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[BT电视剧3区] 悬疑奇幻影视剧《无心法师3(2020)/无心法师Ⅲ / 无心法师第三季》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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悬疑奇幻影视剧《无心法师3(2020)/无心法师Ⅲ / 无心法师第三季》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
悬疑奇幻影视剧《无心法师3(2020)/无心法师Ⅲ / 无心法师第三季》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

影视剧《无心法师3(2020)》,这部影视剧在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为,《无心法师Ⅲ 》,《 无心法师第三季》。本片的发行语言是汉语普通话。本片导演是徐惠康、李亦翀,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员韩东君、陈瑶、隋咏良、丁桥、檀健次、牛骏峰、叶青等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是中国大陆地区。本片的豆瓣评分是6.3分,在IMDB上,同样是这个原因,暂时也还没有人打出分数。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:无心法师3是一部悬疑,奇幻片,强盛的大唐帝国已经步入黄昏,煊赫的大氏族日渐没落。权贵与百姓都在不甘的挣扎,  追求着虚妄的永生,  而无心,却一心求死。在此期间,他邂逅了神秘的柳家姐弟,姐姐青鸾英武果决,  弟弟玄鹄孱弱腹黑。  无心和青鸾联手解决了一系列离奇事件,彼此惺惺相惜。青鸾爱慕无心,却不敢表白,无心欣赏青鸾,却不愿耽误她。一封神秘来信打破了日常生活,无心护送姐弟俩返乡。他们本想查明真相,不料却被卷入种种残酷诡谲的事端...几经艰险,幕后黑手终于浮出水面一一竟是和无心结有宿怨的白琉璃。而白琉璃身后,居然还有着一一个关于长生不老的惊天阴谋。决战中,无心意外找到了取死之法,本可以获得梦寐以求的解脱,却在最后关头为了青鸾而毅然放弃。此时的他还不知道,青鸾玄鹄姐弟和千余年后的岳绮罗,有着千丝万缕的联系....一句话评论:下雨天,无心法师和无脑剧情更配哦!!。剧情奇弱,唐人请个好点的编剧吧,别浪费演员了!。稀烂的一部剧。无力遇冷的只有《无心法师3》吗?。怎么变成破案片了?。期待无心法师第四部。《无心法师3》暗示影视剧乱象,讽刺流量明星粉丝。1最好,2勉强,3你到底在讲什么?!。这是最好的结果。无聊法师3。

悬疑奇幻影视剧《无心法师3(2020)/无心法师Ⅲ / 无心法师第三季》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

Unconscious Master 3 is a suspense, fantasy film. The strong Tang Empire has entered the dusk, and the big clan of the Hehe has gradually declined. The wealthy and the people are struggling with unwillingness, pursuing the virtual eternal life, but inadvertently, but asks to death. During this period, he met the mysterious Liu family sister, sister Qing Yan Yingwu's decision, and his brother Xuan Zhen was weak. Unintentional and Qing Yan joined forces to solve a series of bizarre events, and they cherished each other. Qing Yan admired the heartlessness, but did not dare to confess, she didn't want to appreciate Qingye, but she didn't want to delay her. A mysterious letter broke the daily life and returned to the hometown without help with the sister. They wanted to find out the truth, but they were involved in all kinds of brutal and strange things ... After several difficulties, the black hands behind the scenes finally surfaced the white glazed white glass with no intention. Behind Bai Liuli's body, there was actually a shocking conspiracy about the immortality. During the decisive battle, I did not intentionally find the method of getting the death of death. I could have obtained the dream of liberation, but at the end of the moment, I resolutely gave up for the young. At this time, he didn't know that the sister and brother of Qing Xuanxuan and Yue Qiluo more than a thousand years later had a lot of connections .... In a sentence, comments: On rainy days, the unintentional mage and brainless plot are more matched! Intersection Essence The plot is very weak, the Tang people invite a better screenwriter, don't waste the actor! Essence A rare drama. Is only \"Unconscious Master 3\" who is unable to encounter cold? Essence How did it become a case? Essence Looking forward to the fourth part of the unconscious Master. \"Unconscious Master 3\" implies the chaos of film and television dramas, ironic flowing stars fans. 1 The best, 2 barely, what are you talking about? Intersection Essence This is the best result. Boring Master 3.

悬疑奇幻影视剧《无心法师3(2020)/无心法师Ⅲ / 无心法师第三季》-影视资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


无心法师3.ep25-28.2020.1080p.国语中字.webrip.h265.mp4 【2.21GB】
无心法师3.ep21-24.2020.1080p.国语中字.webrip.h265.mp4 【2.29GB】
无心法师3.ep17-20.2020.1080p.国语中字.webrip.h265.mp4 【2.23GB】
无心法师3.ep09-12.2020.1080p.国语中字.webrip.h265.mp4 【2.53GB】
无心法师3.ep13-16.2020.1080p.国语中字.webrip.h265.mp4 【2.49GB】
无心法师第三季.2020.ep01-08.hd1080p.x264.aac.mandarin.chs.bde4 【4.76GB】
无心法师3.e01-08.2020.web-dl.2160p(4k).h265.aac-amber 【10.58GB】
无心法师第三季.2020.ep09-12.hd1080p.x264.aac.mandarin.chs.bde4 【2.9GB】
无心法师3.ep01-ep08.2020.hd1080p.x264.aac.mandarin.chs.mp4b 【4.05 GB】
无心法师3.ep09-ep12.2020.hd1080p.x264.aac.mandarin.chs.mp4b 【2.16GB】
无心法师3.ep01-08.2020.1080p.国语中字.webrip.h265.mp4 【4.89GB】




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