大不同,Friedrich总是积极进取力争上游,但是Albrecht却沉默内向,他有一个脾气暴烈的军阀作派的父亲,Albrecht从小受父亲严厉而没有人情味的管教,内心早就厌倦了战争之类的东西,他是一个终日忧郁、对在Napola的学习颇为懈怠的寒星孤独派.就是这两个性格完全不同的人,在Napola成了最要好的朋友.Friedrich可以在Albrecht高贵出身的庇护下免受刁难的班长的欺凌,Albrecht能从Friedrich那里得到帮助和慰籍.  但是,Napola也有其黑暗的一面,Friedrich和Albrecht的同学Siegfried因为不堪忍受教官的凌辱而在一次训练事故中借机自杀,这对当时在场的每个人都是极大的打击.从Albrecht的眼睛里面,我们可以看到他对生命的领悟,我甚至觉得这样对他来说更危险了,因为他原本已经十分忧郁的眼睛变得更加忧郁.而他邀请Friedrich回家参加他的暴烈父亲的生日宴会的经历,更加重了他心中的阴影:他一直如此幼小如此瘦弱,让出身将门之后的父亲对他十分失望,和高大健壮又是拳击好手的Friedrich比起来,用他父亲的话说就是"你太弱了,太弱了".之后经历的一件事则是把Albrecht推向深渊的最后一击.随着前线战事日益激烈,Napola将派出一支青年部队上前线.Albrecht的父亲便给这些从没有真正上过战场的男孩们安排了一场荷枪实弹的杀人演练.Friedrich和Albrecht的那一小队在黑暗中击毙了好几个和他们一样年龄的犯人.Albrecht发现自己真的打中了别人之后开始歇斯底里起来,他要拼命给犯人止血,要把他救活,但是被凶暴的父亲一把拉开然后他一枪结果了犯人.  Albrecht彻底崩溃了,他心灵的最后一道脆弱的防线被无情的击碎.杀人与被杀从来都是他想都未曾想过的很遥远的问题,这对其他参加了杀人演练的少年们也是一样的.每个人的心灵都被沉重打击了.或许经过这样的第一次之后,有的人会变得心狠手辣起来,以后上战场作战杀人就再也没有畏惧了.但是对Albrecht,再看他的眼睛,我意识到这孩子不能活了,他已经完全丧失活下去的信念.在他和Friedrich最后一次深情地交谈之后,或许Friedrich也已经意识到自己的朋友已经做出了选择.  接下来的冰湖游泳训练让Albrecht为自己找到了解决问题的办法.他第三个跳进封冻的冰湖,然后就再也没有上来,沉默地、但是心满意足的沉入了冰冷的湖底……这一幕拍得无比美丽...  Albrecht的死更像是一种超脱,只有明净剔透的冰湖才能承载他敏感而纯洁的内心.然后一切都化为乌有.这对Friedrich也是重大的打击,他开始重新理解生活,重新定义人生.所谓的效忠元首、为帝国振兴服务之类也不过是残酷现实的一层破烂的外衣.他开始了反抗,即使要放弃即将属于他的荣誉.在决定胜负的拳击台上,他看到Albrecht的父亲正带着满意的微笑注视着自己,于是,他放下了拳头,让对手一拳又一拳把自己击倒,宁可永远输掉比赛,他也不会再作所谓的元首的精英了.于是在画面上,我们看到Friedrich被对手狠狠地打,但是心里会默念:这孩子赢了,他不向命运低头.这一点,比什么都重要.电影的结尾,Friedrich被逐出了Napola,外面大雪纷飞,看看身后那座古堡,一切似乎都那么陌生……  这部电影有一种震撼心灵的力量,让人不能不为之感慨.作为去年推出的二战题材作品之一,Napola是从青少年的角度出发.这部电影的全名是Napola---ElitefürdenFührer(Napola,元首的精英),看过电影之后让人明白,元首的精英们是这样的生活这样的意识.和DerUntergang一样,他们呈现的是更全面更深刻的人性,而不是简单的善与恶。

又名:英雄教育 / 纳粹军校 / 元首的精英 / Before the Fall / NaPolA / 希特勒的男孩 / Napola - Elite für den Führer


In Germany in 1942, a 17-year-old boy from a ordinary worker family in Berlin obtained the opportunity to participate in the Napola admission examination with his own boxing talent. Napola's full name is the NationalPolitischenerziehungsanstalt --- a elite person who specializes in the future Germany to train the future. Senior military school. Frich passed the test smoothly and got the Napola's admission certificate. Regardless of his father's strong opposition, he ran away from home and came to Napola. An opportunity to change destiny. In this strange environment, he must face all the difficulties and dangers around him, always follow Napola's strict dogma system, but also bear the body and spiritual spirit of hard work brought about on weekdays. Pain. With excellent physical fitness and boxing technology, he gradually adapted to this intense bleeding and sweating life. And he met Albrecht here, a boy who was a prominent but sad all day. It is very different. Friedrich always strives for the upstream, but Albrecht is silent. He has a fierce warrior's father. Albrecht has been severely disciplined by his father since he was a child. Things, he is a cold star who is depressed and has a slackness of learning in Napola. These two people with completely different personalities have become the best friends in Napola. Frich can be exempted from the asylum of albrecht's noble background. The bullied squad leader can be helped and comforted from Friedrich. However, Napola also has its dark side. Friedrich and Albrecht's classmates SIEGFRied have taken the opportunity to commit suicide in a training accident because they can't bear the insult of the instructor. It was a great blow to everyone present at the time. From Albrecht's eyes, we can see his understanding of life, and I even think that this is more dangerous for him because he has already changed his very melancholy eyes to change. It is even more melancholy. He invited Friedrich to go home to participate in his fierce father's birthday banquet, which heavier the shadow in his heart: he has always been so young and so weak that his father behind the door was very disappointed with him, and he was tall and strong. Compared to the Friedrich, which is a good boxer, compared to his father's words, you are too weak, too weak \u0026 quot ;. After that, you have pushed Albrecht to the last blow of the abyss. Increasingly fierce, Napola will send a young troops to the front line. The father of the young troops will arrange a killing of the boys who have never really entered the battlefield.The exercise. Frich and Albrecht's team killed several prisoners of the same age as their age. The team found that they really hit others and started hysteria. He wanted to stop bleeding to the prisoner and rescue him. But the fierce father pulled away and then he shot the prisoner. Albrecht collapsed completely. Very distant question, which is the same for other teenagers who participated in the murder drills. Everyone's mind was severely hit. Maybe after such the first time, some people will become ruthless and spicy. There is no fear of combat killing. But for Albrecht, look at his eyes, I realize that the child cannot live, and he has completely lost his belief. I have also realized that my friends have made a choice. The next ice lake swimming training has made Albrecht find a solution to himself. He jumped into the frozen ice lake, and then never came up again, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silently, and silent, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silently, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silent, silently. The ground, but contented into the bottom of the cold lake ... This scene is extremely beautiful ... Albrecht's death is more like a detachment. Only the clear and clear ice lake can carry his sensitive and pure heart. Then everything is everything. It turns into Wuyou. This is also a major blow to Friedrich. He began to re -understand life and redefine life. The so -called loyalty of the heads, services for the revitalization of the empire are just a rotten coat. Even if he wants to give up his honor that is about to belong to him. On the boxing table that determines the victory, he saw Albrecht's father staring at himself with a satisfactory smile, so he put down his fist and let the opponent punch himself with punch and punch himself. When knocking down, it would rather lose the game forever, and he will no longer be the elite of the so -called head of state. So on the picture, we see that Friedrich was hit by the opponent fiercely, but he would meditate in his heart: the child won Looking down to destiny. This is more important than anything. At the end of the movie, Friedrich was expelled from Napola. It was snowing outside and seeing the old castle behind him. Power, people can't help but feel for it. As one of World War II works launched last year, Napola is from the perspective of teenagers. The full name of this movie is Napola --- EliteFürdenführer (Napola, elite of the head of state), and has seen the elite of the heads of state. After the movie, people understand that the elites of the heads of state are such a consciousness. Like Deruntergang, they present more comprehensive and deeper humanity, rather than simple goodness and evil.




[6.52GB]希特勒的男孩.Before.The.Fall.2004.720p.BluRay.x264-CHD [PublicHD].torrent

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希特勒的男孩 高清 MP4 992M
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第1部分 低画质 MP4 140M




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