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[BT-3区] 电影《网瘾战争》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载小众纪录片电影下载









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电影《网瘾战争》-蓝光4K/1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT BT下载小众纪录片电影下载


《网瘾战争》是由著名导演内详导演的于2010年大陆地区上映的一部类型的科幻片,由魔兽主演,该片主要讲述了电影全称《看你妹之网瘾战争》,基本上全用的是《魔兽世界》里的游戏场景截取编辑而成。作者是魔兽世界的有名玩家性感玉米;,制作团队叫爱老虎油;,参与配音的都是魔兽世界中的有名玩家。看你妹;本是游戏中网友相互调侃之语,在片中成为主人公的名字。电影作者像所有魔兽玩家一样玩不到资料片《巫妖王之怒》,进而调侃杨永信。  片中对迟迟不开《巫妖王之怒》愤怒不已:房价高!足球臭!还不让老子玩魔兽!等了这么久了,连阿娇都复出了!巫妖王还没给我开?;  整部影片以九城和网易争夺魔兽世界代理权事件为基本框架,把对游戏内容的审批和修改,两家公司的明争暗斗都嘲讽了一遍,另外还穿插了大量的2009年网络热点事件,比如钓鱼执法,七十码等。  片中反角之一杨永新;明显影射杨永信,他的特技是核谐电击;,成为阻止新版魔兽世界上市的主要阻力。主角对着杨声讨说:我们是玩着游戏长大的一代人。这么多年来,人变了,游戏也变了,可我们对游戏的喜爱没有变。我们玩家群体在这个社会中的弱势地位没有变。当我们累了一天,打开那扇月租2000元的房门却面对的是如此畸形的一个游戏时,心里只有无奈。;  性感玉米;在接受采访时说:我就是觉得憋屈  性感玉米接受了本报记者的采访。他说,制作这部电影的主要原因就是2009年一年来,魔兽世界的玩家因为不能在自己国家的服务器上玩这个游戏,就算玩到了也是被修改后的版本,感到无比憋屈:因为国服魔兽已经被修改得我自己电影下载不能接受,所以我去了台湾地区的服务器玩,但刚去的时候,被当地玩家所歧视;,我作为一个游戏玩家,本来是这个社会上最无害的一群人,但现在却无法在自己的服务器与朋友一起玩游戏。;另外,他也十分反感舆论对网游玩家的妖魔化,于是就把杨永信当成了一个代表人物,在影片里进行调侃。  电影时长达一个小时有余,制作时间超过三个月。先是由性感玉米写好剧本,请网友在游戏中进行表演,截取视频。然后再通过网络请网友配音。但这部作品除了他家的电费之外,没花一分钱。  作品赢得网友称赞,甚至是不玩魔兽的网友也在推荐。最后一段主人公号召所有的普通玩家举起手,共同反抗对手的时候,有网友哭了。有网友评论说,当看着《网瘾战争》中那些小人举起自己的手,我感受到的是如海潮般的共鸣。再小的力量也是一种力量,再小的声音也是一种声音,这次,我不想再沉默。;而视频下面的跟帖中,更是有大量的网友在举手;。



The \"Internet Addiction War\" is a type of science fiction film released by the famous director in the mainland in 2010. Starred by Warcraft, the film mainly describes the full name \"Watch your sister's Internet addiction war\", basically The full use of the game scene in \"World of Warcraft\" is edited. The author is a famous player of World of Warcraft sexy corn; the production team is called love tiger oil; and the famous players in World of Warcraft are participating in the dubbing. Look at your sister; this is a word of ridicule of netizens in the game, becoming the name of the protagonist in the film. The film author can't play the expansion film \"The Wrath of the Lich King\" like all Warcraft players, and then teases Yang Yongxin. In the film, I am angry at \"The Wrath of the Lich King\": High house prices! Football odor! Don't let Lao Tzu play Warcraft! After waiting for so long, even Gillian came back! Haven't the Lich King who opened it yet? ; The entire film is based on Jiucheng and NetEase competing for World of Warcraft's agency rights incident as the basic framework. The approval and modification of the content of the game, the two companies are ridiculed again, and they also interspersed a large number of online hot incidents in 2009. Such as fishing law enforcement, seventy yards, etc. Yang Yongxin, one of the opposite angles in the film; obviously reflect Yang Yongxin, his stunts are nuclear harmonious electric shocks; it has become the main resistance to prevent the listing of the new version of World of Warcraft. The protagonist told Yang Sheng: We are a generation who grew up in the game. Over the years, people have changed and games have changed, but our love for the game has not changed. The vulnerable position of our player group in this society has not changed. When we were tired for a day, when we opened the door of 2,000 yuan a month, we faced such a malformed game, and we had only helplessness. Sexy corn; in an interview, I said: I just felt that sexy corn was interviewed by this reporter. He said that the main reason for making this movie is that in the year of 2009, the players in World of Warcraft because they could not play this game on the server of their own country. Even if it was played, it was a modified version. Warcraft has been modified to download my own movies, so I went to the server in Taiwan to play, but when I first went, I was discriminated against by local players;, as a gamer, I was originally the most harmless in this society in this society. A group of people, but now I can't play games with friends in their own servers. In addition, he was also very disgusted with the demonization of public opinion on online game players, so he regarded Yang Yongxin as a representative figure and ridiculed in the film. The movie is as soon as one hour and the production time is more than three months. First write the script by sexy corn, please perform in the game and intercept the video. Then please voice the netizens through the Internet. But this work did not spend a penny except his electricity bill. The work has won praise from netizens, and even netizens who do not play Warcraft are recommended. In the last paragraph, the protagonist called on all ordinary players to raise his hand to fight against the opponent, and some netizens cried. Some netizens commented that when watching the villains in the \"Innocent War\" raised their own hands, what I felt was resonance like a tide. No matter how small the power is, it is also a kind of power, no matter how small the soundIt is also a sound. This time, I don't want to silence again.; In the follow -up of the video, there are a large number of netizens raising their hands;








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