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[BT-5区] 剧情电影《白色巨塔(1966)/ 白い巨塔/The Great White Tower / The Ivory Tower》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载









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剧情电影《白色巨塔(1966)/ 白い巨塔/The Great White Tower / The Ivory Tower》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
剧情电影《白色巨塔(1966)/ 白い巨塔/The Great White Tower / The Ivory Tower》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

电影《白色巨塔(1966)》,这部电影在其他国家或地区也被叫做或翻译为《白い巨塔》,《The Great White Tower 》,《 The Ivory Tower》。本片于1966-10-15(日本)正式上映。本片的片长是150分钟。本片的发行语言是日语。本片导演是山本萨夫,这也是他的代表作品,在接受采访时他说,为了拍摄这部片子,他筹备了很长时间。主演阵容也是非常的强大,演员田宫二郎、东野英治郎、田村高广、小泽荣太郎、船越英二、泷泽修、藤村志保、小川真由美、岸辉子、加藤嘉、清水将夫、石山健二郎、加藤武、下条正巳、铃木瑞穗、早川雄三、高原骏雄、潮万太郎、北原义郎、長谷川待子、泷花久子、村田扶实子、竹村洋介、南方伸夫、阿井美千子、岡崎夏子等都参与了演出,而且在剧中表现都非常可圈可点,这部影片制片和出品地区是日本地区。本片的豆瓣评分是8.4分,本片在IMDB上的评分则是7.2分。总的来说,这个分数比较符合本片的实际情况。

剧情梗概:白色巨塔是一部剧情片,浪速大学医学部第一外科的东贞藏教授(东野英治郎 饰)退休在即,拥有出色手术技巧且在医护工作者中享有极高人气的副教授财前五郎(田宫二郎 饰)是下一任教授的最有力候选人。出身贫寒的财前对名利有着超乎常人的野心,却也因此招至了东教授的不满。为了阻挡财前的步伐,东策划在全国范围内选拔继任者。感受到莫大压力的财前,在岳父财前又一(石山健二郎 饰)及大阪市北区医师会强大财力支持下,火力全开对教授职位进行搏命狙击。与此同时,一名胃癌患者交到财前手中。但是热衷名利之争的财前罔顾同期里见修二(田村高广 饰)的建议,自顾自进行了手术,最终将自己卷入医疗事故的漩涡之中……                                                                      本片根据山崎丰子的同名原作改编。Zaizen Goro may only be an assistant professor but he has already made a name for himself. His superior, however, does not approve of his attitude towards their profession, and is at odds over who to nominate as his successor. The selection of the new professor reveals a rich and complex political world inside Naniwa University.一句话评论:白色巨塔电影版。对比电视剧。《白色巨塔》电影剧本。FIFF12丨DAY7《白色巨塔》:你看见的是雪白的象牙塔,看不见的是塔里肆意飞溅的鲜血。这才是最出色的白色巨塔改编。山本萨夫用镜俐落。演员不错,剧情总体来说有些流水账。零碎感想。大悲咒。。

剧情电影《白色巨塔(1966)/ 白い巨塔/The Great White Tower / The Ivory Tower》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载

The white giant tower is a plot, Professor Dongzhen Tibetan (Higashino Richo) of the first surgery of the Department of Medicine of Langsu University retirement is imminent. Jie) is the most powerful candidate for the next professor. The poverty -stricken fortune had a great ambition to fame and fortune, but it also recruited Professor Dong's dissatisfaction. In order to prevent the pace of wealth, East planned to select successors nationwide. The front of wealth that felt the pressure of great stress, with the support of the Father -in -law (Shi Shan Jian Erlang) and the doctor of the North District of Osaka, the firepower was fully fought to the professor's position. At the same time, a gastric cancer patient was handed over to the front of wealth. However, the predicament of the presence of fame and fortune ignored the suggestions of Xiu Er (Takamura Takura) in the same period, and conducted surgery by himself, and finally involved himself in the vortex of the medical accident ... This film is based on Yamazaki Toyoko the same name. The original adaptation. Zaizen Goro may only be an assistant professor but he has already made a name for himself. His superior, however, does not approve of his attitude towards their profession, and is at odds over who to nominate as his successor. The selection of the new Professor Reveals a Rich and Complex Polictical World Inside Naniwa University. Compared with TV series. \"White Giant Tower\" movie script. FIFF12 丨 Day7 \"White Giant Tower\": What you see is the white ivory tower, what you can't see is the blood splattered in the tower. This is the best white tower adaptation. Yamamoto Saf is neatly used. The actor is good, and the plot is generally a bit of a current account. Think of it. Great tragedy. Essence

剧情电影《白色巨塔(1966)/ 白い巨塔/The Great White Tower / The Ivory Tower》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载


白色巨塔迅雷下载.1966.2.22gb.torrent 【2.22GB】




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上一篇:剧情电影《芬尼根守灵夜(1966)/ Finnegans Wake/Finnegans Wake / Passages from Finnegans Wake》-电影资源1080P/720P/360P高清标清网盘BT迅雷下载
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